
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 13: Bone hammer

Blue light mist covered my arms as I impaled the Molens, and turned them to white statues shattering their bodies to smithereens with a blow to their brittle bodies.


The 'ice ki' numbed my senses making it easy to sweep apart the skulls of the Molens with my cold hard fingertips, I watched the human non-cultivators die like flies with my Dragonic white eyes and decided to go deep into the battlefield to retrieve the human bodies.

S10 radiated purple flaming light, and stretched out her large avarian bat wings, "I will open up a path for you guys," she shouted.

As she flew up in the air and spun at a rapid speed like a tornado releasing avarion metal feathers imbued with purple glow that sent a barrage of silver wings that impaled the Molens in front, "You guys go deeper into the battlefield and retrieve the bodies," She said as she dashed toward the Molens.

Cling! Ting! Cling!

The detached wings hovered in mid-air and bolted back into the armor re-attaching themselves to the armor like a boomerang.

The avarion metal feathers got released again, striking the ground and piercing the Molen beasts, nailing them down the rocky blood filled battlefield to form a narrow path that opened up into the middle of the swarm,

"Charge, and whoever is capable make sure to bring down a molen with you," I said

Going into the path I extended my hand forward causing it to glow with a profound blue flaming light, 'White dragon frightful presence(F)' the molens still inside the path shrieked as they turned into ice statues and, I made sure not to melt the avarion mini feather fence.

*-5 Spirit energy*


The molens visibly trembled after I released my skill causing an overbearing aura of a dragon to be released, and as they were immobilized I froze them with my Ice Ki.

Bash! Crash!

Together with my not so perfect fist punches that were more composed of crushing frozen skulls using brute force. Imbuing freezing blue flaming light to my fists, 09 beside me with his almost fluid movements of his yellow earthen orc boar attacks showed his experience as a fighter,

As we managed to destroy the molens in our path to arrive at the bodies of the dead humans piled up by the molens.

Then O9 made a dome called 'earth wall' to protect us from the Molens coming to us in other directions, as they realized we were about to snatch away their food source.


"This guy uses his Ice ki so savagely it's obvious he lacks battle experience, which makes me wonder why S10 is following such a loser even though he is a little decent at crafting,

but, I bet if he is against other builders in Afreya he is just average," thought O9 after seeing the savage fighting of D12 that did not compare to his Earthen boar techniques.

I tell you this guy is going to get us killed, such barbaric techniques, but his leadership skills are also decent and it's almost like he can see the weakness of his opponents but these are just low intelligence beasts, with a real person he won't last long," thought O9.

Walking behind D12 and sizing up the Dwarf wearing tattered beast skin O9's brow twitched "Oi! after this battle you should get some new beast pelts, wear something proper for once, I mean being a slave who is a cultivator you have to have some pride in your clothing," said O9 to the young fellow.

He looked back at O9 and smiled

"Hmph! I'm just trying to help S10 out," said O9, flinging his head around.


After hearing O9's suggestion, I missed wearing some good construction overalls but, we are on a battlefield, the molens keep getting killed by other fighters and we didn't have to kill a lot.

The demon bodies lie scattered up and not touched by the Molens. It looks like they don't like demon flesh.

I looked at 09, " I need a plate disked rock," I said

He only looked at me and flung his head up "Tch! you're lucky I still need S10's approval so here," he said, stomping his leg on the ground infusing it with yellow ki, and a disk-like rock ascended from the rocky ground.

"Looks like I need to level up more to seize control of more of these guys, but having killed a lot of these Molens I haven't leveled up a single bit. I need to figure out how to increase my level quickly." I thought

Taking the disk with a circumference of 5 meters. I spread a path of ice on the ground expanding it to the other end dome, and had 09 transport the pile of human corpses in the disk with a wave of earth power.

And commanded the non-cultivators to slide it away before 09's earth dome collapsed from the attacks of a few Molens outside.

The mortal demon slaves sled away the corpse disk on the ice path that continued increasing moving forward, as we fought again, I looked around using Dragonic white eyes to scout for more piles of the human bodies made by the molens.

I saw by the far edge of the battlefield the lunatic man who made the Molens crazy at the beginning of the battle struggling to keep up with the horde that kept attacking him.

"Let's move and save that idiot," I said as I released a blue ring wave turning the nearby Molens to statues that blocked the ones outside temporarily.

*Ice ki power limit about to be reached, Spirit energy -5*

Damn so soon, but I only felt lightheaded, but I had to save that guy.

A hand stopped me by grabbing my shoulder, I looked over and it was O9, "Do you want to die, we will not go to that human," he said seriously.

I lowered my brows, "Why is that a problem? Are you against me even in battle," I said, a Little angry since I still had some lingering feelings for humans maybe due to my past life.

"Haaa!" O9 sighed out loud, "Look you don't know this since you are still young, but humans are trash, the moment we get there we will get killed I guarantee that," he said


"You think he is fighting there alone without any choice? No!, he is doing it for fun, and once we get there we will be disturbing him and he will kill us all, trust me I know a lunatic human when I see one,

So don't go risking the lives of my brethren for nothing," he said as he looked behind him, and I saw the others with their heads lowered,

"Okay then guys continue searching, let's continue doing our job of corpse moving and not get distracted," I said as I shook my head.

I wanted to change and think about others in this life. I'm not human anymore but a demon race dwarf so I had to look out for them too, then I looked at O9 "Thanks," I said with a smile.


While moving against the tide of molens hacking and, slashing with my ice arms I realized most of my men were using weapons from axes, sword bones, and even O9 had rings on his arms to use,

Knocking out the teeth of the molens with my devastating frozen punches, I realized that I had no weapon, and I called myself a builder who one day will make my ways of building a sacred law.

But I had no weapon to use and my only creation was with S10.

Who was handling it beautifully with her cultivation of peak Mortal release, but I could not use it since I was weaker, and having to use my bare hands made me feel like a fool.

I needed a weapon fast, I surveyed the battlefield and spotted the corpse of the giant Tiny boner, the giant that died here from the small rodent baby molen, and went ahead with the crew slaying away the molens.

Arriving by his body I froze it and destroyed it to spare him from rotting away and took his 2 meter bone hammer that felt quite easy to handle but was a meter longer than me.

"Wow you can lift that beast fumier so easily, amazing sir," said one of my team members.

"Of course he can you forget he is a cultivator of the ice elemental path and also a dwarf which is a race born with incredible innate strength it's not surprising he can lift it, they are one of the beings in the top ten with amazing innate strength," said 09 with a frown

"But it looks like he hasn't awakened the bloodline of the dwarf yet, I wonder why?" Said O9


A Molen pounced toward the corpse disk sliding away, till I swung the bone hammer towards it.

Boom! Splat!

Wielding the bone hammer I was able to bash up the Molen near me turning it's skull into blood paste, despite my thin muscles caused by my malnutrition, hunger, and slave collar.

My innate strength remained inside of me, "I like this bone hammer I wonder about its origins thank you brother Tiny boner, since I have destroyed his body he will rest in peace, onward to the next batch of dead bodies," I said as we slided away with the earth disk in the battlefield.