
209. Chapter 209

"And this is the backyard, we promise to get you a really cool play set once you're old enough to walk and use it."Meredith told Devin as he lay peacefully in her arms as she walked him around the backyard. It was a nice day and she thought some fresh air would be good for them. Derek was due home soon, eight weeks had passed since they brought Devin home and Derek had to go back to work. He was for the time being taking on a lighter schedule; letting some of his team do more in the OR so he could run out early. All the paper work still fell on his shoulders however, but he had been bringing that home also to let Meredith assist him with as he played with Devin and spent time with him.

It was a routine they had mastered over the past few days that Derek had gone back to work. Meredith also took to walking Devin around to let him experience the yard and their little island. Letting him out of the house was good, but she didn't want him around many germs yet with his little immune system. She knew she was being over protective, but she didn't want him getting sick yet.

She also thought he was getting a tad too comfortable to the TV, which she felt was due to Mark and Derek wanting him to watch sports with them. They even dressed him in the Yankee onesie one Sunday afternoon while Addison and Meredith had gone out for an afternoon of lunch and some shopping.

"I'm sure your father is going to buy you the Ferrari's of play houses." Meredith laughed as she continued her walk. "Uncle Mark may love it more, I promise Aunt Addi will kick him out and not let him play too much with your toys."

"We'll teach you to swim in our pool too." She said thinking she should also look into those little baby water classes, mommy and me's that they used to have in New York. Kathleen had taken some classes with her kids. It turned out to be more 'nanny and me's' back there eventually though.

"I promise I'll go to all your classes, I'll find out today where they are and if you're even old enough." She told him sweetly giving him a kiss on the head as they climbed up the hill towards the front yard just to see Derek's Porsche coming into view.

"Daddy's home!" Meredith cooed to Devin as Devin's eyes widened. Meredith was sure he recognized words already and that he would be learning to talk faster than any baby ever.

Meredith and Devin walked up to the driveway watching Derek step out of the car, a slightly troubled expression gracing his face and his face instantly getting a smile as they walked towards him.

"This is a great sight to come home too. My two favorite people greeting me as I get out of the car."

"Coincidence, don't get used to it." Meredith laughed as she gave him a quick kiss and then Derek leaned down to kiss Devin's head as Devin's little arm reached out to grab hold of Derek's finger.

"So how was your day, you looked like you had something on your mind when you pulled up." Meredith asked him as the family all walked back into the house together.

The uneasy face Derek had before came back at Meredith questioning him, he had been momentarily blinded by his family.

Derek sighed, looking at her knowing ripping the band aid was easiest.

"She's coming, two days from now. Her secretary called mine leaving a message to expect her arrival." Derek told her flatly expecting Meredith to not be happy. Instead Meredith just raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes.

"About time, knew she'd have to appear sooner or later. I also knew it would be before my maternity leave was up, if she thinks I'll quit and stay home permanently she'd have to come before I do that to yell at me to change my mind." Meredith said sarcastically with a laugh.

"So you knew this was coming and you're not mad?" Derek asked fishing to gauge her mood. Still confused at the odd ball relationship of mind games Meredith and her mother had.

"No, I'm not mad. Whether you invited her or not, she'd still be appearing. At least she gave us 48 hours notice." Meredith smiled before looking down at Devin still nestled in her arms.

"You're going to meet the Ice Queen." She cooed as Derek laughed before saying quietly to Devin, "don't call her that to her face though."