

Auneux · Fantasy
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7 Chs


We entered the room. To my surprise, all of my teachers were gathered around a large table. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Huxley!" Mr. Carmelo said, smiling. "Good afternoon, hun." I turned my head and smiled at Mrs. Bernard. I gulped as I saw Mrs. Stygian at the other end of the room, standing in front of the large whiteboard. "Mrs. Huxley." Mr. Carmelo smiled, sliding a tightly wrapped gift box down to me. "Don't open it until the end of the meeting, understood?" He whispered. I looked confused. "Yes sir." I put the gift box next to my bag on the floor. I sat down and scooted in slowly. "Well. Mr. and Mrs. Huxley, we are gathered here today to congratulate your daughter." Mrs. Stygian said, smiling. "Huh?! For what?" I said, shocked. "Last week, we heard from many students that-" Mrs. Stygian paused, being interrupted by my father. "Wait, wait. My daughter didn't do anything good. All she has been doing is causing problems!" My father glared at Mrs. Stygian. I glared at him, got up and stomped out, my eyes being filled with tears. I ran outside, hoping to not be seen by anyone. I accidentally ran into someone, dropping all of my stuff. "I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Please forgive me!" I wiped my eyes and looked up. My eyes widened. It was Edison Claude, the most popular boy in school. "It's okay, no worries. Need some help?" He asked, smiling and holding his hand out. "T-thank you.." I grabbed his hand and stood up, wiping the dust off of my clothes. "No problem. My name is Edison, by the way. You can call me Ed, if you'd like." He smiled. Only his close friends can call him that... "Thank you, Ed. My name is-" I paused. "Beatrix. Beatrix Huxley." He chuckled. Edison, the most popular boy in school, knows MY name?! "Y-yeah.. Beatrix. You can call me Bea, though.. I-if you want!" I awkwardly chuckled. Why am I being so awkward towards a boy?! "Cool, I'll call you Bea then." He smiled. "Cool!" I smiled back. "By the way," He tilted his head and looked at me. "Were you.. Crying?" He'd seem concerned. "Yeah, a little bit.." I mumbled. "Let me guess, parents again?" He put his hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears. "How did you know?" I looked up at him as butterflies filled my stomach. "Well, the whole school has been talking about them.." He'd lean over and whisper. Really?! Even the most popular boy in the school knows about my parents?! When will this stop... I looked up at him. "Really? They are? I mean, I'm not surprised, everyone's whispering and chatting about them whenever they see me. It's like they feel bad for them having me as a daughter.." I sighed. "Hey, it's okay. Your parents aren't the only ones who are like that. Mine are too, just.. Not as popular as yours are." He scratched the back of his head. "Really? I didn't know that.." I tilted my head and mumbled. "Yeah, not a lot of people know. You're the first person I've told." He grinned. "Well, I feel honored!" I chuckled and smiled. "We should go back inside, I can give you a tour for some of the new things they added here." He smiled.