
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


'Welcome, cousins. " The older male greeted. "Thank you, ALPHA Cyan." Wyett shook the male's hand. "How many have arrived?" He inquired. "Two families. " Cyan responded. "What happened? " The older female questioned. "Good to see you too, Luna lavender. An omega decided to stage a coupe. He couldn't best anyone in a real fight. So, he poisoned a small group into following him. Then they firebombed the town. Alpha Camus and Luna Sarina worked to get us all to safety. Sadly, they were trapped in the saloon when it collapsed. " Wyett explained. Lavender gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as tears filled her eyes. "What of the Luna princess? " A middle-aged female inquired. "Lynexia is in the back of the RV. A couple of hours into the drive she fell asleep, so I laid her down in the bed. " Aunt Azura responded.

"How is she? Felita questioned. "Not well. She had to be restrained and drug to the RV. She had tried to run into the blazing, collapsed saloon. '' aunt Azura explained. "It will take her some time to move through the hurt and move forward. '' a male explained. "You may be right, Turk. It will be a long, hard struggle." Wyett agreed. The group nodded in agreement. "Let's get you all inside. You must be exhausted. Turk, bring LYNEXIA IN AND PUT HER IN THE GUEST ROOM BESIDE THE LIVING ROOM.' Lavender commanded. Cyan led them inside the ranch house. Turk entered the RV and removed the sleeping young female. He carefully carried her into the house and gently laid her on the bed.

Lynexia woke up sometime later in a haze with a splitting headache. She sat up, and her body felt heavy. She looked around and realized she had no idea where she was. She hoped to find at least one of her parents. She nodded their comfort.

Lynexia found the kitchen and an older female at the stove cooking. Lynexia smelled breakfast and she was taken back to her mother's kitchen. Her mother was always such a wonderful cook. She cleared her throat and the older female turned around and smiled. "Good morning, Miss lynexia. Would you like something to drink? " she asked. "Where am I? " lynexia inquired with a croak in her voice. "You are at the MacIntyre ranch. I am Luna lavender. " the older female explained. "oh, are mom and dad here, yet? " lynexia questioned, feeling hopeful. "Why don't you sit down and I will get you some toast. Lavender urged and led her to a chair at the table, avoiding the question.

Lynexia felt it in her heart that her parents didn't make it out of that burning house. No one would avoid a question unless the news was bad. She slumped in the chair. She put her head in her hands and howled with pain. Lavender abandoned the tea and toast to comfort the young female. "I'm sorry, young one. I know it's hard to lose those you love. It is the worst pain anyone could ever feel. In time you will have a little less pain. You will, one day, be able to grow from this. " lavender assured.

Wyett, Marcel, and Cyan entered the kitchen. "Something smells delicious, my love." Cyan took in a deep sniff. "help yourselves. Lavender said., not leaving Lynexia's side. "Lynexia, how are you today?" Wyett asked. Lynexia didn't answer. She cried and ran from the room.

Lavender followed her to the bedroom. "It's alright, young one. I will bring you some tea and toast. Please eat something" she stated. Lavender left with sadness in her eyes. Lynexia didn't say anything. She just cried into the pillow.

Lavender returned to the kitchen. She found the males devouring the breakfast she had left on the counter. Wyett looked up as she entered questioningly. "her wolf howls in despair. She is lost and doesn't know what to do. It won't pass quickly. She had to find her way back. Mother Moon will watch over her." Lavender explained. "What are your plans for lynexia?" Cyan inquired. "She is almost of age, Alpha Camus was planning an event to bring other packs in hopes she would find her mate on her birthday. I am not sure whether or not we should proceed or wait until she has healed. '' Wyett responded.

"let's get her settled somewhere and give her time to grieve. Then we can plan a 'coming out" type of party. " lavender suggested. "Do you want her to become part of our pack? '' Cyan asked. "We really don't have a place for her. Nor are we equipped to help her. " lavender sighed. "Call Xavier, perhaps he and Ginger have a place for her. Ginger would be able to work with lynexia better than anyone I know. '' Cyan recommended. Lavender nodded with a smile and left the room. "Do you really think ginger can or will help?" Marcel questioned. "of course. The pack is large and prides itself on accepting anyone who needs help. They can either stay temporarily or they can join the pack. Ginger has always wanted to run a house for wayward wolves. Ginger would never turn lynexia away, and she will do whatever it takes to help LYnexia." Cyan explained. "Would separating her from what's left of her pack be the best idea?" Wyett questioned. "It might be for the best if she did make a fresh start. It will hurt for a while to not have the familiarity but this would allow her to find her own path. If she stayed with the pack she would always be looked at as the former luna princess and the others would expect so much from her because of her parents. She needs to be out of that shadow." Marcel admitted. "Tennessee may do her some good. She will be able to build a new family, either with ginger and Xavier or with another couple in the pack. Marcel may be right, not having the reminders and the shadow of her parents and your lives in Wyoming may help in the healing process." Cyan agreed. Lavender returned with a smile on her face, "Ginger will be here tomorrow to discuss lynexia's options. '' she announced. "good, we will have lynexia join us." Wyett stated. "Let's not make it seem like it's bad or that we don't want her here. Rejection is the last thing she needs right now." Lavender pointed out. The group nodded in agreement.

The sun hung high in the sky around midday the next day when Lynexia had not emerged from the bedroom. Lavender went to check on the young female. Lynexia was curled up on the bed and the tea toast remained untouched on the bedside table. Lavender sighed, and cleared the table, and left the room.

Lavender entered the kitchen, dumped the toast in the trash, and placed the dishes in the sink. Marcel, Wyett, and Cyan sat at the table discussing the pack. "They all scattered. How would we find them all?" Wyett questioned. "I don't know if we can. We don't know where they went or how many joined Marcus. Besides, we are small and without a home. We don't have the resources to track them." Marcel sighed. "Once you establish a home, some may return. You may consider just building the pack up again." Cyan suggested. "Where would we start building again?" Marcel questioned. "The Ranch next door is for sale. It would be a place to start." Cyan responded. "How would we buy a ranch? We lost everything in that fire. Everything in the pack funds belongs to Lynexia now. We each have some funds but not near enough to purchase land." Wyett questioned. "Don't worry. I have met with my pack and we have agreed to help you get back on your feet. We will help you purchase the land." Cyan offered. "Cyan, you don't have to. That is too much." Marcel countered. "We have agreed that it is well within our means. It's alright to ask for and accept help?" Cyan responded. "Thank you, Cyan. I promise we will pay you back as soon as possible." Wyett insisted. "We take care of our own." Cyan smiled. "I never thought this would ever happen to our pack. Alpha Camus was the greatest leader we had in the history of the pack. We used to move every year because the humans became suspicious. He found us a home that was perfect for us. He cared for every member and made sure we had everything we could ever need." Wyett lamented. "It happens to the best of us. Sometimes someone believes they can do better or they want the power to rule." Cyan responded. "I guess you are right." Wyett sighed. "The worst part is the orphaned young ones. We lost four mates. Their children must grow up without their knowledge and connection." Marcel added. "That will make for a hard future. Having that biological connection is the way for them to understand the changes and challenges they will face as they mature. Those younger than puberty will adjust better. Those who are older, like Lynexia, will struggle the worst. The biological connection helps to guide the child and their wolf until they find their mate." Lavender explained.