
Breath of the Undead

Upon becoming an undead mage, Gu Xi discovered he had encountered a small problem. What was with being knocked out and thrown into a cell? To avoid becoming the first useless player to die before completing his job, Gu Xi decided to save himself! As a result, a future powerhouse known as the Breath of the Undead embarked on his legendary journey

Alastor0_0 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 52: Harvest and Discovery

Chapter 52: Harvest and Discovery

Two skeleton soldiers listened to Gu Xi's orders and decisively lifted the corpse of the elderly twisted magician, charging straight towards the strange deer.

The strange deer, having just gotten up, didn't expect anyone to dare charge at it. Without much thought, it extended its right front paw, intending to strike.

At this moment, Luna's Ice Touch fell upon the strange deer, slowing its movement.

The two skeleton soldiers, carrying the corpse of the elderly twisted magician, charged towards the wound on the deer's belly, and with a lift of their hands, they stuffed the corpse inside.

"Corpse Explosion!"


This corpse explosion was no less powerful than the previous one with the giant snake. With a single blast, the strange deer's body was blown into two pieces.

The remaining skeleton soldiers didn't remain idle. They frantically attacked the strange deer until Gu Xi heard the system's voice, prompting him to stop them.

[You have killed the failed transforming twisted magician (mutated, elite model, level 6), gaining 106 experience points. Contracted undead who participated in the battle gained 66 experience points, and all summoned creatures involved in the kill gained 9 experience points.]

With the death of the strange deer, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hadn't expected that coming here to take possession of a house would lead to such an event.

Now, the small building in front of him had turned into ruins, and it seemed he'd have to find someone to clean up and rebuild it.

Fortunately, the place already looked like a ruin from the outside, so cleaning it up wouldn't arouse suspicion.

Otherwise, he'd have to explain why the place he had just acquired turned into such a state within a day.

"Clean up everything here and send it all to Aridowei."

Gu Xi pointed at the collapsed small building and the large corpse of the strange deer, instructing the skeleton soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

Luna, using her ghostly advantages, floated into the ruins of the small building, searching for valuable items.

Approaching the strange deer's body, Gu Xi quickly searched through it, finding some good items in its eyes, heart, and neck.

Similarly, in the places where the giant snake and the two twisted magicians had died, there were also items left behind.

[You have obtained a Living Snake Nail (white) *1]

[Living Snake Nail (white): A nail that can pin down snakes, preventing them from dying. Instead, the pinned snakes will be nourished by magic, rapidly changing and becoming more venomous.]

[You have obtained Magic Pattern Cloth (white) *3]

[Magic Pattern Cloth (white): Cloth affected by magic, useful for making clothes, battle flags, or the pages of a magic book.]

[You have obtained a Broken Birch Wood Fragment (green) *1]

[Broken Birch Wood Fragment (green): A piece of birch wood that has lost its magic. It was once part of a magic wand but now can only serve as a relic, useful for summoning certain spirits.]

[You have obtained a Crystallized Eyeball (green) *1]

[Crystallized Eyeball (green): An eyeball turned into a crystal by strange forces, containing strong magic and eerie power. Useful for making equipment or as alchemy material.]

[You have obtained Demonized Heart Blood (green) *1]

[Demonized Heart Blood (green): The source of a wizard's magic, though now polluted. It can be used as alchemy material to enhance weapons or undead.]

[You have obtained a Transformation Ring (blue) *1]

[Transformation Ring (blue): A ring with special power, transforming the wearer into a special creature (related to the wearer's nature). After transformation, level and power increase by 4 (the wearer cannot revert to their original form and cannot further enhance their power).]

Looking at these items, Gu Xi finally smiled.

Though he suffered losses in this battle, he didn't come out empty-handed.

At least these items would help him recover his losses.

Just then, Luna excitedly called from the ruins of the small building, "Master, look what I found!"

Gu Xi ran over to see Luna holding something like a birdcage.

Seeing Luna's excitement, Gu Xi knew it wasn't an ordinary item. Taking it from her, a message quickly appeared before his eyes.

[You have obtained the Owl Tower Blueprint (medium) *1]

[Owl Tower Blueprint (medium): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an Owl Tower (medium structure) in the city. All players and creatures entering this city will gain +1 intelligence, and it provides 50 units of meat per week (upgradable).]

"Oh, this is a good item."

Looking at the birdcage, Gu Xi nodded in satisfaction.

"Indeed. Besides providing intelligence and weekly meat, the Owl Tower can also be used to send messages via owls. Once upgraded, it can even serve as a flight point."

"Sending messages is fine, but a flight point? The owls are too small for that. I don't think so."

Gu Xi shook his head, not quite believing Luna. However, it was still a valuable find.

"Alright, this has been a good haul. Let's continue searching here and clear everything out before dawn."

With such gains, Gu Xi and Luna became even more meticulous in their search around the small building.

Soon, Gu Xi felt a sense of something concentrated in a certain spot of the small building—a strong yin energy.

Thinking of the resurrection stones the twisted magicians used, Gu Xi guessed it might be a place where they imprisoned innocent people.

He pushed aside a large fallen stone and discovered a hidden basement door.

As soon as he opened it, a thick smell of blood wafted out.

Gu Xi knew he had found the right place. Carefully opening the door, he looked down the stairs and was stunned.

Below was a place resembling both a kitchen and a slaughterhouse, with many human corpses hanging from the ceiling or meat racks.

What shocked Gu Xi the most was not this, but a familiar red dress.

The corpse hanging on the meat rack was clearly Shaya, the maid of the Fate Compass.

Seeing her gutted body, her innards exposed, Shaya's face was twisted with fear and pain.

Understanding this scene, Gu Xi realized why the attendant who brought the news had such a somber face.

"Master, do you know her?"

"Yes, a very promising thief. It seems she died with regrets."

Looking at Shaya's wide eyes, Gu Xi calmly said.

Luna, not particularly bothered by the sight of another corpse in the already corpse-filled small building, showed no reaction.

Sighing, Gu Xi gently took Shaya's body down and put her organs back in.

Just as he was about to sew up Shaya's body to leave her intact, her hand suddenly moved.

Anyone else would have been scared in such an environment, but Gu Xi, a necromancer, had seen it all. He merely paused his actions, noticing that Shaya was beginning to turn into an undead due to her strong resentment and some special influence.

Though just starting to transform, Shaya's twisted face and red dress suggested potential.

Thinking it over, Gu Xi decided to help Shaya, as he still had one contract undead slot available. If Shaya had good potential, he could contract her directly.

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