
Can You See My Heart

Like every normal girl, Andrea had a picture of her dream man, a prince charming with a generous heart and brave mind, who will love her. But some things that life plans for us are easier to deal with than others. Sometimes the calm is an indication of a storm. Destiny always has another plan...One day she meets someone.He became her greatest enemy. He was the Crown Prince Leo Smith of City K. He wanted his estate to grow. When a thing goes stagnant there is no purpose of it, growth and change were his two keywords. Even though the kings have lost the rights to rule, they still have the power and money. And according to him those two things can make or break you. This drive to thrive and take over the world has made him selfish, ruthless, manipulative and conniving. He had everything a modern day prince should have looks, money, power and a tag of a bachelor. These two very different people are destined to meet. One of them is coal unpolished, unpretentious and ordinary. Another is a Kohinoor among the diamonds polished, sparkling and exceptional. Who will affect whom in what way is yet to be seen. This is their story of love and every other emotion that comes with it. What will happen when coal is brought into diamonds by fate? --- The story will take on various twists and be quite challenging as when you are in love nothing is ever easy. Love is a beautiful yet painful journey and only the lucky few get to experience the depth and value of love. --- I'm a noob who doesn't know how to write , I will try my best to improve my writing skills. P.S - the cover isn't mine ,all credit to the owner.

Thatonegirl6 · Urban
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48 Chs

I left you

Knock Knock

There was a knock on the door. Leo sleepily moved his hand to the other side of the bed where Andrea was sleeping. He felt nothing. The knock sounded again. Normally, Leo would open the door himself but realising his unclothed position beneath the blanket, he just answered, "Come in."

The door opened, a servant walked in with Leo's bed-tea and news-paper, "Goodmorning Prince."

Leo greeted him back, "Morning" and immediately asked, "where's Andrea?"

With his head bowed, the servant replied, "Princess is in her room, she is studying."

"Okay," Leo said with confused expression on his face.

The servant left, Leo muttered to himself, "studying?"

After a quick shower and change, Leo headed off to look for his wife. He went to her room but she wasn't there. After failing to find her in her room, he popped his head into each spare room in search.

"Good morning Leo," a voice came as he looked in one of the guest room.

"Good morning Princess." He moved slowly up to her and back hugged her as she was busy setting the many books that were scattered all around. He held her tightly and rested his chin on her shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief. Andrea moved her hand into his hair and ruffled it with her fingers.

"What happened Leo?" Andrea asked.

"I thought you..." Leo paused then didn't say anything and stayed quiet.

Andrea immediately understood; turned around and hugged him as tight as she could.

"You thought that I regretted what happened last night and... I left you." Without breaking the hug, the conversation continued.

"You know me so well Princess!"

"Leo, I'm not going anywhere...never ever!! Andrea tried to assured him.

"When I woke up, you were not there," Andrea broke the hug, "you forgot Leo... today is my exam."

"Oh Shit...I completely forgot." He pulled out his phone and began dialing a number.

"Who are you calling?" Andrea asked.

"Princess, I didn't realise what today was and I scheduled a meeting. I'm just calling to cancel it." Leo put his phone on his ear.

"Why? You planning to write my exam for me." Andrea giggled.

"No Princess, but I want to be there with you."

"No Leo, your meeting is important! You can go, I don't mind." She pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Are you sure?" Leo asked.

"Hmmm," she nodded and smiled, he put away his cell and they hugged once more.

Leo pulled out of the hug when he saw Anna, Andrea's personal servant standing at the door.

Andrea asked Anna, "Is it ready?"

"Yes princess," She nodded and left.

"What's ready?" Leo asked not getting what Andrea is up to.

"Breakfast!" Andrea holded Leo's hand and both walked to the breakfast table.

"Princess, I want to ask you something."


"Why did you bring Anna with you when we got married?" Leo asked.

"Well, I didn't know how your servants were, so, I brought my own." Andrea shrugged.

"And do you know what all my servants called her?" Leo laughed.

"What?" a line appeared between her brows.

"Princess dowry!" as all the other servants told him that Anna don't do any other work apart from Andrea's as if she is her dowry and she will only work for her.

"Really?" Andrea was little shock.

"Hmmm..." Leo said as they both laughed.


After breakfast, Andrea gathered some books and was about to leave, when she suddenly remembered something and hurried to her room.

Leo followed to see what the panic was about. She came out of her room with the bracelet that Leo gifted her in her hand and gave it to Leo who was looking at her confusingly.

"Why you're give it to me" Leo asked not getting why she is giving it back to him when everything is good between them.

"Leo, today is the first day of our new life...I want you to slide this bracelet in my hand for me."

He did as he was told and began admiring his wife all over again. He snapped out when Andrea spoke, "Can you drop me at Royal Manor?"

"Why? I thought you had an exam to write."

"Yeah, I'm writing my exam at Royal Manor...Her Highness arranged it. If you take me; then I don't have to take those stupid bodyguards. So will you??"

"Of course Princess."


The drive to the Royal Manor was quiet as Andrea did some last minute revision in the car.

Leo's phone beeped and he hurriedly took it to answer; but it was a text message, a reminder of the meeting.

"Shit!" he exclaimed.

"Expecting a call from someone Leo?" Andrea asked knowing the reason why Leo checked his phone.

"Hmmm, Jennifer...You know Andrea, this is the first time that Jennifer hasn't wished me at 12. I'm very worried!"

"Relax Leo, I'm sure she's fine and I bet that she just forgot." Andrea knew very well why Jennifer hadn't called as she didn't want to ruin the surprise. Andrea just played along and hoped that everyone at the Royal Manor would stick to the plan and pretend to have forgotten Leo's birthday.

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