
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 12: Recognized by armor


With a heavy explosion on impact with the ground, the bone turned the nearby beasts and those that got hit into blood paste and created a massive ring-like, shock wave of power that sent the molens gathered by the gate flying into the air and the archers shot down the beasts with arrows imbued with fire to burn them in mid-air.

The arrows were like jets filled with the power of wind,


"For freedom," shouted a soldier that ran down the wall holding a spear and being supported by rope, stabbed and killed the molens with his spear on the side of the wall.

"These Molens look very weak and keep on being pushed back. I don't think corpse movers will be needed here." I thought

But as if the gods were making fun of me, the giant Tiny boner started going crazy waving his head around while bashing it with his bone hammer.

"aaaaargh, hhgregg,"

He cried out in agony and fell down with his knees first.

Then a small hairless rodent-like creature came out of the giant's ear, with no eyes and a long star-like nose ending, with jagged teeth as the brain matter still dripped out of its mouth,

"The kids are here, shit THE LITTLE RODENTS ARE HERE," said Sloth with a shout.

He looked at me "Prepare that bird of yours and we will begin to fight seriously as you take the corpses now hurry," he said

"Damn it S10 I need her where is she" I thought


A shadow jumped up the wall, pouncing toward my neck like a deadly panther as a large vicious looking molen had decided to make me it's prey but fortunately for me at that moment.

Another skinny molen came bolting towards it and slammed it's side blasting it away, causing the fellow to crash heavily on the ground to cause a mournful shriek to be emitted by the molens below that got caught in the impact.

And on top of the skinny molen battering ram was S10 with her small hand glowing purple as she held the beast's head, its eyes glowing purple under her control I presumed.

I was puzzled on how she did that, but shoved the thought to the back of my head, "The eagle changeable gear where is it? We need it soon to help in grabbing the corpses of the fallen warriors on the frontlines," I said nervously.

"It's being brought by O9, one thing I want to ask is who is going to use it, and weren't you going to make more when you asked for the cultivators in our group of slaves," she said

I shook my head and looked around, "You see we have no time and I'm still weak as a builder, hurry up and put on the gear you since you are powerful enough to use it, it will benefit us most since you already know how to fight," I said gazing at her controlling the molen.

Then O9 arrived with the bird as he made it move forward similar to a conveyor belt on the rocky floor of the wall with his earth power Ki manipulation.

"System help me allow S10 ability to use this treasure" I said inwardly.


*Place hand on Mark of craftsmen to activate device, followed by the hand of desired user placed on top of your hand*

Without wasting time I placed my hand on the mark and called S10 over, " Come here S10 and, place your hand over mine," I said urgently.

She hurried over and placed her hand over mine. Her power got absorbed by my mark through my hand and spread to the whole bird causing a purple flaming glow on its surface.

*Operation knowledge transfer activated*

*Mark of craftsmen skill activated: -5 Spirit energy*

With that simple touch, the operation and ki flow for the Eagle changeable bird got transferred to S10, using one of the abilities of the mark of craftsmen skill.

*F rank skill mark of craftsmen has 1 min cooldown time*

She opened her eyes wide, "How did you transfer your knowledge to me only soul path cultivators can do that and it has to be at a certain level," I was confused about what she meant.

But I could only be mysterious and put a finger over my mouth, as she nodded back with wide eyes.

*Activate dragonic white eyes: -5 spirit energy points and -2 points stamina per 5 minutes*

With haste, she jumped into the pocket seat of the Eagle changeable Hawk and remained seated inside, "Domination Ki" she said mumbling.

She lighted up purple and touched the walls inside the pocket that started changing and adjusting to her body and Ki.

Cling! Ting! Whip!


The avarion metal turned into a mini angel armor that covered S10's whole body and her black hair cascaded down the metal shoulders, as her head was covered in a shiny,silver beck helmet and her eyes emitted a profound blood red light,

Her body released a sharp piercing feeling of attraction and lust causing me and the nearby spectators to drool idiotically but I immediately snapped back to reality, "S10 control your power," I said with a loud panicked tone.

She nodded and breathed out calmly, as I watched the energy flow in her meridians with my dragonic white eyes.

The nearby fellows stopped drooling and the lustful looks on their faces got replaced with horror and shock as if they could not comprehend what was happening before them.

O9 got back to his senses, gazing intently at S10 he shouted "Madam your Soul path ki it can now be external without contact just what is this armor," he said turning his head around and stared at me.

The soul path and all, I had no time to think about it and so I only shrugged it off, "Demons it is time we survive this battle, with S10 here I believe most of us will be able to come back alive so stick close to S10 and do your jobs right." I said

They all nodded back in agreement. "Okay now everyone grab a weapon, the cultivators will be in the front making a protective circle around those with no cultivation in the center who are responsible for the collection of corpses, so let's go," I said as I got a rope and jumped down the wall.

"Hoooo!."S10 breathed out again and jumped as her avarion metal wings flew her in front of me and started killing the molens that did not die by the Giant Tiny boner.

The humans fought hard with their powers as they continued to bombard the molens with arrows and spears imbued with elemental magic, and a fellow, in the distance wearing fur and bones screamed out cryptic words of old,

"I am the giver of rage and destroyer of minds, simple beasts like yourselves can not handle the soul power of chaos," he said as he simply bolted up and somersaulted in the air.

Holding no weapon whatsoever he only touched a molen on its head and sat on top of it cross-legged.


The beast began attacking nearby beasts and disregarded its allies around its perimeter, its eyes bloodshot "Hahaha die all of you," said the man riding around the battlefield killing Molens in the dozens.

Gazing intently at the molens, most of them had a white galaxy-like entity of threads bundled up inside of them but the human man controlling the molen had a galaxy that was red in color and full of chaotic tangled strings flowing out his body towards the molen under his palm.

I looked at S10 who was in front of me as she extended her silver armored bat wings sending a wave of purple Ki that drove the beasts into disarray as they looked intoxicated in heat and started sexually humping each other mid-battle.

And their galaxy-like bundled threads had a purple color and the men attacked the molens with their bone spears. Imbuing them with fire and some with wind magic,

"Guess this is the difference between soul path cultivators and Elemental path,' I thought

I hurried up to the side and started imbuing my hands with "ice Ki" making it rock hard and pierced the beasts with my bare hands gouging out the eyes and impaling their brains as they were busy mating under S10's succubus power.

*Ice ki: -5 points Origin energy, Molen mortal level beast killed collect blood*

"Hey! aren't I leveling up or something? Isn't killing beasts going to help rank me up to godhood? and I don't have anything to use to collect the blood too, will have to make something later after this," I thought then looked at S10 and raised a thumbs up,

"Good job S10 all we have to do is pick up the humans dead bodies and destroy the demon bodies," I said

She looked at me and nodded, understanding my intentions, that since the humans want their corpses not eaten by the beasts, and leave demon corpses, at least destroy the bodies of our brethren before they too get eaten.

Then we can let them rest in peace in the afterlife so they do not have to end up as beast waste especially to these hideous Molens.