
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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20 Chs


(105 years ago) Year 2061-

Dr Nathaniel had made that viral fluid in a very calculated manner, not too less, not too much. But Samuel's intervention caused less fluid to be injected than what Nathaniel had in mind. The outcome was drastic. Nathaniel found himself permanently converted into a lesser calamity and Samuel's body was unhinged. Although a calamity, Nathaniel seemed to have all the intelligence he had as a human. This was something that no other Calamity seemed to possess.

All hopes seemed lost. All until Samuel decided to sacrifice his mind and soul to fulfill his best friend's dream. Together with Nathaniel, in his calamity body and both their intelligence, they deviced a solution.

They would need Nathaniel's younger generations for this. The plan included an child of Nathaniel's descendence to be of the same immunity, should have physical resemblance, and should have a similar psychological state. The most suitable descendant would be injected by the viral serum.

(85 years ago) Year 2079-

Agatha Estbury spent the first 18 years of her life in utmost happiness. Not knowing it would all come shattering down soon. She was the daughter of the well renowned scientist Dr Nathaniel Estbury, known for his contributions in the war, and his wife Isabelle Estbury.