
211. Chapter 211

Meredith looked around the house hoping everything was in order. Dinner was ready and being kept warm in the warming oven, she had catered and had it delivered. They had the cleaning crew come in during the morning to do a general clean of the interior and exterior of the house. Devin was up and was wide awake and making little noises in her arms as she surveyed the area and made sure it was up to her mother's standards.

Meredith wanted this evening and meeting of grandson-grandmother to go off swiftly and without any drama. She made sure the little dinner party fit the standards she was taught and the "proper" rules her mother always insisted needed obeying at the stuffy functions.

Derek had texted her, an hour prior letting her know that "The Ice Queen has landed." Not surprising to either of them that the hospital was her first stop. Greeting the board, Richard, colleagues, instilling fear into the other doctors she didn't know and walked around the hospital like the legend she is commanding attention.

Derek also mentioned he offered her a drive to the house and she declined saying she had a car service offered from the hotel. Another move they were both expecting, that she'd be staying at a hotel and that she wouldn't want to depend on either of them to be picked up or dropped off. Ellis was nothing if it wasn't self sufficient and wanting to be strong in appearance, a chauffeur driving her around is appropriate, a family member to Ellis is weakness. Meredith thought as she rolled her eyes before looking back down to Devin who was staring up at her.

She looked at the little boy who was no doubt the best thing she's ever done in her life and smiled. Her perfect little boy who she loved more than anything in this world was her most treasured achievement and she only hoped her mother would feel slightly the same when she looked into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"May be she will be a better Grandma than Mother?" Meredith told Devin as she walked him around the great room to get him ready for his nap. "She probably will, send presents and not have to do anything but lecture." Meredith laughed. "That's her role down pat, she'll know how to do that. Can any anyone not instantly love my handsome boy?"

Devin was listening intently and she was unsure he understood what she was saying, but she knew he was paying attention to her speaking. He made this sly curvy smile that made Meredith giggle when she complimented him.

"I'm giving you an ego complex aren't I, you only a couple months old. I think you're going to give Granny Ellis a lot more gray hairs than I did aren't you? You're going to be my boy and not listen to anything she says or warns you about. "Meredith laughed as he made a noise that sounded like he agreed with her.

"When you're older I'll tell you some stories of mommy's wild days in Manhattan, but it'll be our secret okay? Daddy will probably say I'm encouraging you to be a bad boy and not a nerdy one like he was." She laughed. "Don't tell him I called him nerdy." She warned as she looked up as the door opened and Derek flew in.

"T-minus thirty minutes, she's on the next ferry. Going to change!" He yelled out to them as he flew up the stairs.

"I think that was your father" Meredith said teasingly as she looked down to Devin and walking towards the staircase. "He's Grandma Ellis's favorite." She added rolling her eyes, "anything he wears will be perfect me on the other hand nothing is ever good enough." She trailed off looking down at her off the runway Marc Jacobs navy blue wrap sundress she had put on along with a pair of MiuMiu royal blue ballet flats.

"I look pretty awesome though." She giggled. "Let's go put you in some baby Burberry." She told him as they followed Derek up the steps.