

It was just another day in the daily life of a young man by the name of Hoshitsu. On said day, a turn of events happened that ended up changing his life completely. As he was going back home from his studies at his school he saw something that captured his sight. — I have to do something! —he said as the scene passed his eyes Yet, when he tried to prevent what he say, he ended up failing. And now, with failure at his hand, his life has changed in the blink of an eye. Now he finds himself on a completely different place to the one that he once called home. How will this end up affecting him and the days that are yet to come?

Shironemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Beginning

My name is Hoshitsu Akari, Hoshi for short. I'm just a simple young man of the age of 17. My hair, which is of a light blue color, is relatively long to that which people tend to consider normal as it reaches to my hips. My eyes, which are the same color as my hair, are usually refered to others as on the droopy side, while my skin is one that is pretty white and free of any scars or noticeable birthmarks; but that's enough about my appearance.

Today was another day just as any other, I was sitting in my classroom after a pretty long and tiresome day at school. The sun was setting down as the beautiful orange light from the sunset covered the entire room. The teacher finally began to wrap up once he dismissed the class to then start to clean the whiteboard. Many of the students rapidly grabbed their things and left quickly, while others stayed for a while talking with each other.

In my case, I was pretty tired, so I just grabbed my things and left pretty quickly; besides, it isn't as if I'm that friendly with many of the people... As such, I just started walking and left the gate that gave entrance to the whole academy. Once out of the campus, I started walking back to my house, somewhat eager as I had a new game that I bought waiting to be unpacked and placed on to my console.

However, when I was on my way back, nearly at 15 minutes from my destination, I heard the screeching sound of a truck out of control. Toy right, in the middle of the road, I saw a girl crossing the street, she seemed to be frozen in the middle of her fight or flight reaction. Upon a closer inspection, I noticed that said girl was none other than my one and only best friend, Kaeri. She was one of the only people on this planet that liked me for who I was, staying besides me as a friend since my childhood.

— Kaeri! Get out! —I shouted at the top of my lungs

But she didn't even budge; the time was slowly running out. Only seconds remained until impact was imminent. I didn't knew what to do, I was filled with anxiety and fear, while a cold sweat began to fall from my head... then, before I knew it, I was moving. I found myself running towards her, I didn't even know what I was doing nor what was I trying to attempt.

Maybe it was me, trying to be a hero, or something of the sort, but it didn't really matter. I was just at a finger's reach from getting to her, but it was too late. All I managed to feel was the tip from the fabrics of her uniform.

— Kaeri... I'm sorry f-

My words ended up being interrupted as the truck ended up impacting both of us, sending us both flying a couple of meters forward. I tried to move my body, trying to see if Kaeri managed to stay safe, but no matter how much I tried to move myself, nothing happened. It was then, when I realized that everything was dark.

I thought to myself then "I can't see anything, I can't feel anything, nor I can hear anything... Am I dead?"

A couple of minutes passed and then the eternal darkness in which I found myself in ended. I was now in a dimly lit place. Above me I saw what seemed to be many stars on completely dark roof, almost giving the impression as if I was looking directly at galaxy. Then I lowered my view to my front where then I saw a girl wearing a black dress which looked similar to the roof and walls of this place. She was sitting on the luxurious white chair, seemingly smiling towards me. But before I could even move or speak, she began to do so herself.

— Welcome to my humble abode, young human —said the girl

Just by her words alone I felt unexplainable shivers going down my spine. What was I scared of? Was there something about her that my natural instinct was trying to warn me about? But despite all of this, only one thing was on my mind.

— My friend... where is she? She's a girl about my age, short red hair with eyes like emeralds

That was the only thing that I wished to know at that moment. And upon hearing the question, the girl simply crossed her legs, still sitting on her white chair.

— She's waiting for you —she said with a smile

— Waiting? —I asked confused

— My name is Lophis. I'm what you humans would call a god —she said in reply — You have perished, and it's my job to give humans like you another chance at life —she added afterwards

After speaking, she slowly raised herself from the chair to then begin walking slowly towards me.

"Oh... I must be dreaming" I thought to myself after hearing her. "This is just like that one anime I was watching on TV yesterday!"

— Usually I tend to do that, but... I can only give powers to six people at a given time, and the sixth one was your dearly beloved friend —she said standing a couple of meters from me — I'm truly sorry for that

Upon hearing this I was kinda bummed, it wasn't like I was expecting anything, but at least something would've been nice. But at least I knew that Kaeri was alright.

— Oh don't worry about it... —I laughed mildly annoyed — At least thanks to you I get to spend more time with her, and in any case, I can solve my problems on my own.

— Let's hope that's the case human... —she said while moving her arms

Upon moving her arms, a white light started appearing behind her to then create what seemed to be a portal. Once created she then pointed towards it.

— Once your ready, walks toward it, that will bring you to Levenarde, your new world

— Sounds about right... —I said walking towards it

Still somewhat mildly annoyed I kept walking towards the portal until I was completely enveloped in its light. I simply closed my eyes and let the rest be done by itself. Once I opened my eyes again, I saw what seemed to be the green color of the leaves from trees.

— So this is Levenarde... —I said in surprise