
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The females returned to the kitchen. The males had left, coffee cups still on the table. Lavender cleaned up and got Ginger a cup of coffee. "What happens if Lynexia's wolf never returns to her?" Ginger worried. "It depends on the person. We could lose Lynexia from this world. She could recover and live as a human. She could live a full life, even if that means she moves in with the humans. Some can handle the loss and find a new place in the world. For some, the loss and pain are too much to bear and they remove themselves. Only time will tell." Lavender sat at the table with a sigh, sipping her cup of coffee. "We won't make her live in a human community. Even if her wolf abandons us, we won't." Ginger promised. Lavender nodded, sipping her coffee. They sat in silence, contemplating for several moments. A figure that looked to have been human once stood, silently looking through them. "Miss Lynexia, would you care for some tea?" Lavender questioned. Lynexia shook her head.

"Please, sit down." Ginger offered. Lynexia shuffled to a chair and slumped down without saying a word. Neither, Lavender nor Ginger knew what to say. They sat in silence, hoping Lynexia would speak. The teen just stared at the table. Lavender was afraid to ask her anything because she might start crying again. Ginger watched the teen, and just wanted to hug her. It broke her heart to see the pain in her face."Lynexia, I would like for you to meet my daughter, Ginger, she is the Luna of the pack in western Tennessee." Lavender introduced. Lynexia nodded but did not look from the table.

After several more moments of silence, Lynexia got up from the table, without a word, and left the house. Ginger made to follow her. Lavender grabbed her arm, "Just let her go. She needs to roam. Maybe getting out will help her connect with her wolf again." she stated. Ginger sat back down with a sigh, "Are you sure?" she asked. "I am sure she needs the time. I don't know if she will retain her wolf." Lavender shrugged her shoulders.

Wyett paced the living room wondering where Lynexia possibly have gone. Night had fallen and still no sign of the young female. Cyan called the pack together to form a search party. Wyett, Marcel, Niccolo, Cyan, Ginger, Travis, and Melinda gathered on the front lawn and shifted into their wolf state. Lavender brought out the blanket from Lynexia's bed. This helped them all to get her scent. They ran off in all directions to search. Felita stayed with Luna Lavender in case Lynexia returned and to comfort her worried mother.

Around two in the morning, Ginger found Lynexia curled up under a tree shaking and crying. Ginger shifted back to her human form. She knelt beside the young female. "Lynexia, it's alright, calm down," she said gently. Lynexia just cried and shook. "I can't shift. She's gone!" she wailed. "Your wolf?" Ginger questioned. "Yes, when I woke up I couldn't hear her anymore. I feel empty." Lynexia was frightened. "Don't worry, young one. She will return. She just needs time to heal and so do you." Ginger assured. Lynexia sat up and hugged the older female tight. "No, she won't. She has abandoned me. She blames me because I couldn't save them. I was too afraid." the young female cried into Ginger's arm. "She doesn't blame you. If you would have followed, you would have died too. Wyett held you back and saved you." Ginger responded. Lynexia stopped talking and just cried. Ginger just let the young female and just let her let it out.

Marcel found ginger and lynexia underneath the tree, "you found her. " he sighed with relief. "we should get her back to the ranch house. ``Ginger urged. Marcel nodded and tried to take the young female from the older female. Lynexia fought and grabbed tighter onto Ginger. "It's alright, mARCEL. I can carry her. It's obvious she needs a 'mom' right now. " Ginger responded. Marcel nodded and helped them up. Ginger gathered Lynexia in her arms and carried her back to the ranch house. She placed the young female on the bed in the guest room. Once Ginger was sure that Lynexia was comfortable, the older female left the room and met the others in the kitchen.

"How is she? Lavender questioned. "She is lost and scared. She told me she had tried to shift but was unable to call her wolf forward. She said that her wolf had fallen silent. She can't even feel the wolf present. Has Mother Moon taken her wolf and abandoned Lynexia? " Ginger questioned. The group looked at each other worried. When a wolf falls silent and cannot be felt, the clock starts. If they can't bring the wolf back by the next Blood Moon, the wolf will never return. The next Blood Moon was in a month. They had to move fast or lose Lynexia forever. They weren't sure Lynexia was strong enough to survive without her wolf. It wasn't uncommon for a wolf to fall silent, but is very traumatic.

"she should be taken to Tennessee soon. Melania needs to start working with her before she is lost forever. '' Ginger urged. "You're right." Wyett nodded. "We can take her in the RV. At least then she can use the bed. She will be more comfortable. Marcel offered. "I WILL CALL Xavier and have him make the arrangements with Melania and Rydell." Ginger said and left the room. "Are we sure sending her away so soon is the best choice for Lynexia? It would seem like she is broken and unwanted. She will wake up in an unfamiliar place with people she doesn't know." Lavender worried. "The transition will be difficult and disorienting for her but we don't have time to allow her to get used to the idea. She seems to have become attached to Ginger. That may help the transition be easier on Lynexia. Do we have much choice? The Blood Moon is twenty-seven days away. '' Wyett responded. "Ginger is right, if we have any shot at returning Lynexia's wolf, Lynexia must go," Marcel added. "I just worry that there are just too many changes too fast for her," Lavender admitted. "We can check in on here every day. If Ginger believes Melania can help her, then we should trust Ginger's judgment. I am sure Lynexia will heal and get her wolf back. '' Cyan patted his mate's hand. Lavender squeezed his hand with a small smile.

Ginger returned to the kitchen. "Xavier has already made all of the arrangements. Melania and Rydel are already fixing up a room for Lynexia at their house. Alrik left last night in our RV to take us back to Tennessee. Xavier thought it would be easier on the pack here. '' she announced. "That way you won't have to make the trip twice," she added. "Thank you, Ginger. I HATE THAT WE HAVE TO ASK THIS OF YOU AND YOUR PACK. I am sure she will be disoriented and her healing journey will be difficult for her and your pack." Marcel responded. "We are happy to help. We have the resources to help Lynexia that your pack cannot provide. It is no bother. '' Ginger assured. "What's happening to me?" Lynexia croaked from the doorway. "Come sit, and we will explain." Ginger offered. Lynexia nodded and sat in the chair Wyett offered to her. "We know you are going through a very difficult situation. Losing your parents then losing your wolf is a hurt deeper than anything a person can endure. We are losing hope. It has been decided that you should go to Tennessee with Ginger." Marcel announced. "What? You want to send me away because I am useless and broken? "Lynexia questioned. "We are sending you to help you. We are sending you to Tennessee to help you. We are not getting rid of you. You are hurting not broken, and you are certainly not useless." Lavender assured. "I am useless and cannot be a part of a pack. I have no wolf. I… '' Lynexia cried but trailed off. "Listen, Xavier and I believe that you will make a wonderful addition to our pack. You will be able to find your place among us. Our daughter-in-law may be able to help you through your grief and hopefully guide your wolf back to you. No one wants to get rid of you. Everyone just wants what is best for you. Melania and Rydel have, happily, agreed to accept you as their own daughter. You will have a little brother and sister, as well. '' Ginger explained. "I guess I don't have a choice. That's the life of an orphan who has lost their wolf." Lynexia sighed. "When do we leave?" She inquired. "My son is on his way. When he arrives we can discuss the trip. " Ginger responded. Lynexia nodded and left the house again.

Lynexia walked around the property with the sun beating down on her skin. She sniffed the air and tried to take it all in. She had to come to terms with her new life. Nothing made any sense. Why was her home burned? Why were her parents dead? Why would anyone want to ruin their wonderful life they were living. Her mother and father brought peace and strength to the pack. She begged Mother Earth to make it all make sense. Now, she wondered if she would have to live the rest of her life without her wolf. "Mother Moon, please send my wolf back to me. Heal this hurt and don't doom me to a human life." She yelled at the sky. Tears streamed down her face as the anger built up inside.