
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 14: It’s not a slaughter system

We then began our long fight with the molens and, with my new bone hammer, S10's suppression with her Domination Ki and the changeable eagle armor, the power of the cultivators of the human clan, this all created a one-sided massacre of the Molens despite being outnumbered.

I was able to run around in battle killing molens without depleting my 'ice ki' power but relied on my innate strength stats to kill.

After 3hrs in my time which is a whole red color of the candle watcher here, we managed to scare off the wave of mo lens and ensured that they took no human corpses back to their nest.


*200 Molen killed, collect blood*

I was left with entering the mind realm, and then maybe I could start to gain some points and my best bet is if I do some quests of the system I can have a chance to increase my stats.

After the battle ended with chasing away the remaining molen beasts back to the first tunnel, S10 stood still covered in blood by the stone gate, even though the armor was on her I felt in my being that I still owned and controlled this armor, and I was its sole owner, and having thought of this I thought of the mark of crafter skill *TEMA* That is maybe granting me such a cheat ability.

"What's wrong? first time seeing a blood-bathed maiden hehehe," she said with a cute giggle and a smirk, her red eyes emitting a pure rosy glow, giving her a deadly cuteness.

I stood with the group by the stone gate that was now covered with red Molen and human blood splatter and the corpses of humans we moved stood piled up on the disk in front of the stone gate that is about 10 meters long and 7 meters wide enough for an elephant to go in unhindered,

We had managed to not let the molens enter the gates even with their powerful digging abilities; they were blown up by the self-detonating cultivator slaves.


The gate opened up and we walked back inside Terra, stared at by the humans with disdain and disgust as if we were not worthy of their eyesight, "Not even a thank you for doing a job well done," I thought, shaking my head.

Slith walked in front of me with a sinister grin, "Come with me boy, it's time you begin smithing my men some weaponry," he said arrogantly as if his words were meant to be always followed.

His sneer made his decent youthful face extremely ugly right now and caused my blood to boil with disgust and anger. I had the urge to slap his arrogant face but held myself back, even my bosses back on earth respected me for my vision as an architect.

I even got praised with the nickname Angelo for my mastery of the art of building but here these guys trample on you for your services.

He then dragged me by the neck overwhelming me with his cultivation power, "Finally I will have my army and go back to Afreya and kill all those who opposed me and with you Dwarf. no one will stop me." He said excitedly like a kid who just got a new toy.

"Halt!" said a squeaky childlike tone.

We both stopped and saw it was S10 who was wearing the armor as she glared at Slith, her silver fists balled up.

"Leave him alone he is not yours," she said with grit teeth.

"Oh since when have you begun being so bold is it that armor, little girl?" said sloth glancing at her armor, "Now get away from my sight before I kill you I'm doing his for the sake of Hella's face," said Slith grabbing me again.

"Not so fast leave the dwarf too," said a melodious voice.

Finally stopping he turned around and, Hella with her auburn hair, blue-eyes, and yellow dress strolled by to us as awed gazes followed her but her calm demeanor was as if this was something that was meant to be, "Are you forgetting what the first tunnel master said? That he wanted to have a talk with that slave" she said with a charming elegant smile.

Her body ignited with red blazing flames, which irritated my soul as I could not feel the heat on my skin but under it, the deeply hidden feelings of guilt I always have in check felt like they were about to ignite.



*Soul path: Hell blazing sun flames*

"Shoot my appraisal eyes are on, I don't want to waste my points," I thought inwardly crying that some of my points will deplete and I might collapse again since I'm running low on points due to fighting the molens for so long.

*Flames cultivated by the negative energies of anger, hatred, and pride that are enough to burn the soul to ashes of its opponents*

Her eyes lingered at me and turned into a frown as she must feel something off with me peeking at her, but seeing as how she is not acting up it means she is not sure a weakling can inspect her power.

"Power level measurement in this place is difficult to measure and I must know just how far off I am from them," I thought


*True form Aura user of the Ascension Baptism Gate 6th stage*


*True form Aura user of the Ascension Baptism gate 5th stage*

Something else instead of Ki, I was intrigued that these real-looking flames on the lady were Aura, not the Ki I was using, it was upgraded energy.

The system measured their power levels but I got a little dizzy from the measuring side effects of peeking into stronger people, same as the time I made the Armor and I guess it all makes sense seeing how the armor was so good at amplifying S10's Domination Ki.

I need to train more in the mind realm and find a way to level up. I have never seen anything useful to cultivate here similar to special elixirs, and I'm wondering how others here increase their power since everyone here is a prisoner.

"Hmph! You lot just want to take away my prize even though I gave you S10. You can't take this dwarf away from me, I refuse to share and that old man first doesn't need D12,

Because he Is an Elementalist of fire magma and a blacksmith at that, you all are just trying to get a slice of a cake that is not yours in the first place." Said Slith holding back tears.

"Hahaha don't try to cry young spoiled ex-prince Slith I know you're faking, such acts are not worthy of a cultivator of the elemental path. Come let's fight for the ownership of D12 for only strength talks in Terra, Old man First you heard him did you not and the fourth tunnel master is not interested in D12

you are a Blacksmith after all you can't always get the good stuff let's fight to see who will get the little pipsqueak for themselves," she said looking at the air her auburn hair resting on her shoulders.

Flames burned vigorously on her body without destroying her yellow dress, the nearby mortals that did not cultivate grabbed their chests tight in anguish and my heart was a little tingly as the rest of the cultivators were unaffected and just stood still ready for a great spectacle.

"We just finished battling. I'm still tired. Are you going to fight me even though I'm from risking my life for all of you? Are you that afraid of me?" said Slith with a sneer.

"This guy is too shameless he provokes and backs down immediately with excuses he is truly cowardly." I thought as I could not El but admire such shamelessness.

Hella crossed her arms together "That is what I thought" she said with a cunning smile as she immediately pointed at me.

"Then take him to solitary confinement as we discuss how to share him, and take the armor from the succubus girl," said Hell

"N-N-No I won't give you this armor," said S10

"Are you disobeying me?" said Hella pointing a finger at S10 and shot a ray of Aurea at her

Buzzt! Buzz!

The collar around S10 shocked her savagely as she rolled on the ground in agony clasping the collar with teary eyes and Hella only stood there with a cold smile, "So what if you are Cute I own you and you will listen, so take that shit off."

"Please wait! Stop for just a moment, I made it so it needs me to take it off of her so please don't torture her," I shouted panicking for S10's safety.

Hella only glanced at me and retracted her arm stopping the shock treatment S10 was enduring and I hurried over to S10's side brushing her hair, "Silly girl don't get yourself killed over something such as a treasure," I said with a calm tone.

Curled up in tears S10's looked at me with puppy dog eyes, " B-B-But it's yours you made it," she said

"And as the maker I'm telling you it's not Worth your life. Now let me help you take it off," I said pressing my hand on the Mark of craft men


Shaw! Cling! Ting! Cluck!

The changeable eagle armor transformed hurriedly out of S10's Purple skin back into a bird, "Man this looks like an Iron-man suit," I thought to myself

The armor got taken away after that, along with the corpses we brought.

I got dragged to the first tower after making S10 calm down and tossed in a small stone room the size of a garden tool shed back at my world, and the scriptures on my collar glowed red and did not allow me to use my ice elemental power.

Then seated inside, "I feel like I'm back at corporate and just a tool. No use whining about it, I still have to figure out more ways on how to level up like last time," I said.

I sat cross-legged, closed my eyes and concentrated. The vitality stat in me regenerated my exhausted state of mind from battle and some of the injuries like small cuts and bruises healed up at a moderate pace, which helped me focus more.

*System activated*

*Mind realm activated*

*Simulation on. Learning blueprints*

I was back inside my mind-realm in my ethereal body. The white space here made me more open-minded and my soul was calm. I noticed that the white flame on my hand looked more lively as it swerved and danced around excitedly as if it was happy to see me and a white thread of flames extended from it to the center of my brows,

I felt that it was knitting a connection with me and so I did the same and allowed it to do as it pleased and I felt our bond slowly become stronger.

The last time I was here I was able to figure out how to start being more courageous and build confidence that got me enlightened and helped me gain forge points. So I want to get a chance to be enlightened again since now I had not finished some of the tasks of the system since I did not manage to collect some beast molen blood.


The first lesson of blueprints

*A blueprint rank is measured by its Errors or flaws and the Possibility to be Upgraded or Improved For example a rank [F] blueprint of mortal release stage has an error of 40% anything more than that percentage is not worthy to be called a blueprint. And an [F] rank blueprint normally contains ways to be improved from 7 to 10 ways or beyond in rare cases depending on the scribes capabilities*

*The making of blueprints requires Ink made out of blood from beasts. The higher-ranked the beast the better the blood for the ink, and blueprints are scribed on special paper called scrolls and beast skin can also be used.*

After Studying inside my mind realm for an hour the flame retracted its white threads, but I did not get an enlightment, so what the hell was I doing wrong, I had to figure out how to get stronger to stop being controlled like this,

"If only this was a slaughter system I could kill to power up…"

"Haa!" I sighed

Then suddenly the flame re-attached a flame thread to my head sending a jolt of shock to my soul,

The connection with the flame made something in me click like an old memory that is not mine appeared, a blood-soaked youth with graceful elegant features, his eyes pure white with no pupils and white silver like hair, cascaded on his shoulders, his entire body rested on a giant black boulder.

"This is a builder system, not a slaughter system, and if a power-up is what the user will need then they will have to build, forge and get enlightened in the ways of creation." Said the sage-like youth, his blood-soaked white clothes releasing a profound light as he scribed in the air.

"Who is this guy," But before I could watch more of this memory a sharp pain hit my head and I got rusted out of the memory.

Click! Krrrr!

The stone door opened, and Slith came in with a chain in hand with a grin reaching ear to ear, "Hahaha little one the heavens have answered me, time for you to make me all-powerful," he said gleefully like a spoiled brat who just got a new pet for himself.

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled back tiredly, another Enlightenment had hit me, "Yes master,"

*Forge point gained + 5*