
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 15: Double trouble Bloodline

Deep underground the First tower, in a hot room filled with magma flames of deep orange light, enough to make the skin irritated like ants biting them. Stood a yellow-dressed lady in her thirties as she gave a dry gentle cough as her throat was sticky from the saliva that tried to ease the lack of moisture in the air.

"Old man first, I don't understand. Why give Slith permission to take the slave D12?" said Hella holding hands with the Old man while he meditated.

"I know that he originally had Slith take care of the First tunnel wave of beasts because of his injuries, but still to give up a blacksmith Dwarf comparable to a 1 Star smith. And for some weird reason is not affected by the curse is a treasure from the heavens," thought Hell glancing seductively at the old man, her elegant grace nowhere to be seen.

"Even though he was a former prince, does it allow you to give out such a treasure without a fight," she said, gripping his old hands even tighter as she bit her lower lips in frustration at losing to Slith such a treasure.

She watched the bald oldie with a shiny head, dreaded red beard dipped in his magma pool, sitting cross-legged on a rock in the center of the magma pool the origin Energy spiraling towards him, together with Hella on the opposite end holding his hands, palms touching each other.

Opening his eyes, a sharp fiery light like a volcano erupted from his vision, and steam burst from his long Greek nose like a raging bull, his red robe glowed mysteriously and a rectangular tablet with black color and 2 stars shined profoundly with a silver light that was strapped to his thick leather rope belt.

He sighed, shaking his head, "It is indeed true that taking care of the molens is not worthy of him taking the dwarf, however, that child has a dragon bloodline such a pity," he said, letting go of Hella's hands and caressing her auburn hair with grin.

Hella became speechless for a moment, "Are you sure?" She said with creased eyebrows.

He nodded, "Even though I am injured, my mind is enlightened to the Scholars breath gate, I could sense it when he made that bird armor a day ago," he said, rubbing Hella's other hand softly and delicately like a flower.

Hella was shocked again, this old man has already ranked up into another realm, and has the 2 stars Blacksmith title, a true asset that still makes her confused as to why he was sent down here by the king of the human clan and sloth's father the most ruthless and tyrannical ruler Dian-Belos-III that is the reason why his fruiter son he dotted on after trying to usurp the throne from him got banished her in Terra.

His only strong suit is his unyielding love for family which is also his weakness but his strength and tyranny has prevented enemies from even thinking of touching his family.

And the reason why Slith is still alive is also because he is his son.

"Then shouldn't we kill D12 before his true potential is unleashed?" Said Hella with a vicious cunning glint in her eyes devoid of emotion and mercy that has helped keep her alive till this day.

Old man first shook his head "You shouldn't worry even though he is a dragon hybrid, most are weak and the mixed bloodlines can mutate and ruin him so he is not a threat. Might as well use him before he kicks the bucket," he said with a grin.

Holding her yellow dress tightly Hella thought of what a pity it is that he is of both a cursed bloodline of the dwarfs and a hated but envied bloodline of the dragons that are despised by some demon overlords, gods, and humans for being a lunatic overbearing race that loves to subdue and go against a higher power.

A behavior imprinted deep in every dragon's blood and soul.

But ever since a thousand years ago the dragon race also disappeared and only the Dragon blood sect remains. Finding all the dragon hybrids for their sect is their mission,and the Old man Reece can detect them. Since he has fought with some of the elders from the Dragon blood sect.

Hella looked at Reece with a brow raised up, and Reece smiled back, " I can sense the intents of the heart, and though the boy was unawakened at first when he forged I sensed,

Frightful dragon Ki, famous in the Dragon blood sect, he must have awakened the bloodline when he forged."

"Now I will have an excuse to kill Slith, and the older brother of Slith will have no more worries of suffering the burden of killing his brother to succeed the throne, and the King will not be able to do anything as his son worked with a dragon kin." Said Reece with a diabolical grin.

"He uses Advanced 'ice Ki element', and his attacks in the battleground were average, but his courage was of a true warrior like he had already been in a battle before as he was unfazed when killing the beast Molens,

And if he is of the Ice dragon bloodline it makes sense to have so much control on his 'ice Ki' power since an elemental path cultivator after reaching a certain point in power can pass on their power to the next generation to have a head start," said Hella with wide eyes.

"It's a complicated topic but I guess the dragon race might be returning Since it has been hard to find a half blood with such vigorous dragon blood as that kid, and with the evidence of the boy dwarf having close to no deviation or explosion to his body means the curse of the dwarfs must be wearing off or is prevented somehow, too bad he is the last dwarf here though,

His remaining brethren had been forced to overwork at the mines to death by Slith," said Reece shaking his head.

Then his old eyes glinted with venomous ruthlessness and cunning as he caressed Hella's thighs.

"To have two of the people I hate, get disposed of at the same time will surely gain me a better position to the future king and Slith's Brother Lot-Belos," said Reece, placing Hella on his lap and kissing her neck slowly and passionately with his old dried up course lips.

"This old man is a cunning bastard that is why I need him for myself, to help me get back to Afreya, get revenge, and make my name hell maiden infamous again. Having Slith take all the blame for using a Dragon and Dwarf offspring, two of the hated races of the human clan to make him artifacts,

We can easily kill him off, to get us closer to the future king the older brother of Slith, because everyone knows Slith's thirst for power is what got him here, but since killing him would have infuriated his supporters he was exiled to avoid a civil war in the kingdom, and prevent other nations of the humans to attack or even the Demon overlords keeping an eye for a chance to attack." Thought Hella.

Their plan was, if the current king finds out Slith was helped by a Dragon offspring, he will get crippled or even killed with not much resistance or support from the royal court as he tried to usurp the throne with the help of both dragon and dwarfs,

Two races branded as destructive and vile to the world, and the Dwarf getting executed will cause a more stable situation to happen for the future king.

"Haha, the poor kid is designed for a hard torturous life the moment he sets foot at Afreya." Said Reece jovially.

Rubbing her slender hands on his thigh beside his saluting soldier Hella caused Reece to gasp pleasantly, "Naughty old Hella to dare mess with this weak-hearted old man I must teach you a lesson," he said with a grin.

"Hmph! Teach me what!? You are just celebrating the future fruition of your plan and you will forget me once you get your power won't you? You haven't mentioned me once while talking of the future,and after so many years now the teleportation fortress is about to finish. Remember you promised to take me with you and the fourth tower master,"said Hella with a cute pout on her pink lips.

He brushed her succulent lips with his thumb "Don't worry wouldn't I have told you about the teleportation fortress being able to teleport beings according to their strength, if I wasn't serious about taking you and that maid of yours together with the S10 slave you experimented on," he said helplessly and cursing himself inwardly for not reassuring this maiden in front of him.

She then approached his ear and licked it, "Good boy," and when he tried to grab her rear to devour her. She slapped away his hand and stretched out a finger waving it side to side, "Only after we get out of this hell," she said, getting up and glided in the air above the hot magma to the other end of the magma pool, "Hey! Oldie Pervert, How long do I have to wait till the Teleportation device is finished?" She said.

"After three candle watchers(Three days) then my Scribes will be done with the runes of the device, What!? Don't you trust a 2 Star Blacksmith this will all be over, and done with after I Kill Slith" he said

Hella nodded, "Okay then we have to make sure we get out of here before the humanoids of the second tunnel decide to pay a visit since the first tunnel wave is dealt with. Now heal up quickly, will you." She said walking out of the hot room.

"Slith my boy, use that Dwarf to your heart's content and prepare yourself hehehe." Said Reece with a devious grin.