
Bug Master of the Apocalypse

College Student (Andy) is fed up with life. This 21-year-old virgin has bathed in the waters of rejection and has resolved his spirit to live his life without the touch of a women. He was a mega Chad, that only lived for himself and the boys. However, as time has passed the boys are becoming simps. They are getting girlfriends and betraying their brothers. After his second year of college, he was alone. He did not blame his past brothers. he blamed the hands of the opposite sex. They had stolen his brothers. After the realization that girls had ripped everything out his life that he loved. He further resolved his spirit and did what anyone in his position would do. He became a loser and bad mothed girls on the internet. He lived his life like how all men dreamed of. This continued in till the spring break of his third year when something uninspected happened. The magical Apocalypse turned the world on its head. How will Andy fair in this new world. only time will tell. Come along with him as he goes against the new world.

Billy_Bob_573 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Moving Forward

*Andy lives in the dorm called the Jungle dorm. This dorm is three floors with 10 rooms per floors. It was called the jungle dorm because it is sounded by trees on three sides of the building. *

*Andy's room is on the third floor. *

Andy was finally going to leave his dorm room for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Hunger had got the best of and decided to go out in search of food and supplies.

Andy knew that when he left his room, he would be leaving his safety. Outside of his room he knew that dangers would be everywhere.

Knowing that he decided to grab some things to protect himself.

Guns were not allowed on campus so the only things that he had to use is a baseball bat that said, "I Hit Dingers" on the shaft and a couple kichen knifes.

He knew that he was not the best equipped for what he was about to do but he thought that it was better than nothing.

After everything was prepared, he built up his courage and opened his door.

The door slowly creaked open and he looked around the hallway.

There wasn't anything out of the ordinary. If he didn't know any better, he would just assume that it was an ordinary day.

Andy's room was the last room of the hall and was the farthest away from the door that led to the stairs.

Andy firstly tried to open the doors that were around him to see if he could get anything useful.

He tried to open the first couple doors, but they were all locked. He tried to kick one in a couple times but the only thing that happened was that he got a sore leg.

After a while he decided that he was going have to find another way to open the doors.

He had already thought this might happen. So, he had a backup plan.

He knew that there was a master key that the supervisor would use if needed to get access to some locked rooms.

The only problem was that the master key would most likely be in in the main office on the first floor.

Andy knew that it was risky. He didn't know if there were any creatures down there and if so, he didn't know if he could deal with.

But he decided to go have a look before deciding to do anything else.

Andy made sure to check all the doors just in case any of them were unlocked but had no luck. However, before he went into the stairs, something unexpected happened.

One of the doors, he checked before opened and a guy was standing there.

Andy knew this guy a little bit. He was also a third year that stayed in his dorm. Andy had seen and talked to him a couple times over the years.

He was also a loner and kept to himself. Andy had always thought that the guy was an alright person.

His name was Steven.

Stevan looked horrible. He looked like he hadn't slept for days, and a small breeze could knock him over.

Andy couldn't say anything though because he didn't look any better.

Andy was about to say something when Steven said in a hoarse voice,

"What are you doing it's not safe out here."

Andy was still shocked that that he has already meet someone and answered after a second.

"I ran out of food and other supplies. I need to go and find some. I was about to make my way to the main office to find the master key to check the other rooms. You want to come?"

When Andy first saw Steven, he thought it would be better for them to go together. He would feel safer with someone with him.

Steven listened to what Andy said and thought that what he said was a good idea. He was also running out of food and was going to have to do something soon.

The two weren't idiots. They knew that it was better to stick together. There was safety with numbers.

However, before Steven agreed he wanted to set some ground rules.

"First off I have two rules. First, we split everything we find. Second, if anything happens that I think is too dangerous, I get to leave."

Andy was fine with these rules because he wasn't a maniac that wanted everything for himself, and he wasn't confident he could do anything by himself.

"That's fine" Andy agreed.

Just like that Andy had a teammate that could help him.

After the makeshift team got everything ready and Steven got a frying pan and a couple of knifes from his dorm, they set off to find the master key.

Oh yeah, this pair was a force to be reckoned with. Andy with his baseball bat that said "I hit dingers" on the shaft and Stevan with his slightly used frying pan. Those two looked super threating.

As the two made it to the stairs they both looked visibly nervous.

Andy slowly pushed open the door and looked around the stair way. After they couldn't find anything wrong, they slowly crept down the stairs.

They stopped at the second floor to see if anything was there. They didn't find anything

After that short pit stop, they moved on to the first floor.

(All three floors looked the same but on the first floor there was an extra hallway that led to the main lobby.)

They first checked the hallway with the rooms to see if anything was there. After not finding anything, they were about to make their way to the main lobby when the heard a loud crash come from the lobby.

The pair stiffened with fear and looked at each other.

They knew that they had to go towards the sound if they wanted to get to the office. They wanted to run away but they needed that key. So, they decided that they would go and see what it was before they ran away.

They slowly walked towards the lobby making sure not to make a single sound.

Once they made their way to the doorway that led to the lobby. Andy took a pick around the doorway and saw little green pointy ears poking out from be hide the receptionist desk.

The little creature was making little noises while trying to find something to eat and slowly revealed itself to its guests.

Andy instantly knew what it was cause of all the fantasy books he read.

"It's a goblin" he told Steven

"We can deal with just a single goblin." Andy said, "They are the beginner monsters for all the books."

Andy was 100% positive that the pair could deal with a single goblin.

"Let's go." Andy said before he went out to confront the goblin.

This was an idiotic idea that Andy will soon regret he made.