
Chapter 913: federalism proposal

"Uncle, in fact, I have another important matter that I want to discuss with you." Xu Ran changed the subject.

Now that the Zhu family controls the Star Luo Empire, all the forces in the entire continent basically have something to do with him. And now, there is an opportunity to establish the Douluo Federation.

Douluo Federation, this is a new force organization that appeared in Douluo Continent tens of thousands of years later in the original book. Like the United Nations, it organizes all the forces together, and no matter what conflicts can be resolved at the negotiating table.

And when the major forces are entangled in their interests, it will definitely be much more difficult to start a war than it is now.

"What's the matter?" Zhu proudly looked at Xu Ran curiously.

"Does my uncle think that with the strength of the Zhu family, he can control the entire empire?" Xu Ran asked in a hurry.

"can not."

To Xu Ran's surprise, Zhu proudly shook his head.

Zhu pride is very clear that the Zhu family can suppress many forces now, that is because the Zhu family has Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing. The Zhu family has powerful people who can suppress a country, and others are naturally convinced of the Zhu family.

But what about a few hundred years from now?

The Zhu family's inherited martial spirit is the ghost cat. It is no surprise that in the next few hundred years, the disciples of the Zhu family will become weak.

In Douluo Continent, those families that have been inherited for thousands of years rely on the inheritance of martial arts. A family can become very strong, depending on whether the inheritance of martial arts is strong. The quality of Martial Soul is a bit poor, even if it is lucky at a certain time, it will still make a prototype after it rises. And the powerful Martial Soul family would send out a few Titled Douluo powerhouses to suppress other forces at any time.

In the past, the Dai family needed to join forces with the Zhu family to maintain it through the fusion of martial arts.

But now that the Dai family is gone, the Xu family is gone, and many powerful families in the entire Star Luo Empire have perished this time. Even if there is no internal problem, if the Heaven Dou Empire attacks the Star Luo Empire in the future, he probably won't be able to stop it.

"I want to organize the famous and powerful forces on the continent to form a federation, and Douluo Continent will enter the federal system in the future." Xu Ran stated his purpose.


Zhu proud eyes lit up.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun also looked at Xu Ran in surprise, their eyes filled with brilliance. If Xu Ran can really make this happen, then Xu Ran's name will be praised for countless years in the future.

"After the federation is formed, it will not be so easy for internal wars to break out. The Douluo Continent will maintain peace and stability for a long time, which is undoubtedly a good thing for everyone in the continent, especially the civilians. It is also a good thing for the Zhu family. In the future, if Zhuqing, Zhuyun and I leave, the Zhu family will remain stable and will not cause others to covet."

Xu Ran explained the system of the federation to Zhu proudly again, very detailed. Zhu proud and Zhu Zhuqing all looked at Xu Ran with conviction, and were shocked by Xu Ran's talent.

As long as such a perfect system is established, even if there will be conflicts between major forces in the future, how closely are they connected to each other, and how can a large-scale war be possible?

"I am in full approval of this system. If this can be facilitated, the entire continent will sing praises for your kindness."

"But will other forces on the mainland agree?"

Zhu proudly asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem. I can persuade other forces." Xu Ran smiled playfully.

Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyun, and Julia of the Star Luo Empire are all her women, Xue Ke of the Heaven Dou Empire, Liu Erlong of the Landian Overlord Sect, Ning Rongrong of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Ye Lingling of the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect, alien beasts Meng Yan from the family, Shui Bing'er from the Shui family, Shui Yue'er, Huo Wu from the Huo family, Bo Saixi, the high priest of the Sea God Island…

These forces are inextricably linked with him because of the women.

"That's right. Why did I suddenly forget it. Those princesses from the big powers have something to do with you." Zhu proudly understood Xu Ran's expression when he saw it.

"The Pope Bibi Dong of Spirit Hall should..." Zhu proudly asked while swallowing his saliva.

"Bibi Dong and Zhuqing are both my women," Xu Ran said.

"Then let me say, then we will hold a wedding and let all these people from big families marry you. Then we will all get together and sign a peace agreement." Zhu proudly said with a smile.

He had guessed that Xu Ran had that kind of relationship with Bibi Dong before, and when he heard Xu Ran's response, his other doubts were dispelled.

Even Bibi Dong belonged to Xu Ran, so all the major forces in the whole continent were basically related to Xu Ran.

As long as Xu Ran raised his arms, the entire continent could indeed be integrated.

"Well. That's what I'm planning to do."

Xu Ran smiled.

Posting this news after the wedding can be regarded as an interesting thing, and it can be spread by mainlanders for thousands of years.


Xu Ran was lying on the rattan chair, and Julia gently pinched Xu Ran's leg.

At Xu Ran's request, she was still wearing a phoenix robe, with the special temperament of a queen. A golden phoenix dress made her look extraordinarily noble.

"Brother Xu Ran, are you strong enough?" Julia asked coquettishly while pinching Xu Ran.

"It would have been better if I had used a little more force."

Xu Ran closed his eyes and stretched his brows, obviously he couldn't be more comfortable.

Xu Ran's life pursuit is to enjoy the blessings of all people.

"Auntie, don't get used to Xu Ran too much. If this guy is bad, he knows how to bully others. If you always follow his heart, he won't know how he will bully you in the future."

The two sisters Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing came together, both wearing black short skirts with black silk wrapping their beautiful legs, which were outrageously pretty. Sisters stand together holding hands, doubling the visual enjoyment.

"You sisters, don't talk nonsense, you ask Lia, does she like me bullying her?" Xu Ran raised his brows and grinned as he looked at Julia who took off his shoes and massaged the soles of his feet wholeheartedly.

He had thought Julia was just a mild psychological distortion. UU reading www.uukanshu.com I didn't know how seriously Julia was sick until I was with Julia.

The more beaten, the more excited, the more humiliated, the more excited is it?

What kind of **** hobby is this?


Julia blushed. She was embarrassed by the suspicious eyes of her sisters, but her mood was agitated. Then she gently pressed her red lips to Xu Ran's feet, and her teeth bit the acupoints on her feet, causing Xu Ran's body Suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Xu Ran, you're going too far, you bully people." Zhu Qing and Zhu Yun glared at Xu Ran, a little dissatisfied.

But soon Julia explained it to them. Hearing Julia's explanation, the two women didn't understand. It was not Xu Ran who bullied people on purpose, but people who wanted to.

This... aunt...

The two women blushed and left, not forgetting to glare at Xu Ran as they left.

A week later, Xu Ran returned to Heaven Dou City and began to prepare for the wedding.