

Auneux · Fantasy
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7 Chs


" Really?! " I said, smiling again. " Yes we did! And, we already got you your books and other things, all you need now is your wand. " Ed said, smiling at me. " A wand?! " I grinned. " Well, yes. That IS something you'll need to cast your spells with, silly. " Ed said, chuckling. " Oh right, silly me. " I said, giggling. We walked back out into the hallway. " It was a pleasure meeting you, Ed. I hope I see you again soon! " I said, hugging him tightly. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Bea. " He blushed, hugging me back. I waved goodbye, walking towards the door. I stopped, turning around. " Thank you for everything, Mrs. Stygian. I'll make sure to visit when I get the chance! " I smiled. " You're welcome, miss Huxley. Have a great time at Itaria! " She smiled. I waved again, opening the front doors and running out. " I really hope I see Ed at Itaria. I'm so excited! " I giggled, climbing into the car and driving back home. What a crazy school year...