
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 11: Nothing in their eyes

With my energies back to full strength, and having had to use my forge points I gained from making the changeable hawk to get them out of negative digits.

I walked outside, to the sight of over 500 soldiers marching inside the unfinished omega treasure castle and a man wearing a luminous flowing robe was staring

intently at me like a perverted young adult who just saw a new toy to indulge his desires, and on his thin long face hung a cold smile.

"Good boy come here," said Sloth as he stood in front of my stone hut.

The soldiers were wearing brown furry beast skin covering their chest and waist with bone armor covering the front and skulls with long upper jaws (30cm) with sharp canine teeth placed on their heads as helmets,

"With you here the operation of escaping this hell realm will be quite easy, now come and make some armor and weapons for my soldiers dwarf, no longer will we have to give treasures to a few of my warriors, and haggle with that old pervert first for weapons," he said with a grin.

"To tell the truth, I never liked this guy but since I'm a slave I have no right to protest, and I'm also a cultivator but I still have a collar on my neck,"

"Such poor manners to a crafter should be punished, young dwarf come work for my tower and I will immediately free you of your collar in due time and appoint you in a good position,

You don't have to work under this spoiled ex prince Slith anymore," said a woman in a light robe that covered her whole body but could not hide the curves under the cloth,

Her pretty face with an aquiline nose and sharp blue eyes with brown light auburn hair created a beautiful contrast with her yellow dress.

A frown appeared on Slith's face, "To dare try and poach a worker under my third tower you are growing too brave second tower master Hella,

don't think I won't fight back. My cultivation has grown recently," He said as his robe lit up and floated in the air as a sharp yellow light shone on his pupils.

"Please third Tunnel master don't you think I grew as well, you will forever be third among tunnel masters and be a weakling to my eyes, now hand over the dwarf," said Hella with a authoritative tone as a round hell blaze,

Like that of the sun back on my earth shone behind her back and started scorching the place.

Slith counteracted with a sharp yellow aura covering his body and rocks from the ground covered his body up.

"Stop this foolishness, I will help with this issue, now we will share him equally but first, don't forget that the important thing here is to escape this hell hole," said an old tired voice.

Immediately the two masters retracted their power and cupped their hands to the air and the rest of the men behind them kowtowed.

"I wish to have a talk with the dwarf, and hope you both will prepare to fight well in the coming battle with the molens," said the old voice


But then an explosion rang out shocking everyone present

A well built man came running "Sire, sire the Molens have made a frontal attack and it appears it is a wave of almost 300 hundred in the first draft of these creatures, more are coming to the tunnel of the first master," said the soldier

"Damn It so early I only expected them by the end of the yellow period of the watcher candle," said Slith with grit teeth.

"Men move," he said

"We will need your avarion bird so the kid will come with us," said Slith

I really was just a bag of drugs to these guys to be used as much as they wanted and I had no say in it, and my cultivation meant nothing to them.

They called this hell and wanted to leave but I say I'm the one in real hell here anyway.

Having no time to rest I went with the soldiers to the wall wondering what that old voice wanted to say to me.

As if he could read my mind I heard a voice in my head, "After the battle I will come to speak about something to you fellow blacksmith," said the voice in my head.

"Fellow blacksmith? So that means you forge stuff as well?" I thought but no response came.

Keek Rrrrr!

Staring down the wall the molens were already climbing on top of each other savagely with no regard for the weak smaller beasts that got crushed under their sharp paws.

These guys really looked like how the simulation in my mind realm had depicted them. I was amazed and scared how the system could almost perfectly create these beasts in front of me just from the explanation of the old goblin GG5.

Many of the first tower soldiers were stationed around the stumps of the wall holding bone spears, and more bone arrows being held by the archers.

"Why are these guys wearing beast skin, bones as armor but the guard I got whipped with yesterday had some metal plate armor even though it was worn out." I thought

The first tunnel kept having more and more Molens coming out till they filled the space between the wall and the other tunnels, but I noticed that they did not bother or were more scared to approach the last fourth tunnel out of fear of something.

Then Slith came walking by and stood next to me, "After handling the first master's problem here, he will owe me one that is when I will make sure you are mine,"

He called all his soldiers who were on this wall of tower one and a thin soldier started speaking to a friend next to him "Did you hear the boss cleared up all of the first tunnel master soldiers because he did not wants him to owe him one,

And since the first tunnel master is a human blacksmith as well, who cultivates the elemental path and Soulist path making him one of the most powerful masters.It's a big deal to get him to owe you one," said the soldier.


The Molens began climbing the walls, and with a wave of his hand the soldiers began firing their arrows piercing the eyes of one molen causing it lose its grip on the rock wall and crashed down to the rest of the molens,


"Sire the beasts are attempting to dig near the stone gate," said a soldier holding a bow, and arrow

Then Slith snapped his fingers.

A black puddle appeared by my feet and men with black robes appeared out the ground as if they were swimming through the stone wall.

Slith passed two fingers across his neck and the 3 black-robed men dove down the stone wall.

The Molens near the gate dug quickly and entered into the ground and disappeared inside as the other Molens followed behind followed by silence in the ground floor.


A star-nosed head got thrust into the air from the underground hole in the ground.

"The self detonators are doing a fine job, guess the demons are good for something," said Slith with a cruel smile.

In my memories these bastards don't really see demon cultivators as anything important but see us as weapons, and property some demon cultivators are given resources for the sole purpose of being bones to cause mass destruction.

Booom!, Booom!, Booom!


The severed pieces of flesh and blood of the Molens drifted in the air together with that of demons,

The shock waves of cultivators self-detonating in the underground stopped the Molens that tried to dig their way into the Terra kingdom.

Slith took a side glance at me, "Boy that weapon you made I want you to use it soon as the detonators are all used up and my men go out to fight,

and remember humans come first then demons are left for dead if they don't self detonate," said Slith.

Pointing down to the gate being attacked, "Okay men, those of the Elementalist path must follow me and those few of the soul path make sure to break the spirit of the beasts from behind," Said Slith.

I looked around as the men gathered by the wall and strapped themselves with a rope, as the others remained behind

"Tiny Boner, come and create an opening for us to deploy the elemental path cultivator on the ground," said Slith.

Baam! Baaam!

A 12 feet giant holding a long bone with a huge joint at the end came up the stairs and went by the edge of the wall


With an explosive shout he temporarily attracted the attention of the nearby Molen beasts attacking the wall and gate down below, and immediately jumped down holding the bone with both hands.

"BONER," shouted the giant.
