
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The sky changed and Lynexia could smell the evening coming. The animals of the day started to bed down with the sun. The animals of the night opened their eyes with the rising moon. The insects changed shifts and the wheat smelled different. Lynexia could feel the awakening moon. Every instinct told her to shift. As much as she urged her body, it just couldn't change. The silence of her wolf tore her soul apart. Lynexia stomped through the fields. Her anger and frustration were boiling up inside her. She walked up to the side of a barn and punched a hole through the wall. When she pulled it out she watched the blood streaming out around the pieces of wood stuck in her flesh. She didn't feel any pain from her wounds. She stomped towards the woods. The blood dripped fast to the ground and stained the grass behind her. She reached the edge of the trees and realized that her arm hurt. She looked back at her hand and arm. Normally, by now, wounds like these would have started healing already. Instead, the red blood continued to drip to the ground. Lynexia stared at it confused, then the wind picked up and the torn flesh started to sting.

The young female turned around and headed back to the ranch house. She walked in through the kitchen door. Ginger and Lavender were sitting at the table. They caught the smell of blood and started looking for the source. They looked towards the door to find a very pale Lynexia standing there. They saw the bright red blood covering her hand and dripping on the floor. "Lynexia? '' Ginger got up and led her to the table. Lavender grabbed a kitchen towel and wrapped it around Lynexia's arm. "What happened? " the red-haired female asked. "I wanted to shift but my body would not comply. I got so angry and punched a hole in the side of the barns." Lynexia confessed. "I'm sorry Lavender," she added. "It's alright. We understand." Lavender smiled. Lavender and Ginger picked the shards of wood out of Lynexia's arm and hand. "No one will be mad at you, young one. It is hard to handle when you lose such a precious part of you." Lavender assured. As the females finished pulling the last of the splinters, Alpha Cyan walked into the kitchen. He was followed by Marcel and Wyett. "Why do I smell blood?" he questioned.``Miss Lynexia became angry and frustrated with her wolf situation and punched a hole in the side of one of the barns." Lavender explained. "Well, that's better than crying and sleeping all the time." Wyett chuckled. "Without the healing wolf, she could have caused permanent damage." Ginger stated. Wyett didn't respond. "She needs her wolf. Mother Moon will send her wolf back when she decides Lynexia is ready." Cyan stated. fell silent while Ginger bandaged Lynexia's wounds. "You all wash up and I will finish dinner," Lavender suggested as she stood up. The males left as Ginger cleaned up the first aid kit and took the bloody towel out of the room. She quickly returned to set the table. "Lynexia, are you joining us for dinner?" she asked. "I guess" Lynexia responded in a low voice. "Good" Lavender smiled from the stove.

The males returned as Lavender served the meal. They all dug in with the little conversation. Lynexia picked at her food, ate a little, and left the table. The females watched her leave but made no moves to stop her. She had made great progress. She spoke, interacted, and at something. She had a long road but seemed, at least a little, willing to try. As much as they didn't want to admit it to Wyett, he was right. Her punching the barn showed that there was something still inside. This gave them hope that they would not lose her.

They finished the meal and the females cleared the table. The males left to fix the hole in the barn wall. "Do you think Wyett assessed Lynexia's wall punch is a good sign?" Ginger questioned. "Maybe, it does show she still has emotion and is willing to fight for her wolf," Lavender responded. "I hope you are right. I am afraid she might never come back. Yes, I know she will never be the same. I just hope Melania can bring some semblance of the old Lynexia back. At least what Marcel and Wyett described." Ginger sighed. "Lynexia is a strong girl. She comes from a strong and resilient stock. I am sure, in time, she will pull through. It may take finding her mate to guide her wolf home. Maybe having that connection will ground her and give her security." Lavender suggested. "I didn't think of the mate. Will Mother Moon allow her a mate? Will he be strong enough to give her the time she needs?" Ginger wondered.

The males returned and met the females in the living room. "Well, it's good to see she hasn't lost her physical strength," Cyan commented as they entered. "Was it that bad?" Lavender questioned. "We had to replace an entire six-foot section," Wyett responded. "The whole was three feet across but the section splintered and cracked like a spiderweb," Marcel added. The group sat and talked for a few more hours. Someone knocked on the door and the conversation stopped. Cyan got up and opened the door. A young, red-haired male stood on the front porch. "Hello, Granddad." he greeted. "Hi, Alrik. It's been a while. Thank you for coming." Cyan responded, letting his grandson in.

Cyan led Alrik into the living room, where the others waited. "Hello, Meemaw." Alrik greeted Lavender with a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Ricco, it's so nice to see you. You have grown so much since the last time we saw you." Lavender gushed. Ginger looked on, so proud of how great her son was turning out. "So, where is the Alpha orphan?" Alrik asked. "Alrik, be nice. Lynexia is hurting. She just lost her parents and may have lost her wolf. Put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel?" Ginger scolded. "I wasn't trying to be insulting, Mama, I'm sorry if it came out that way." Alrik apologized. "Think about what you want to say before you say it," Lavender stated. "Lynexia is in her room," she added. "Oh, I was hoping to meet her before we left. It might make the transition easier if she knows who she is traveling with." the young male confessed. "Don't worry, you will have plenty of time to meet her before we leave. Just give her some time. We aren't just going to hit her over the head and throw her into the RV and take off." Ginger assured me. "Are we sure we shouldn't consider that as an option?" Marcel joked. "We may not rule that out as an option. I don't know where I would go, but I guess if I wanted to run I would." Lynexia responded. The group gasped and looked to the doorway. Alrik's eyes widened, his wolf howled. The howl died into a whimper when its call was not answered.

"Alrik, this is Lynexia." Ginger introduced. Alrik just stared, he could not tell his mouth to form words. "Lynexia, this is my son, Alrik. he has come down to take us back to Tennessee," she added. "Nice to meet you, Alrik." Lynexia greeted. Her voice was the most beautiful song he had ever heard. He continued to stare without words. "Does he speak?" Lynexia looked at Ginger. "Normally, he can't stop." Lavender quipped. "Look, Alrik, I know I look like an emaciated scarecrow and my scent is not what it should be. But you don't have to stare." Lynexia became annoyed. "No, no" he shook his head, "I'm sorry I stared. You look fine to me. Your scent is en… it's fine." he stumbled. the others looked at each other knowingly. Lynexia gave Alrik an uncomfortable look then looked around him again. "We can leave whenever you are ready." She stated around Alrik and then walked out. Ginger walked past her son and smacked him upside the head on her way after Lynexia.

"Alrik, you need to be a bit more respectful." Lavender sated. "I'm sorry, Meemaw. I just couldn't help it." Alrik confessed. "You are young but you have to learn to control your mouth and your actions," Cyan stated. "I will try, Grandad." Alrik realized how uncomfortable he had made Lynexia feel.

Ginger found Lynexia laying on the back lawn. "Lynexia, I'm sorry Alrik started at you like that." She apologized. "Don't worry about it. He's a young male. They do that sometimes. Especially around girls. He will get over it by the time we get to Tennessee." Lynexia sat up. "Are you sure you are ready to leave?" Ginger questioned. "It really doesn't matter," Lynexia responded. "Of course it matters. If you're not ready, we can wait a bit longer.' Ginger assured. "No, it doesn't. No matter where I am, I will be just as I am. The decision has been made. Why delay it. I have no place here and no wolf." Lynexia shrugged. "Alright, we can let Alrik spend some time with his grandparents. We can head out tomorrow afternoon." Ginger smiled. "Alright." Lynexia nodded. "I'm gonna go for a walk," she added and started to walk away.

Alrik met his mother in the backyard. "Where is she going?" he questioned. "She needed a walk," Ginger responded. "I'll go with her. I should really apologize for my actions earlier." Alrik started to follow. "No, let her go. She doesn't need a lost puppy following her around. You can apologize later." Ginger stated. " I AM NOT A PUPPY! I am a wolf!" Alrik became angry. "Alrik, Don't you dare speak to me like that. I know you have a feeling she is your mate but now is not the time to pursue that. Lynexia is not emotionally or mentally ready to be mated. "I know, I just got lost when my wolf howled then whimpered when her's didn't respond. I forgot her wolf had gone silent." Alrik sighed. "I know, son. She may return to Lynexia. you two may be very happy together one day. You must give her time to make a decision on her own." ginger urged. "She will have all the time she needs. I will remain close to support her," he vowed.

Lynexia walked through the fields, taking in the smells and allowing her mind to wander with the sounds. She started thinking about her parents again. Moving to Tennessee was saying goodbye to her pack and her parents forever. Lynexia understood her life was about to change, even more than it already had. Would it be for the better or was she headed into a dark abyss? She sat down and curled into herself. Tears rolled down her face as she silently begged her mother and father to guide her. Night fell but Lynexia didn't move.

As the night drew on, Alrik started to get worried. He paced the living room for a while. He tried hard not to run out to find her. After almost an hour, Alrik couldn't take it anymore. He left the house and started to search for Lynexia. He combed the fields but could not locate the young female. Before he could stop it, his wolf took over and he shifted. The red wolf sniffed the air and howled. The great wolf tore off through the trees and back into the fields. Finally, he found Lynexia laying in the corn stalks. Alrik shifted back and knelt beside the young female. He slipped his arms under her legs and shoulders. He pulled her up to his chest and stood. He gingerly carried her back to the ranch house. Ginger met them at the kitchen door. She led Alrik to the guest room. Alrik gently placed Lynexia on the bed. They left and closed the door behind them.