
Chapter 914: Tang 3 is coming, see Tang Yuehua

After Xu Ran returned to Heaven Dou City, he sent invitations to all the famous forces on the mainland.

Of course, Tang San was no exception.

After all, Tang San was the protagonist in this good show.

"Xu Ran. Now I have improved a lot from before. Even if I am a little worse than the God King, it is not much worse. Sooner or later I will stand up, Tang San." Tang San stood on the top of the mountain, Looking at Tian Dou City not far away, there was a gleam in his eyes.

These days, he has been dormant and cultivating, trying to wait for the opportunity to destroy Xu Ran.

Although he is still some distance away from Xu Ran now, it is definitely not too big. Waiting for an opportunity to die, I don't know who will die.

"You said that you will tell me about your mother this time. I hope you won't break your promise, or I won't let you go this time. You won't feel better if you push me too hard."

Tang San was wearing a long robe, looking into the distance, his heart suddenly swayed.

Although he had never met this woman who had given him life he had never met before, he could also feel her peerless elegance from the words of the people around her.

"Mother, the baby will pick you up this time. Just wait for me for a while."

"Father, teacher, uncle, great-grandfather... Sooner or later I will avenge you." Tang San slowly muttered these names, his heart pierced as if he had been stabbed.

Those people died because of him.

Xu Ran killed his whole family.

"It's time to go. Xu Ran. This time, I'll see what tricks you want to pull off. There are also cousins, aunts, and the others. I will explain your evil deeds to them. I will not allow you to kill our clansmen and possess them. body." Tang San murmured.

He has understood these days.

In Yuexuan, his aunt, his father's sister, was actually possessed by Xu Ran by bad means.

This is simply a shame.

He didn't need to think about it, he knew that his aunt must have been deceived by Xu Ran.

If the aunt knew that Xu Ran and the Clear Sky Sect had a **** feud with the Tang family, as long as the aunt still had a trace of conscience, she would not be with Xu Ran.

He believes in it.

"Xu Ran, you are really despicable. You used despicable means to take away Xiao Wu, and now you are doing this to your aunt. Since you love your aunt, why do you still kill his clan, his brother, and abuse him? Her nephew? You deserve to be with her too? Right now, in the entire Clear Sky Sect, there should be only the aunt's bloodline."

"Xu Ran, you are really ruthless. As long as a normal person can't do such a thing." Tang San cursed angrily and came to Heaven Dou City.

Moon Xuan.

Tang San approached Yuexuan, looking at the elegant layout around him, feeling that his soul was baptized.

It is said that all the layouts of these attics were designed by his aunt whom he had never met. This is really beautiful, without any too expensive embellishments, but there is a sense of extraordinary nobility everywhere.

But when he thought of his aunt being defiled by Xu Ran, his heart ached.

If the father and the uncle knew about the relationship between the aunt and Xu Ran, they would probably roar angrily in the underground. Especially my father, I heard that the brother-sister relationship between him and his aunt is the best.

There is also the great-grandfather, his hatred for Xu Ran is definitely the strongest. Xu Ran designed his hands to be stained with the blood of his relatives, so that even if he died, he would still have deep regret and guilt, and what would happen if he knew that his granddaughter was with his most hated enemy ?


"If you don't listen to my dissuasion, I'll kill you. Under the **** feud, my Tang family girl absolutely cannot serve Xu Ran." Tang San was ready to leave at this time.

He knew that maybe his aunt was brainwashed just like Bo Saixi at the time, no, maybe his aunt was more thoroughly brainwashed. He wanted to convince his aunt that Xu Ran was a bad person, and presumably her aunt would not believe it.

But if she didn't believe it, even if he wanted to kill his aunt himself, he would have to do it.

All the clan members were washed with blood, and the aunt, an enemy who was blinded by the enemy, served the genocide enemy, and even gave birth to descendants for the genocide enemy. Once this kind of thing happened, it would be the greatest humiliation to the Tang family.

The Tang family is strong, and even if it is now in decline, he will never allow such a thing to happen.

"Who are you?"

Tang Yuehua was wearing a moon-white robe and her long soft hair was bound up. She sat cross-legged, stroking a guqin in her hand, and a pleasant voice came out.

After being with Xu Ran, Xu Ran taught Tang Yuehua many famous songs from his previous life. Some tunes are definitely a huge innovation in Douluo Continent.

And what Tang Yuehua is playing at the moment is undoubtedly a cheerful and vast piece of music, which is very pleasant.

Tang San stood at the door, looking at the woman in the room, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

His Tang family has such a talented woman, but...

Xu Ran! Stealing the beauty of his Tang family and killing his Tang family's clansmen is an inseparable feud.

"who are you?"

Tang Yuehua watched the approaching person vigilantly.

Xu Ran reminded him that now he has made too many enemies, so be careful when letting them walk outside. To this end, they were also given tools to deliver news to Xu Ran.

As long as they urged, Xu Ran would rush over.


Tang San's voice was a little hoarse. Seeing relatives who were close to him by blood, his heart couldn't help but tremble. Now all his relatives are gone, and they were all mercilessly killed by Xu Ran.

Except for the mother who was kidnapped by Xu Ran and has not been seen until now, this aunt is the closest to him.

This is his father's closest sister.

"You are?"

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San suspiciously. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Aunt, I'm Tang San, the son of your brother Tang Hao." Tang San continued to explain.

"Tang San? So you're Tang San?" Tang Yuehua's delicate body trembled, staring at Tang San tightly, her fists clenched, as if she was looking at someone who had a **** feud with her.

Xu Ran said.

His brother was killed by his own son Tang San, and his eldest brother, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all killed by Tang San.

What did Tang San come to do with him now? Did he come to kill him again?

So many people in the family met his poisonous hands, so it was normal for Tang San to kill her now.

"Tang San. You still have the face to call me aunt? Hehe, a person like you is a beast in clothes, something inferior to a beast."

"Father-killing, ancestor-killing, you came here today to kill me. Haha."

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with a sneer, wishing to kill Xu Ran to avenge her relatives. They died so inappropriately, they all died in Tang San's hands, too embarrassing.