
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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20 Chs


(105 years ago) Year 2061-

"NATHANIEL, THEY ARE GONNA BE HERE SOON." Samuel shouted as he ran inside the laboratory. Dr. Nathaniel Estbury, the man who sacrificed his heart and soul for the Allied Powers was now being hunted down by the very thing he created, the vamps.

After the war ended, the vamps, prized for their agility and strength, were now getting executed because they were regarded a threat to the new found peace. The reason being that the vamps needed human flesh to survive. Aggravated by this the vamps decided to hunt down the very person who created them as revenge.

Dr. Nathaniel was scared, but he had already thought about this being the end scenario. For that purpose he had already made an alternative virus that would modify his DNA, making him able to switch between the forms of a calamity and a vamp.

"What are you doing with that syringe?" Samuel asked. "Samuel it's okk. Hide away for now. You too are a vamp, made by me. I'm sorry. I ruined your life as well. I'm sure you will forgive me." Nathaniel said, his eyes filled with tears as he held up the syringe. The needle gleaming at him. "Nathaniel for the love of god please stop. I'm sure we'll find another way out. Please stop this madness." Samuel was trying desperately to stop him.

As soon as the needle peirced inside him, Dr. Nathaniel started showing erratic behaviour. Within seconds he destroyed half the lab, all while his body morphed into a calamity. Samuel was not able to stand still while the person he valued and respected so much, the person who shared his goals, the person who was like a brother to him, destroy his own life. He jumped on the transforming Nathaniel and pulled out the syringe but he was a moment late. Most of the viral fluid was already injected. Samuel, out of grief, injected the remaining viral fluid in himself. But to his surprise, he was not even fazed.