
Callisto’s Gift

When 15-year-old Callisto's life's flipped completely upside down in a matter of hours, it's up to to her and her companions to restore a broken kingdom before an evil warlock, Zephyr, destroys all she holds dear. They travel across the nation of Pasiphae to find the only person who can help them, an old, wise wizard who has the power to beat Zephyr. Can this sheltered teenage unite a divided kingdom? Or will Zephyr and the darkness and pain of the real world show her that most things in life are out of her control? • • • Follow me on Wattpad and Instagram (@narniaresidentno5) to stay on top off updates

narniaresidentno5 · Fantasy
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90 Chs


Kevin noticed my uneasiness, but instead of asking me about it, he just cracked stupid jokes and made me laugh so hard that I cried. He mentioned something about my smile being more attractive than my RBF, whatever that means.

He then asked me what was wrong and I told him about Merlin. He already knew. He said he could see everything that happens from his world and offered me a hug. I needed it.

After our elongated embrace, Kevin told me something that induced both excitement and stress. He said that since Paul saw me get hit with the arrow, he was probably going to tell Zephyr and that'll make him sit out the upcoming battle, since he won't be needed. This was great news since without Zephyr, the Cerean army could stand a chance, but that gave us a limited amount of time to get back to the capital, Artica.

He added how Nathaniel and Donatello were important assets because they know the Pasiphaen military plans, and that advantage is the only one we had. Kevin later asked about everyone, but instead of telling him, I got up to leave. When asked where I was going, I told him I was going to get them.