
Can You See My Heart

Like every normal girl, Andrea had a picture of her dream man, a prince charming with a generous heart and brave mind, who will love her. But some things that life plans for us are easier to deal with than others. Sometimes the calm is an indication of a storm. Destiny always has another plan...One day she meets someone.He became her greatest enemy. He was the Crown Prince Leo Smith of City K. He wanted his estate to grow. When a thing goes stagnant there is no purpose of it, growth and change were his two keywords. Even though the kings have lost the rights to rule, they still have the power and money. And according to him those two things can make or break you. This drive to thrive and take over the world has made him selfish, ruthless, manipulative and conniving. He had everything a modern day prince should have looks, money, power and a tag of a bachelor. These two very different people are destined to meet. One of them is coal unpolished, unpretentious and ordinary. Another is a Kohinoor among the diamonds polished, sparkling and exceptional. Who will affect whom in what way is yet to be seen. This is their story of love and every other emotion that comes with it. What will happen when coal is brought into diamonds by fate? --- The story will take on various twists and be quite challenging as when you are in love nothing is ever easy. Love is a beautiful yet painful journey and only the lucky few get to experience the depth and value of love. --- I'm a noob who doesn't know how to write , I will try my best to improve my writing skills. P.S - the cover isn't mine ,all credit to the owner.

Thatonegirl6 · Urban
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48 Chs

First time

[ Warning: Mature content ahead. There won't be any major plots mentioned so if you are not comfortable reading mature scenes you can skip the chapter. Read at your own risk.]


Andrea watched Leo as he removed his T-shirt over his head with a killer smile on his face, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso. He really was an Adonis in the truest sense of the word. Andrea gulped seeing his perfect body.

He slowly comes closer to Andrea and laid on top of her. She was looking another side didn't dare to face him he twirled her to face him and placed his lips over her rosy ones. He kissed her passionately.

Andrea responded with his kisses with equal passion and love that was suppressed for so long. She gives him entry into her mouth, he did the same.

Slowly Leo's one hand move towards her neck, he caressed her neck and feel the soft milky skin of her, he moves more down and cupped her bosom over the cloth which just fits in his hand, he started squeezing it, Andrea hissed in response.

Their tongue-tango soon stopped as both were running out of breath. The threads of saliva were clearly visible on their lips when Andrea thought she can inhale some air now she got shocked when he preyed on her ear which was the sensitive part of her.

Leo's hands made their way under her nightie and were slowly moving it upward. Andrea raised herself a bit and Leo pulled it over her head and then onto the floor. She moans when Leo started kissing one of her bosoms with one hand and with the other hands, he started rubbing another one.

"Leo stop," Andrea said while sobbing a little.

He stopped there instantly making a little distance between them and looked at her, "what happened, do you want to stop it, it's ok if you don't feel like doing it right now we have plenty of time". He said honestly, he doesn't want her to make feel bad on their first time he wants her to enjoy their first time.

"No, no I don't want you to stop" she felt shy after confessing so brazenly.

Leo began to feel even hotter after hearing her confirmation. But he was confused, why she said to stop him at this moment when he would die if he stops right now.

"Why did you stop me Princess" he caressed her cheeks and ask.

"Something is poking below my belly and it hurts" Andrea looked at him innocently, she would have known what it was if her mind wasn't turmoil from the kiss before.

Leo looked at her dumbfounded.

'F*ck she is talking about my little member down there, how couldn't be it hard if not now,' Leo thought.

"Someone wants your attention that is why he keeps poking you", he said mischievously.

Andrea was confused and abruptly trying to get up while saying "did someone come in??" looking at Leo.

Leo laughed at her thoughts and pressed her again on the bed. He took her hand placed over his member over the cloth "he wants your attention, would you give him".

Andrea's face blushed like tomato "it is so hard" she thought. Andrea got it what was poking her from the start she was feeling so ashamed of her action.

Andrea removed her hand tried to scape but how would Leo let her go, never. He trapped her and started kissing her lips then ears, he knew she will be aroused in no time if he touched her ear, he knew it from the previous reaction.

Leo began moving downwards, kissing, biting, and sucking on her neck and shoulders before making himself comfortable on her chest; sucking on her bosom. Andrea's body rejuvenated as he kissed her while slowly moving his hands around her body down the waist slowly caressing and kissing every part of hers. His hand moved down to her underwear. Andrea put her hand over his chest.

"It's my first time, Leo" she reminded.

"I know Princess, I'll be gentle," he reassured.

She allowed him to remove her underwear. He also removed his remaining clothes. He got on top of her pulling the comforter over them.

They explored each other's bodies. His groin rubbed against hers, making Andrea brace herself for the moment they'll become one.

Leo pulled her body closer. His organ tore into her inner lining and he slowly entered inside her, a lone tear of satisfaction escaped from her eye.

Leo slowly slid his member up and down. Andrea moans softly in his ears.

She gifted him with her virginity. She gave herself to him, her heart, mind, soul, and now body. She had taken the next step from being a woman to being a wife.

"Andrea, are you okay?" Leo asked.

"hmm..." Andrea felt like heaven as never she had such a sensation.

He started moving in and out faster while his one hand supported her by her waist and the other hand was caressing her left bosom. Andrea's hands made their way to his neck for support, her legs curved around his encircling him into herself.

Leo sealed her lips with kisses. The time seemed to be an eternity and pleasure indescribable for both of them.

'It is most memorable night as tonight princess had her prince', Andrea thought as she lay peacefully by Leo's side resting her head on his arms. 'So lucky is the girl who walks her way to womanhood with the prince she loves and I am the one.' She tugged her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes to sleep with her arms around her love, her very own Leo.

Leo kissed her forehead and slowly moved the strands of her hairs to see the beautiful face of his princess in slumber as she had rested her head on his chest, her body now normal and at peace with his.