

It was just another day in the daily life of a young man by the name of Hoshitsu. On said day, a turn of events happened that ended up changing his life completely. As he was going back home from his studies at his school he saw something that captured his sight. — I have to do something! —he said as the scene passed his eyes Yet, when he tried to prevent what he say, he ended up failing. And now, with failure at his hand, his life has changed in the blink of an eye. Now he finds himself on a completely different place to the one that he once called home. How will this end up affecting him and the days that are yet to come?

Shironemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

A New World

The lovely melody from birds could be heard all around me. The rustling of leaves in the wind synced perfectly creating a harmonizing and relaxing tune. Such was the world that I now found myself in. It seems that it wasn't a dream after all and I really had perished upon the moment of impact.

— This world isn't as bad as I thought —I said to myself

I was worried that this world would've been one that would be considered as bad, but it seems as if I was wrong. The place that I found myself in seemed to be very peaceful and unique, at least compared to my old world.

After a while of admiring the view around me, I began to hear some rustling coming from you be of the bushed to my right. Expecting the worst, I grabbed a stick that was below me and initiated a fighting stance which I learnt from my kendo classes.

— Oh, you're finally awake Hoshi! You sure are a sleepyhead...

The rustling ended up being none one less than Kaeri, who seemed to be awake earlier than me for the looks of it. Aside from the fact that the rustling was no beast, I was also glad that I managed the see her one more time after all.

— Oh, good to see you once again Kaeri —I said as I lowered the stick

After the small greetings that we gave each other, there was a moment of awkward silence. We only kept staring at each other until she decided to break the statement that we found ourselves.

— It's all my fault! If only I was more aware of my surroundings all of this wouldn't have happened... —she shouted on the edge of beginning to cry

Upon hearing those words I felt bad. If only I reacted one second sooner I would've managed to save her, yet even on a crucial moment like that I wavered.

— It's not your fault, it was all my choice... and besides, I'm happy that I ended up being with you once more —I replied with a smile on my face — By the way... Kaeri, do you know where the hell are we exactly?

— I think we are on a forest —she said while looking everywhere

— Oh really... Gee, I couldn't tell with all of these trees! —I replied sarcastically

We stayed in silence for a bit to then burst out laughing. Even on a moment like the one we found ourselves, we managed to keep our humor and try to look the bright side of the situation.

— We should probably go and look around, we might find something —I said while looking around — Maybe there's a city we go to and find some information regarding this world

— Sounds good! I'm quite interested in learning about Levenarde —she replied excitedly

Upon agreeing to this, we began walking, hoping that we would find something of interest sooner or later. And surprisingly it didn't take that long, after a couple of walking we saw a strange small and green creature, it had pointy ears with red eyes. The clothes that it was wearing seemed to be in a awful condition being very torn up. But what was the most worrisome is that the creature seemed to have a small dagger on their hand.

— Oh god! What the hell is that!? —Kaeri screamed while backing away slowly

— Hey it's kinda cute... It looks like an alien with muscles —I said jokingly while hacking away too

— Kyakk!  Female human... Leader happy! Must have her! —said the creature in a very broken language

As soon as I heard this I moved forward placing myself between the creature and Kaeri. Still having the stick from before I once again began my kendo pose.

— I don't know what the hell you're, but there's no way in this world that I would let you hurt her!

With a extremely fast movement, the creature plunged forward doing a vertical cut with their knife. I tried to dodge the attack but I didn't manage to do so, the attack ended up cutting a small portion of my chest.

— Hoshi!  Use the power that Lophis gave you! —screamed Kaeri worried

— I'm sorry to say, but that useless goddess said that she couldn't give me anything, I'm powerless —I replied while holding the place I was wounded

However, I didn't give up. I snapped the branch making two pointy sticks that I could use as better weapons. Upon doing so, the creature began to move once more, it once again was doing a plunging attack. As soon as I saw it doing so, I threw my first stick, which luckily it impaled one of it eyes which made the creature let out a screeching sound. Angered by the pain that it received, it began to move even faster than before letting it get more cuts in me.

— This danged creature! —I screamed in pain

The creature seemed to go for the finishing blow, the knife was heading directly toward my neck. I had no chance to dodge or block the attack. Just when the knife was about to end my life, a bright white laser came from behind me and pierced the skull of the creature, killing it on the spot.

— Thanks for distracting it! You gave me enough time to prepare the attack, I was starting to get a bit worried the- ¿Eh? ¡Hoshi! —I barely could hear her call my name as I slowly fell to the ground

The wounds that I had ended up being too much for my body. The pain plus the blood loss that I had were enough to make my body collapse to the ground while I began to blackout.