
210. Chapter 210

"No, Derek." Meredith rolled her eyes at his suggestion as she continued folding the laundry basket of Devin's clothes that just came out of the dryer and she had dumped on their bed. Devin was sleeping in his bassinette while she and Derek cleaned up a bit, in preparation for Ellis's arrival and knowing she'll critique everything. They figured she'd get a hotel, Meredith couldn't even remember the last time they shared a roof. Whenever they saw each other Meredith was either at a hotel or Ellis was. They never stayed at each other's homes. To think of it, Meredith couldn't remember even stepping foot inside her mother's new townhouse in Boston. They barely interacted or shared a roof when Meredith was a teenager and they did share a roof. She did see the chauffer (Ellis hired to reinforce Meredith actually went to school), doorman and all the staff more than her mother.

"It would be funny." He added as she continued to fold the little tiny baby clothes into piles according to color and style.

"We're not moving into the trailer, just to have my mother meet Devin there and think that's where we live." She laughed. "It'll be too much work and I don't think his bassinette or all these clothes can fit in there. How does a baby go through so many clothes anyways?" She thought out loud.

"Think of the look on her face."

"Think of the heart attack she'll have."

"She'll just be a little startled."

"If she has a heart attack, she'll have to stay here in Seattle longer. May be she'll have to move in and we'd have to take care of her right here in the house."

"You win."

Meredith laughed at how quickly he conceded at the thought of Ellis Grey staying in Seattle on an extended trip.

"I knew you'd come around." Meredith giggled as she placed a quick kiss on his pouting face.

"Can I at least take her to the trailer and tell her we used to live there?"

"Yes, you can do that. Although she might not believe it."

"Her daughter, who was scared of driving and camping, wouldn't be living in a trailer in the woods, roughing it. Yes I do find it hard for her to believe it." Derek said as threw a shirt she was folding at him and he grabbed some clothes and started helping her fold.

"Hey, I lived in Manhattan, Upper East Side. Roughing it to me was dealing with Christmas crowds in the stores and I didn't need to learn to drive, I had someone do that for me. "She laughed remembering the look on Derek's face the first time he saw her step out of the chauffeured town car. He was standing outside a quaint coffee shop in SoHo, they had just been on one date so far and he had called her asking if she had time to meet up for coffee. He was clearly shocked she hadn't taken the subway or a cab, but instead had someone to take her where ever she wanted. "You and Mark were great teachers with me when the time came for me to learn." She smiled at him remembering Derek saying she needed to learn to drive and that it was a necessity of life.

"I'll have lots of good stories to tell Devin when I'm teaching him to drive. Funny stories about his mommy backing into his Grandma's tree." Derek laughed as Meredith threw another piece of clothing at him.

"It wasn't my fault."

"I know, the tree jumped out behind you." Derek laughed some more as Meredith rolled her eyes. As she heard a cry on the monitor and Derek put down the clothes he was folding to go get him.

"I'll go get him." Derek said with a sly smile.

"Derek Shepherd don't you dare start telling stories about me to our son from now." Meredith yelled as he went into Devin's nursery.