
love you!

"So you can hurt me but you can't hurt her!" Anna asked in anger, as she tries to move away from Allen but stopped, when she saw Allen didn't let off her arms and lays down on the bed, hugging her and whispering in her ear "You have no idea, how crazy you make me!".


She turned to face him and asked "How crazy? can you describe that?". Allen opened his eyes and looks at her with a smile and said "do you have any idea about the way, I started to love you?!".


"I always wanted to know and hear that you," Anna said with a smile, looking at him, and thinking about all the things that Emma told her about Allen. He took a sigh and kissed her lips and pulled her close to him, and closed his eyes, hugging her, saying "fine, let me tell you everything, The first time I saw you in the park made my heart beat so fast and I experienced something that I never felt before, I wanted to talk to you and know your name but stopped when you kicked a man just because he asked you a name and found out that you are already in a relationship with someone else, so I was sure that I can never get a chance and decided to forget that little feeling and the crush on that time, but When Ava told me about everything, I hated you and I thought I will hare you more after seeing your face, but that night when I saw you lying on my bed, I was shocked to see that you are talking about Harry. I married you after doing all those things, there was only one thing in my head, just to take you away from his life so that Ava could be happy. finally, I did marry you thinking of only intention which is to hurt you... but I can't, no matter how hard I tried, all I can do is fall for you, When ever I saw you with Allison, the way you smile at him, the way you talk to him, the way you share your pain made me so jealous, I cut all the connections without your phone is because I don't want you to fall in love with Allison, I just want you all for myself. Then I finally got to know that Allison is so in love with you that he told me that he is going to take you away from me, that time, I lost everything. I punched him for the first time and the only thing that was going on my mind was to do anything and keep you with me... that was all I wanted... I want you to be with me forever and ever. Everyone started to notice that I am in love with you other than you, my friends even warned me that I shouldn't fall in love with you as you can never stay in my life, but I can't hear any of those things, all I wanted is to be with you and to make you fall in love with me... When we lost our first child, I realized that I did something so unforgivable and that I should stop everything. Then start everything with you as a new life, so I gave everything on that day and left to meet Ava and tell her about my decision. She accepted everything that I told and when I came back you were gone. My whole world was crumbling down, I don't know what to do, I can't think about anything, all I can think about is you, but I don't want to force you to stay with me anymore, so I started to drink and numb my pain, but it just gave me a lot of pain. I was holding myself from getting up and going to look for you. and when I saw you again in our home, I decided that no matter what, I will never leave you again. I did everything in my best possible to make you love me and finally here, we are, you fell in love with me, which is like a dream to me, The woman that I love so much is in love with me! I love you the most!".


Anna raised her head a little and looks at his handsome face, and said "so you fall in love with me even before you know my identity?" Allen nodded his head, lowering his head to look at Anna and kisses her forehead, and said "yes". Both of them smiled at this and moves even closer and whispered at the same time "I love you" and smiled seeing that.


On the other side:


Aria said everything that she heard from Harry to others. She was happy after finally seeing Harry smile. Harry's grandma was also happy and she went back to him as she doesn't have to worry about this anymore. Jack and James were shocked hearing this, as they look at each other and then whispered at the same time "Shit!".


Arria and Elsa were confused, as they thought that, both of them will be happy to see Harry finally happy, so Elsa walks to them and asked "what happened? is something with you guys?". They raised their head and looks at Elsa. then they look at each other's faces.


"I know that you might think this is crazy, but I was really happy that Ava decided to get out of Harry's life," Jack said with a sigh, thinking about something in past. Both Elsa and Arria were confused as they looked at each other and then back to Jack, asking "what the hell are you even talking about?! how is that even a good thing, Harry was so in love with Ava and I think, Ava also love her. I could have agreed with you if Anna and Harry were still together".


"You don't know anything Elsa, you have no idea, how crazy Harry can get when it comes to Ava. He can do anything and everything just to make her stay with him and never to talk with anyone. We have been with him from a very young age and have seen all of that. We both supported and stood with Anna because Harry's relationship with Anna is healthy and happy that Ava can finally get out of all the mess, but we never thought she could pull that shit makes things even more difficult for her and everyone!" Jack told, scared for Ava.


Elsa was confused and couldn't understand anything, as she took a long sigh and asked "you are just scaring me, can you tell me what is going on?!". James took a long sigh and said "I will tell you, We meet Ava, when she was young, you could tell, she was only 3, the most cutest baby ever. She was the favorite for everyone, not only because their parents ask their kids to play with her because of Ava's family, but yet, she was the cutest