
Breath of the Undead

Upon becoming an undead mage, Gu Xi discovered he had encountered a small problem. What was with being knocked out and thrown into a cell? To avoid becoming the first useless player to die before completing his job, Gu Xi decided to save himself! As a result, a future powerhouse known as the Breath of the Undead embarked on his legendary journey

Alastor0_0 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 51: The Power of the Strange Mirror

Chapter 51: The Power of the Strange Mirror

"Luna, lure that guy towards the small building, I'll figure out the rest."

As Gu Xi spoke, he started running towards the small building, leaving the skeleton soldiers to fight the monster deer on their own. Without anyone directing them, the skeleton soldiers continued to hack at the monster deer.

Their attacks were trivial to the monster deer and couldn't harm its core.

When Gu Xi reached the vicinity of the small building, he quickly took out [The Strange Mirror of Prayers].

Gu Xi knew this item could summon a level 5 or lower entity, but he wasn't sure if the summoned entity would be under his control.

Thus, he had never thought of using [The Strange Mirror of Prayers] before.

Now, the situation was different. The strength of this monster deer might be above level 5, and it was a thick-skinned and blood-rich existence.

Given Gu Xi's current forces, they couldn't cause much harm to the deer.

Only a level 5 or higher entity could potentially damage the monster deer.

Taking out [The Strange Mirror of Prayers], Gu Xi aimed at the monster deer's head and threw it forcefully.

His throwing skills were decent; the [The Strange Mirror of Prayers] hit the monster deer's face.

A cracking sound followed.

The [The Strange Mirror of Prayers] shattered, and a crystal-like arm emerged from the fragments.

Next, a man entirely made of crystal appeared.

He stood directly on the monster deer's head, turned his head 180 degrees to face Gu Xi, and made a grimace at him.

From this gesture alone, Gu Xi could sense the entity's murderous intent towards him. It seemed his plan had gone awry.

The monster deer, sensing something on its face, slammed its head upwards, smashing the strange entity to the ground.

The deer then stomped down, nearly crushing the strange entity to pieces.

This enraged the entity.

Initially, the strange man had targeted Gu Xi, but now he shifted his focus to the monster deer.

This strange man, summoned by Gu Xi, had the ability to turn anything he touched into crystal.

He then shattered the crystallized enemy. This power could even deal with a dragon.

However, he had a weakness: his body was fragile and could break with a single hit.

Moreover, he needed direct contact with his enemies to use his ability, which was why he was only level 5. Otherwise, with such a strange power, he would have easily reached level 10.

After changing targets, the strange man confronted the monster deer. When the deer stomped down again, the man grabbed its leg, turning the left front leg into crystal.

As the deer continued to stomp, its leg shattered into pieces.

Seeing this, Gu Xi was shocked. He hadn't expected the strange man to achieve this.

It seemed the strange man would be a formidable foe in the future.

The monster deer lost its left front leg and fell to the ground.

Despite this, the deer fiercely bit the strange man, grabbing him in its jaws.

Though the deer looked like a deer, its mouth resembled that of a carnivore.

The strange man, caught off guard, was bitten in half.

Gu Xi's trump card barely lasted a few minutes before being neutralized.

But the strange man didn't die in vain. He managed to turn a third of the monster deer's head into crystal before his death.

This created a perfect opportunity for Gu Xi.

Seeing this, Luna unleashed a Banshee Wail.

Gu Xi didn't waste the chance, directing a corpse explosion at the strange man's body.

Banshee Wail's sound attack was highly destructive to crystal. Luna's scream shattered a third of the monster deer's head.

This enraged the monster deer, which roared for the first time.

As the deer opened its mouth, Gu Xi's corpse explosion detonated, blasting the strange man's body inside the deer's mouth, shattering it.

The monster deer, now missing its mouth, charged at Gu Xi on three legs.

Seeing the attack didn't kill the deer, Gu Xi felt nervous.

But he kept his focus, and as the deer stepped on the giant snake's corpse, Gu Xi triggered another explosion.


The explosion from the snake's strong life force blasted the monster deer into the air, as it dragged its body with its missing front leg.

Though the deer didn't fly high, it crashed heavily into the remaining part of the small building, flattening it.

"Freeze it!"

Seeing Luna preparing another Banshee Wail, Gu Xi made a decision.

The Banshee Wail was too weak to finish the deer, so Gu Xi considered the deer's potential to recover.

Simultaneously, he searched for more corpses to use for explosions. Bone spikes were useless, as they couldn't kill the deer.

Corpse explosions, however, might work, perhaps using the corpses of the twisted mages.

With this thought, Gu Xi pointed at the old twisted mage's corpse.

"Take this thing inside and charge."

As Gu Xi spoke, the monster deer, having knocked down the small building, got back up.

The deer looked ragged, with half its antlers broken and only a third of its head remaining.

The explosion also tore a huge wound in its belly, spilling its guts.

"Charge at its belly!"

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