

Auneux · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I took his hand and ran inside, trying not to be seen by the other teachers. We entered this big room, which was filled with walls upon walls of old books, new books, and possibly anything you could dream of. "This is the library. They added this before the school year." He ran around the room, grabbing random books. "Wow.. It's so beautiful here!" I said, smiling. "C'mon! Back here!" He said, taking my hand again. This time, we ran into a small and quiet room, filled with more books. "This is the restricted section. Nobody is allowed in here except for teachers, because one of the books is rumored to be cursed." He said, whispering. "Woah, really? I haven't been around long to know that then..." I said. "Well, the last student who came in here touched the book and disappeared. We haven't seen her since." He said, sighing. "Oh no.. Did you know her?" I asked, tilting my head. "She was my best friend." He sat down, placing his head in his arms on the table. "I'm so sorry, Ed. We'll find her soon, I promise!" I said, smiling. "Thank you, Bea. I really hope we do find her soon." He smirked, getting up. "It's no problem!" I turned my head and saw him pull something out of his pocket and stepped back slowly. "Caliginous-" He whispered, before the book in his hand turned into dust. "Woah.." I thought to myself. I shook my head and turned around. "Well, we should get going, before we get caught. He said, wiping the leftover dust off of his hands. "Yeah.." I said, taking his hand again and running out. "Ed? Should I go back to my parents? We were having a meeting in the principal's office when my dad sorta.. Lost it." I stopped in my tracks, scratching my head. "If you want, I can take you back. I can stay with you too, to make sure nothing bad happens again." He smiled. "That would be great, thank you!" I smiled, taking his hand again, running towards the principal's office. We slowed down as we saw my mom and Mrs. Stygian standing outside, my mothers eyes being filled with tears. "Mom?" I said. She lifted her head up and ran towards me, hugging me. "Beatrix Leonora Huxley! I was worried sick about you! Where have you been, and who is this?!" She said, looking at Ed. "H-hello, Mrs. Huxley. I am Edison Claude. Pleasure to meet you." He bowed. "Hm. I see. Pleasure to meet you too." She smiled, wiping the tears off of her face. I've never seen my mom cry before, so I know she was really worried. "Mom, where's dad? I don't see him in there.." I said, looking over her shoulder and into the office. "He left shortly after you did.." She said, sighing. "Left? But why?!" I said as the anger boiled up inside of me. "We don't know, he just got up and left." Mrs. Stygian said. "Well, get back inside now! You still have to open your gift!" My mother smiled at me and led me and Ed back into the office. I sat down and picked up the box that was on the ground. "Open it, Bea! Don't be nervous!" Ed said, sitting next to me and smiling. I opened it carefully as a small envelope flew out. I grabbed it and carefully opened it, reading the letter that was written. "Dear Mrs. Beatrix Leonora Huxley, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Itaria School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.. Really?! " I shouted in excitement. "Congratulations!!" Mr. Carmelo said. "Wait, that means I have to leave Aura and Ed behind.." I said, looking towards Ed. "Ed and Aura are coming too, Beatrix. They've got accepted!" Mrs. Clairmond smiled at me.