

It was just another day in the daily life of a young man by the name of Hoshitsu. On said day, a turn of events happened that ended up changing his life completely. As he was going back home from his studies at his school he saw something that captured his sight. — I have to do something! —he said as the scene passed his eyes Yet, when he tried to prevent what he say, he ended up failing. And now, with failure at his hand, his life has changed in the blink of an eye. Now he finds himself on a completely different place to the one that he once called home. How will this end up affecting him and the days that are yet to come?

Shironemi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Into Laftea

Hours passed in what I could describe as a suffocating darkness, I tried to move my body, yet it was as if my body wasn't my own. I couldn't see around me nor I could feel anything near me.

It wasn't until a long time passed that I managed the open my eyes. I felt extremely out of breath, I instantly stood up and I quickly began looking around me, trying to reinstate where I was at the moment. Managing to see my surroundings it seems I was in a bed inside of a building similar to a log cabin.

— Ah...!  Hoshi,  you scared me to death... You've been sleeping for almost an entire day now! —she said being next to me — So Lophis didn't give you anything at all? —she added with a curious tone

Being tired, and still annoyed at the topic, I simply sighed to then move my head to let her know that what she said was correct.

— I previously thought that I wouldn't have any issues, yet if creatures as that green thing-

— They're called goblins, or at least that's what someone told me —she interrupted me mid-sentence — Anyhow, I imagine you must be furious... to be sent to a new world, full of danger, but have no way of defending yourself

— At this point I couldn't care even less about it —I said as I dropped my head into the pillow

— Right...

I stayed in bed for around 15 minutes until I got my motivation back and stood up once again. As soon as I was standing, Kaeri once again started talking.

— Oh right, Hoshi... This word seems to use the old feudal system, and the king of this kingdom wishes to speak with us —she explained to then make a small pause — It seems we are a total of six people that were summoned to this world  —she added while standing up

What she said had me somewhat worried as going in presence of a king must be a nerve-wracking experience. And added to that, the fact that we are not the only ones that ended in this world was even worse.

— But before that, we were given some money to spend; I was told that we should buy ourselves some equipment like armor and weapons —she said while giving me a small leather bag — The economy system of this world is very similar to that of our own, they use a currency like coins that's called nelis, and as of the moment each of us has 5,000 nelis 

I grabbed the bag to then open it and then see the currency that she said. It looked to be made from some material simila to gold and in the middle of each coin it seemed to have a somewhat intricate design adorning it. After seeing the coins I closed the bag and placed it on my pocket to then stand up and leave the building we were in.

— Kaeri, do you know how much each coin is worth? —I asked while we were walking

— According to what I heard, a regular citizen can go by a week only needing 100 —she replied

Upon hearing this I got a bit surprised, as the amount of money we got was absurdly high. With it I could easily live of my life for more than a year. Why did the king decide to give so much money to the both of us?

Trying not to think much about it, we just went to the market in the city so we could buy the things that we needed. The area was pretty crowded, with many shops left and right, and people buying thing left and right. Our first shop that we went to was a weapon's shop. In it, I ended up buying a small iron dagger worth only 50 nelis, while Kaeri bought a diamond magic staff worth 500 nelis. Soon after buying our weapons, we went directly to the next shop, one that sold armor. Kaeri then bought a white robe that went for 250 nelis, while I went with a simple choice and decided on leather vest going for another 50.

After buying everything that we needed, I still had 4,900 nelis, while Kaeri had already spent 750 nelis, leaving her with only 4,250 nelis remaining. At this rate, she would be spending what would last her for an entire year in just a matter of days.

Once we were ready, we went to the castle. The entrance seemed to be guarded by a couple of soldiers. As soon as we got close, both guards blocked the path with steel swords.

— State what business you have with the king —said one of the guards

— The kind is quite busy with the arrival of new heros, so he isn't accepting any visitors at the moment —added the other guard

— We're two of the heroes, I'm Kaeri, and this man next to me is Hoshi —replied Kaeri

As soon as the guards heard our names, they quickly moved out of the way and open the entrance to the castle. After opening the gate, both of them bowed their heads as they spoke.

— Please go ahead, esteemed heroes —said the both of them in union

Having gained the permission to enter the castle, we started to walk around the castle. The inside of this place was quite unique, having many things that made this place looks spectacular. On the walls of the building, big red banners decorated the place while massive chandeliers hanged from the ceiling and on the floor massive carpets made the place look even better.

A couple of minutes of exploring, we finally reached the place that we looked for. We saw a person with a crown on their head sitting on a throne.

— That's probably the king —I whispered to Kaeri

— Seems like it —she replied

Looking a bit more, I then saw two women and three men bowing down to the king. We then took a step forward, letting our presence be known to the other people in the room.

— Sorry for the delay —said Kaeri sheepishly

After saying that, we moved next to the other people to then bow down like them.

— No matter —said the king — Oh heroes from another world, raise your heads, there's no reason to be bowing down! —said the king with a imposing yet calm tone — I officially welcome you to Laftea, one of the biggest city in all of Levenarde. All of you have been sent here by our goddess Lophis, so I hope that your time in this world be one of your enjoyment. As such, I would wish if each of you stated their names and the blessing bestowed upon you by Lophis —he added after a while

Upon saying this, one of the men moved to the front to then begin to talk. He had a long and beautiful blonde hair with green eyes. 

— My name is Raejin, and my blessing is the power of lightning

After him went the other man, which had a carmine hair and crimson red eyes. His movements seemed to be more rash, fitting as his face looked the same way.

— ¡HAAA! My name is Akai, and my blessing is...

He then raised his hand to the air, where a ball of fire appeared

— ¡Fire! —he shouted when the flame bursted forth

Once he was done, then came one of the ladies. She had dark purple hair with bright green eyes. upon seeing her, I had this strange feeling that I couldn't describe, but I just decided to ignore it.

— Ah... I'm Wisteria, and the blessing given to me by Lophis is the control of plants —said in a very timid voice

After her came one of the other girls from the group. This one was very tall, she had a long blonde hair with purple eyes while having a fairly dark skin with makeup on most of her face.

— Oh my god! Like, I can't believe I have to be with such people. Ugh! —she said very irritated — But I suppose I could grant you all the experience of a lifetime with my presence. I'm Meinu, and my blessing is the power of water —she concluded to then moved out of the way to tend to her hair

Then lastly came the last of the group. It was the third girl, she had a pale like snow skin with a long black hair which covered her eyes. From just looking at her I could feel the creepiness and edginess overflowing from her.

— Shineri... and well, darkness... —she said on a very low tone

After her presentation, then it was time for us to go. Kaeri decided to go first so she went ahead and began talking.

— My name is Kaeri, and the blessing that I posses is the power of light

She then raised her hand, where then a blinding glittering light came to be. Said light then bursted into thousands of rays of light which illuminated the room for a couple of seconds.

— Now, on to the last one —said the king looking at me

I really didn't want to, as I had no blessing to show. Plus talking in front of so many people really wasn't my strong forte. Having no choice I simply sighed to then move forward.

— My name is Hoshitsu, Hoshi for short, and that's it, I have no blessing —I said while shrugging and going back next to Kaeri — That useless for no good goddess that you call Lophis gave me nothing

As I said this, a silence covered the entire hall. I had everyone's sight locked-on to me. Did I say something that I shouldn't?