
Chapter 916: meet

"Xu Ran, if you're here, then I'll give you this face. I won't kill her. But do you remember your promise before? You promised me before that as long as I come, I'll know about her."

Tang San suppressed the anger in his heart, although he was very angry, but at this moment he also understood that it was unrealistic to want to kill his woman under Xu Ran's eyes.

Moreover, the most important thing for him now is to know the news about his mother.

Ah Yin, the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor.

Although he didn't know what Xu Ran did, he knew what Xu Ran must have done.

"Of course, I won't break my promise." Xu Ran shrugged.

"Xu Ran, you..." Tang Yuehua bit her red lips lightly, looking at Tang San with hatred, hoping that Xu Ran would kill Tang San quickly.

"Good. You go to rest for a while, and I'll explain to you later." Xu Ran patted Tang Yuehua's hair dotingly, seeing that the softly dressed hair was a little messy by his kneading before he stopped.

"Okay. Then be careful with Tang San, he is so despicable, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Tang Yuehua said with some concern.

Now she has only Xu Ran as a relative. She knows that Xu Ran is very strong, but she is also afraid that Xu Ran will leave her like everyone else. If that's the case, what's the point of her living alone?

"Ok, I know."

Seeing Tang Yuehua's weak appearance, Xu Ran felt pity in his heart.

He knew that he was ashamed of her, and he could only make up for this indebtedness by loving her more in the next life.

Tang Yuehua obediently left, and Xu Ran looked at Tang San seriously.

Noticing that Tang San's aura was much stronger than when he was on Seagod Island, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, Tang San's growth rate was really not slow now. Is this turning grief into strength?

"Xu Ran, you are so despicable. If Auntie knew what you did, she didn't know how she would feel. The person beside her is not as good as she imagined, but a devil instead. It's ridiculous." Tang San sneered Looking at Xu Ran, I felt very unhappy.

"So what? In a few days, I'm going to marry her as a daughter-in-law. The two things I hate about your Tang family and I like Yuehua are not in conflict. When I think of your father's hateful eyes when they died, On the contrary, I like Yuehua more and more. You say, isn't this very interesting?" Xu Ran teased.

"Xu Ran, you! No wonder you want me to attend your wedding, so you are thinking about it?" Tang San wanted to vomit blood. His own aunt, the only descendant of Clear Sky Sect other than him, wants to marry the great enemy Xu Ran? He was irritated just thinking about it.

If his father found out, he would not be able to rest in peace under Jiuquan.

"Xu Ran. I've never understood where I provoke you, why do you keep doing this to me?" Tang San looked at Xu Ran angrily. He knew that everything Xu Ran did now was to torture him.

From the very beginning, Xu Ran had been humiliating him when he saw him. At that time, Xu Ran, as if he knew him, deliberately made out to Xiao Wu to humiliate him.

He thought it was no accident.

There are so many people in this world who have provoked Xu Ran, Dai Mubai just died and died, even if it was miserable, it wouldn't be as miserable as him. Why did Xu Ran keep torturing him so much? what is this?

"I can't tell you the reason for this. Just think that I have seen through your future. I hate you in the future." Xu Ran smiled slightly.

"My future me?"

Tang San looked at Xu Ran strangely.

"I don't want to hear your bullshit, I want to know about her, you take me to see her." Tang San didn't believe that Xu Ran could foresee the future, and waved his hand.

"Okay, I'll take you there. Although she has been staying in Tian Dou City, I have never done anything undue to her." Xu Ran explained. He was going to give Tang San a little hope first, and then rub Tang San's pitiful self-esteem on the ground.


Tang San looked at Xu Ran suspiciously.

He knew Xu Ran's character very well. Nothing else to say, **** is absolutely true!

The 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor turned into a human being, which made his father's love tear his heart out. How magnificent should his mother be? And Xu Ran would not be interested in such a person?

Xu Ran really didn't do anything to her?

Although he was also looking forward to it and hoped so, he always felt that it was not realistic.

"What did I lie to you for? Although I always wanted to pursue her, she never agreed to me. No matter how despicable I was, I wouldn't use coercion to bully a woman." Xu Ran said.

"Huh?" Tang San wondered how credible Xu Ran's words were.

However, although Xu Ran was despicable, he treated all the women around him obediently and let them love them to the death. But Xu Ran has never done anything to force others.

It's just that Xu Ran's routine for picking girls is too deep.

And his mother must be a very pure person with a strong personality, and will not be deceived by Xu Ran's routine.

Xu Ran brought Tang San to a manor, an attic, where Lan'er dressed extremely beautifully was waiting for Xu Ran and Tang San to arrive.

"It's here, you go in, I won't go in to disturb you." Xu Ran pouted. When he wants to let Tang San see him marry Lan'er, will Tang San's mentality explode?

"My mother is she really in there?"

At this moment, Tang San looked at the wooden door in front of him, actually a little nervous.

That woman was even more important to him than his father.

This is the one who gave her life.

He gently opened the door and looked at the blue shadow in the room, tears dispersed.

The feeling of being connected by blood cannot be deceived. That feeling is really...

Tang San looked at Lan'er reverently, excited.

"You are unfilial, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has made you suffer over the years."

Tang San thumped and knelt on the ground, kowtow frantically.

At this moment, he felt that his life had meaning again. In the past, he felt like a walking corpse when he was bullied by Xu Ran, especially after all his relatives were persecuted by Xu Ran, he lost the meaning of life like a headless fly.

When he saw this kind figure in front of him, his heart was once again filled with waves.

This time, he wants to protect, he wants to protect this hard-won family.

"Little San? Is that you? My little San?"

The blue-dressed figure called out Tang San's name, and a look of disgust flashed across her eyes. If Xu Ran hadn't asked her to act, she would never have come to see Tang San. Tang San can only make her feel ashamed, remind her of her past, make her feel sorry for Xu Ran.

She is Xu Ran now, and everything in the past makes her feel ashamed.

If possible, she wanted to kill Tang San with her own hands.