
toxic and crazy

"I will tell you, We meet Ava when she was young, you could tell, she was only 3, the most cutest baby ever. She was the favorite of everyone, not only because their parents ask their kids to play with her because of Ava's family, but yet, she was the cutest little girl that anyone can find in the world, Everyone love her, from the child to parents. She is the diamond in her parent's eyes, they can never let anyone hurt their daughter, they are so protective of her and can do anything just to make her smile. That's when Harry's grandma signed a deal with them and they had a meeting, she took Harry and they brought Ava, as they never left her alone. Ava was so happy to see Harry because he was so famous in school and she started to call him a hero, that was cute and they started to hang out. We like Ava a lot too, but Harry never let any one of us talk with her or play with her. He will always be the one to spend his time with her. He started to get obsessed with Ava from a very young age. He started to manipulate her into thinking, Harry can never live without her and that she is the princess of his world, even though that was true. He controlled her life, like who she had to talk with, and who shouldn't, he even made her tell him about her schedules and everything. Ava was happy with Harry and just followed everything. We were kids at that time, so we don't know about these things. We just thought that Harry is being overprotective of the person he loves, but as we grow older, we started to notice that and even confronted Harry, and he accepted that. He told he made this possible because he loved her and she only belongs to him. He is not ready to share his Ava with anyone, which also gives him the reason for never letting her play with any of the people. This got so complicated that Ava started to change too. She became so dependent on him emotionally. She never talks to anyone if Harry told her not to do. She just does everything he tells her in the name of love. Harry even beat up a lot of guys just trying to talk to her, he does all the crazy things. We were so worried for Ava. Then one day, he had an accident when he went to bring Ava from a trip that she went on with her friends, where he heard a boy's voice. After waking up he totally forgot about Everything. He was not like the old Harry and when he saw Ava, he didn't like her that time because she behaved like like they were so close. Ava was heartbroken and asked us to help her to get back with Harry. We know it is toxic for Ava and she is just too young to go through this, so we made the stupid mistake of telling her to be a strong woman. We wanted to make her be a happy person and not care about him, we thought she is going to change but she did something stupid, like leaving her parents and starting a life without any money from her parents, as she wanted to be independent and strong. We were really happy and shocked to know that Harry is not the same as Anna as he was with Ava, he was really nice and mature with her and their relationship was healthy! but who knows that Ava could do something like that and turns everything upside down! you guys have no idea, how angry and upset we were that Harry is going to marry Ava!".


"so what is it that you guys are scared off? Ava made a mistake too! she hurt Anna so much before!" Aria said, as she still can't understand what is going on. James took a long sigh and turned to look at her and said "that's right, Ava made a mistake and she is the reason for all the suffering that Anna went through but I forgot to tell you this, Harry is the one who thought her everything, like how to behave, how to think and what to do! I once heard him telling that little girl, 'I am doing this because I love you so much Ava, remember If you want something, do anything to get that back, no matter what it is, just like how I did it. I want you not to talk to him and he was bothering you, so I beat him, we are more powerful than him so we can do anything! Remember to use your power to get anything you wanted! if you can do that then just do it!' do you really think, this is something she should know? He has been teaching her lots of things, which made that sweet girl into that! if you guys don't understand what I am telling, then you will know everything when he comes back! you can see how fucking obsessed and crazy when he comes to Ava. you may think that we are so close that no matter what, Harry will never hurt us, but when it comes to Ava, he can even kill us!".


Both Arria and Elsa were shocked, as they looked at each other and then Elsa asked James "don't jock about this! if Harry sees this then he will be sad!". "You will know that he is just so toxic to her and all he can do is, make her alone so that she can only depend on him. which is what he did before forgetting about her, or did you think that such a young girl could talk like that! she was just 18 when she did all those things!".




Ava was worried about Harry's health so she brought him back to the hospital, where all of his friends were there. When Ava walked Harry to his room, everyone came inside and looks at him, and then his waist, as they turned to look at Ava. James took a long sigh and asked "what happened to him, Ava?! why is his waist tied like that?!".


Ava became nervous but then she took a long sigh and said "Harry.... he cut his waist when I refused to come with him". Both Arria and Elsa were shocked, seeing this, but James and Jack were not affected by that, because they know that Harry will pull something crazy like this.


"So you accepted him just because he blackmailed you that he is going to die!" James asked, glaring at Harry, and Harry glares back at him, saying "Shout your fucking mouth right now!" while clenching his jaws. Then Ava turned to look at Harry and said "don't be rude like that". Then she turned to James and Jack, saying "No... I just finally believed that I got back the person that I once loved and I thought I can be finally happy. It's not because of that!" Even though it is also a reason, she doesn't want others to know about that. James turned to look at Harry, who is holding Ava's hand and is staring at him in anger.


He took a long sigh and said "so you finally realize that he is the same person who loved you because he became toxic again?". Harry lost it, as he got up and was about to beat him, but stopped when Ava said "please don't, Harry!". He backed up and whispers to James "stop this and get out! you know about me!". Jack, Elsa, and Aria saw this with James, but Aa didn't see that because she is standing behind Harry.


James nodded his head and took everyone out because he know that Harry is angry. They look at Elsa and Aria, saying "did you guys see that?! when it comes to Ava, he becomes too crazy and toxic". They nodded their head, as Harry was never like this before, He treated Anna very well and he was like the best boyfriend ever, but when it comes to Ava, he is totally opposite them which scared them too. Then they just left.


Inside the room:


"Why did you do that?! they are your friends?! you treated them well when you were with Anna! but you treating them like this, as soon as you got back your memories and come to me! they might think that I am the reason!" Ava said as she doesn't want to get into any trouble. She wanted to be happy.


Harry pulled her to his lap and looks at Ava's cute face and kissed her lips, saying "I was just too angry that they didn't try hard into making me remember you! they just supported me to be with Anna even though they know everything about us! I... I really feel so bad for hurting you, Ava! you know you are my world right?". Ava nodded her head and hugged him, saying "so can you please don't take anyone's side when it comes to us?!".


Ava nodded her head and said "fine, I won't take anyone's side but... but I want everything to be normal. I want you to treat them well just like before and I want to be with you just like before! can we not fight in anything, please?".


"if this is what you want, then I can do that! I can do anything and everything for my baby!".