
Bug Master of the Apocalypse

College Student (Andy) is fed up with life. This 21-year-old virgin has bathed in the waters of rejection and has resolved his spirit to live his life without the touch of a women. He was a mega Chad, that only lived for himself and the boys. However, as time has passed the boys are becoming simps. They are getting girlfriends and betraying their brothers. After his second year of college, he was alone. He did not blame his past brothers. he blamed the hands of the opposite sex. They had stolen his brothers. After the realization that girls had ripped everything out his life that he loved. He further resolved his spirit and did what anyone in his position would do. He became a loser and bad mothed girls on the internet. He lived his life like how all men dreamed of. This continued in till the spring break of his third year when something uninspected happened. The magical Apocalypse turned the world on its head. How will Andy fair in this new world. only time will tell. Come along with him as he goes against the new world.

Billy_Bob_573 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Andy was positive that he could deal with one goblin. In the books they are the easy beginning monsters that were used for easy exp.

He thought that it would we the exact same thing in this situation.

Andy was about to move in when Steven stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Steven said.

Steven wasn't a big reader and didn't know what the small creature was.

Which caused him to be more cautious about the goblin then Andy was.

Andy calming explained what a goblin was to his uncultured companion.

He told Steven that it was an easy monster to deal with and it was basically a child with a weapon and didn't pose much of a threat to them.

Steven didn't seem to be convinced of what Andy had told him.

Steven wanted to wait for the goblin to leave. He thought it would be better to not mess with the goblin if they could.

Andy was confused why Steven was so hesitant with the goblin.

Just looking at it, it seemed like an easy target. Andy just wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. So, they could go to the office and get the key.

After arguing for a while about what they wanted to do. Andy realized that Steven just didn't have the knowledge that he did about goblins.

Andy decided that it would just be better to show Steven that a single goblin was nothing for them.

Andy took a look around to make sure that the goblin was really by itself.

He was confident he could take care one but if there were more that would be a different story. Goblins were only strong in numbers.

After making sure it was alone, he made his way towards the small goblin.

He confidentially walked towards the goblin.

While walking towards it he was pleased with what he saw.

The goblin was only about the size of his waist (three and a half feet) and was deathly skinny, it was to the point where you could see the outline of the small creatures' bones.

It had a small rusty dagger that looked like it would fall apart just from a slight touch.

The goblins pitiful sight boosted Andy's confidence even more.

As he was walking towards it. The goblin also saw him and screeched on the top of its lungs.

The goblin quickly sprinted towards him.

This was going his first fight in the new world and possible his last.

Andy was caught off guard by how fast the small creature was and quickly tried to swing his bat at it.

The goblin quickly side stepped the swing and took advantage of the wild swing to get in close.

Once it was close enough it swiped its rusty dagger at Andy's side.

Andy saw it coming and tried to jump out of the way but was a little too slow and got a small cut right below his ribs.

Andy tried to take a couple of quick steps back to collect himself, but the goblin wasn't having it and kept attacking.

It ran after him and was met with another wild swing.

It quickly ducked below the swing and quickly jabbed the blade at the handle of the bat where Andy's hands were.

Andy screamed in pain as the bat went flying.

The goblin was about to take advantage of the situation but before the goblin could do anything else it was met with a quick elbow to the face from an angry Andy.

The goblin went skidding across the floor a couple feet and lost a tooth from its rotten mouth.

Andy quickly gathered himself and checked his hand.

There was a freshly made gash on the back of his right hand that was bleeding pretty badly.

Andy didn't have a lot of time check himself out though because the goblin was quickly recovering and went back on the attack with a newfound rage.

Cause Andy had lost his bat he quickly brought out a kichen knife out of his pants pocket and prepared for the next attack.

This time the goblin felt fiercer than a moment before and quickly jabbed the blade at Andy's throat.

Andy quickly raised his own knife to knock it out of the way when suddenly the goblin's blade changed direction and made its way towards Andy's thigh and struck its mark.

Andy quickly dropped to the ground from the severe pain of his lower thigh.

The goblin took advantage of this and ripped the knife out of Andy's leg and jumped on top of him a thrusted it's blade down towards Andy's throat once again.

Andy saw this and quickly came out of his painful stoper and reacted just in time.

Just before the knife hit, Andy quickly caught the goblins wrists to stop its forward progression.

Andy successfully stopped the attack but for some reason the goblin was stronger than it looked and kept pushing the knife down.

Andy was exhausted at this point and was slowly losing the battle of strength.

The goblin was so close to ending the fight with the knife centimeters away from lodging itself in the throat of Andy.

When suddenly a frying pan came out of nowhere and hit the goblin in the side of its face. Sending the goblin flying and it landed on the ground unconscious.

Steven, who was the one who hit the goblin. Didn't take the chance of the goblin waking up ran after it and delivered painful blow after painful blow on the goblin's head with the edge of his frying pan.

He kept hitting the goblin's head until it resembled a red meat paste.

Successful killing it.

Andy and Steven took a couple minutes to relax and take in what had just happened.

Andy was in a lot of pain and was also distraught cause he had almost just died from fighting a single goblin.

He could fathom how he had lost. Goblins were supposed to be the starting monsters.

'How was it so strong?' Andy thought in his head.

As Andy was having a mental breakdown. Steven on the other hand had never felt better.

It felt like his whole body was filled with energy. He felt stronger somehow and could do anything.

Somehow after killing the goblin something had unlocked in his body.

After collecting themselves Steven finally spoke up.

"I thought you said that it was a goblin was and easy monster to deal with?"

"I had it under control." Andy lied, "I was just toying with it."

"Sure, you were." Steven answered sarcastically.