
Callisto’s Gift

When 15-year-old Callisto's life's flipped completely upside down in a matter of hours, it's up to to her and her companions to restore a broken kingdom before an evil warlock, Zephyr, destroys all she holds dear. They travel across the nation of Pasiphae to find the only person who can help them, an old, wise wizard who has the power to beat Zephyr. Can this sheltered teenage unite a divided kingdom? Or will Zephyr and the darkness and pain of the real world show her that most things in life are out of her control? • • • Follow me on Wattpad and Instagram (@narniaresidentno5) to stay on top off updates

narniaresidentno5 · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Fifty One

We continued our journey, and I kept trying to find the perfect time to ask them, but there was never a good time. George started an argument on the right way to cut sandwiches and it split them into teams, with Arthur and I as the spectators. George and Nathaniel believed they should be cut into triangles, while Joan, Donatello, and Nara believed that straight down the middle was most efficient.

    They argued until we stopped to rest, but even then the guys didn't drop it. To make matters worse, Nara and Joan got sucked back in when they were trying to squash the argument. The atmosphere at the campfire was a bit hostile, which is when I asked them if we could all sleep while holding hands. I got mixed reactions to the request, but they all accepted. Donatello and Joan had me put up a barrier in case some rocks fell from above.

I closed my eyes and got up in the middle of the flower field. I looked around expecting to see everyone, but I only saw Kevin. He laughed at the idea I had, but as soon as he stopped laughing, everyone fell from the sky and landed by us, leaving Kevin speechless.

    Arthur was the first to jump on Kevin and he was followed by George, then Donatello, Nathaniel and he met Joan and Nara. We made our way to our picnic, but it was too small. Kevin snapped his fingers and it tripled, which amazed all of us. We all ate the food that most of which we hadn't seen in months as we all caught up with Kevin. When it was time to leave, I felt everyone's anguish. Before I left, Kevin told me to act oblivious to the dream, since magic was still dangerous to practice.

    So I did. I pretended that I had a dream about riding unicorns up and down rainbows, but they were still a bit skeptical. We then reached the end of the tunnel after a bit of walking. I blew it open with the same spell from before and I cried a bit. We did it. We finally arrived in Ceres. I was finally home.