
Callisto’s Gift

When 15-year-old Callisto's life's flipped completely upside down in a matter of hours, it's up to to her and her companions to restore a broken kingdom before an evil warlock, Zephyr, destroys all she holds dear. They travel across the nation of Pasiphae to find the only person who can help them, an old, wise wizard who has the power to beat Zephyr. Can this sheltered teenage unite a divided kingdom? Or will Zephyr and the darkness and pain of the real world show her that most things in life are out of her control? • • • Follow me on Wattpad and Instagram (@narniaresidentno5) to stay on top off updates

narniaresidentno5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

Forty Nine

We travelled through the mountains for about three days, but we had no way of knowing since we couldn't see the sun. I don't think I was acting very strange, rather I think it was them who were acting strange. Joan started telling me random jokes, of which none were very funny, Donatello tried teaching me how to use my new sword and I really was excited to learn, but I didn't come off that way to him.

    Next up, George. He gathered rocks and pebbles along the way and made me a crown of rocks, which was rather impressive. I was grateful, but it reminded me of Merlin and his last words, so I put it away in my bag instead of wearing it. Nathaniel kept reminiscing about old memories we had and at that point, I thought they were scared of me, just like the dream.

    Nara, too. She told me her (quite outlandish) expectations of the palace I grew up in, but I thought she was just trying to get herself on my good side, which made me even more depressed. Arthur is the only one who didn't change that much. He gravitated towards me the most amongst everyone and he never questioned my movements or sense of kindness, at all.

    I used a few spells, so that we wouldn't get lost, and to help us find our bearings. As we were walking, I worked up the courage to ask George about his and Kevin's relationship. He told me how they met when he was 7, and Kevin was a baby. He heard him crying and soothed him, but got scolded for approaching a royal without any respect. I couldn't help but laugh, but I guess my smile is contagious, since it made everyone else smile.

    I went to sleep that night and found myself back in the field of flowers.