
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Leaving it all Behind

Lynexia woke the next morning, confused. She remembered being in the fields but not returning to the ranch house. She sat up, stretched, and sniffed the air. The smell of sausage and eggs filled her sinuses. She kicked her legs over the edge. Lynexia slowly got to her feet and left the room. She made her way through the house to enter the kitchen. Alrik, sensing her presence, looked up from his plate. "How did you sleep, Lynexia?" he questioned. Lynexia shrugged her shoulders in response. "Are you hungry?'' he inquired as he got up from the table and approached her. "Not really" she whispered as Alrik led her to his chair and had her sit. "You really should eat something." Lavender urged. Alrik moved his plate so his grandmother placed a plate of sausage and toast in front of Lynexia. Lynexia was not really hungry but felt all the eyes burrowing through her. She took a small bite of toast. Ginger then placed a glass of juice next to Lynexia's plate. The young female finished one piece of toast and drank the juice. She couldn't stand the stares, so she left the house.

Lynexia walked along the edge of the trees. After a couple of laps. She found a spot under a tree with low-hanging branches. She leaned against the trunk and closed her eyes. She tried to dear her mind. She was still in need of her parents' guidance and comfort and Mother moon. She needed a sign everything was going to be ok. She was away from her pack, she would be lost. Ginger and Alrik seemed really nice and acted like they really wanted her to be a part of their pack. Part of Lynexia wanted to, gladly, move to Tennessee for a new start. The other part could not let go of her grief and the losses. Lynexia was torn between hope and despair. The wind blew the limbs of the trees and birds' songs drifted in the air. Lynexia started to feel hot so she decided to return to the house. She got up, dusted her pants off, and made her way across the fields towards the back of the ranch house. Ginger and Alrik were waiting for her at the door. "Are you ready?" Ginger questioned. Lynexia nodded. They said their goodbyes. Lynexia thanked Cyan and Lavender and stepped into the RV.

Alrik drove off the property and onto a dirt road. Lynexia layed on the bed in the back of the RV staring out the window. As they drove further and further from the MacIntyre Ranch, the scents Lynexia had known were growing fainter. Her world was now gone and she was officially an orphan. Tears rolled out of her eyes as she silently said goodbye to everything she had ever known. Ginger sat next to Alrik in the front. She worried about the young female in the back but allowed her the space to grieve.

As the landscape changed, the scents in the air shifted and Lynexia wrinkled her nose at 'stench'. Out the window, Lynexia watched the road flash past and the fields change colors as they passed different farms. The cows grazed and large sprinklers watered the vast corn and hay fields. Wild horses roamed the plains and birds circled in the sky. The day wore on and Lynexia never left her spot. Alrik stopped now and then but Lynexia still didn't leave the RV.

She did not sleep as they traveled across the states. Ginger tried to talk to the young female but Lynexia wouldn't say a word. As the moon rose in the sky Alrik stopped at a gas station to fuel up. Ginger took the time to buy some food and to stretch her legs. Alrik finished fueling and his mother had not returned yet so he decided to try and talk the Lynexia.

He entered the bedroom area and found his mate curled up in a ball softly crying. "Lynexia?" he questioned. She did not respond. "Listen, I know that you are hurting. Leaving is like losing them all over again. I will not tell you to push it aside but I will tell you that you are headed for a wonderful new home. The pack will love you and help you through your grief. I want you to know that no matter what you need I will be there for you. I will protect you and, should you need, be a shoulder to cry on." he promised. Lynexia looked to him, tears still falling from her eyes, "Why are you saying these things?" she whispered. "Because, I. I. I care about you. I can see that you are in pain and need people to hold you up so that you don't fall." he responded. "You don't even know me. How can you want to take such care of me?" she questioned. "I am just a caring person." he responded, he knew he could not tell her what mother moon had provided for them both. She was not ready to hear it. Lynexia studied his face. Before either could speak, Ginger re-entered the vehicle. "Alrik, what are you doing?" she inquired. "Just checking in on Lynexia." he responded and returned to the driver seat.

"How is she?" Ginger asked. "Still hurting, but I got her to speak." Alrik answered as he pulled out of the gas station. "What did she say?" Ginger asked. "I went in to comfort her and to tell her that she was headed for a wonderful home and that the pack would love her and support her. I also told her that I would be there for anything she might need." he admitted. "Alrik, you can't be so forward. you know she is not ready." Ginger scolded. "I know, I didn't tell her the other part, I just told her that I am a caring person. Mom, I jsut wanted to reassure her that just because she is leaving everything she knows behind, it is not the end." Alrik explained. " Just be careful, even after her 18th birthday. If she has not regained her wolf she will most likely reject you without even thinking. Mother Moon will guide her home and she will work to accept a mate." Ginger responded. "I know, but you know how hard it is when you can't comfort your mate the way they need." Alrik pointed out. "I know, son. You will have to be strong and wait until she is ready to accept that comfort." Ginger responded.