
BTS: The Eighth Member

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Sesoip_Kim · Music & Bands
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The Day Before the Show

It was the day before the talent show, a wondrous day, but for Yeonsua all he could think of were the what if's and the wrongs he would do.

'what if I perform the wrong note?' 'what if I disappoint grandma and grandpa' 'what if I let down noona?'

all these thoughts whirled through his mind as he sat there on his bead, nauseous and on the verge of crying

"Yeonsua," called Seoha, "are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine grandma," said Yeonsua shakily

"are you sure?" asked Seoha again

"no," said Yeonsua finally releasing his feelings, "I'm worried that I won't do well, what if I fail what if you and grandpa are disappointed, What if-,"

"Yeonsua,' said Seoha interrupting him,

"let me tell you something," she said sitting down next to him, "you know, I also performed in a small show too,"

really?" said Yeonsua in surprise forgetting momentarily about his outburst

"yeah, I played the piano when I was young and I performed in a competition, but the thing is, the day before, I broke down just like you," said Seoha

"then how did you perform," said Yeonsua in confusion,

"well....right when I though about giving up my mom showed up and told me something that helped me a lot throughout my entire life, want to hear it?"

"yeah," said Yeonsua quickly

"she said, trust yourself," Seoha said while smiling

"huh?" said Yeonsua confused

"it means that you should trust yourself my grandson, trust that you have enough skill and bravery to perform," said Seoha, "I trust that you will give a splendid performance, and so do many others, don't let them down because of your distrustfulness to yourself, allow yourself to flourish,"

after hearing this Yeonsua smiled after all his mourning, he finally smiled,

"ok grandma, I won't let you or Grandpa or noona down,"

"good, now sleep, you have a big day tomorrow," said Seoha smiling.

-In the kitchen-

"so, did you get that rascal to calm down," asked Yoonsuh

"all he needed was a push in the right direction, just like my mom did for me," said Seoha smiling gently

Yoonsuh nodded as he smiled saying, "well looks like we'll be looking forward to a great performance,"

"well, he is my grandson, " said Seoha smiling

and like that the night went by as the day of the talent show awaited.

-chapter end-

-Authors Note-

Hello Author here, I wrote this chapter as I personally know that performing in front of anyone can be scary, I myself have performed the violin in front of many people, and so I couldn't just let the road look like all rainbows and flowers. That's all, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later, bye:)