
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Most Anticipated moment

The influential people couldn't believe either as Jenny was pretty known in the upper circle and her background wasn't simple either but still she was being played around just like that. How many people were interested in henry. But just as they thought Henry will kill her and he will be the victor, they felt a pressure. Of course the pressure wasn't enough to make them worry but it still was strong nonetheless.

Just as they were thinking that who would be mad enough to create trouble here, they saw a young man in the arena. Now they felt bewildered. The shield/barrier covering the arena wasn't a joke. And for someone from the participants to be able to bypass it without making a single noise, it really was a surprising thing. They saw the young man walking slowly towards Henry.

Some people already got information about Ethan as he made a ruckus in the first test by not being damaged by the curse either. A Lot of people knew the [source] of jennys curse and many were enemies of that [source] so they were looking for something to counter it.

And today, not one but two people were strong enough to fight against the curse. They really thought that this was the perfect outcome to see who in these two was stronger. The bidding behind the scene had started. Bailey family didn't do anything to stop it as the upper circle people were enjoying it and were investing money.

Inside the arena

"You shouldnt provoke the unknown, you know. It's not a good thing. Though I'm sure u will learn it today.", as Ethan was walking towards Henry, he started asserting even more of his aura on him. He wanted to crush him completely. Henry wasn't a bad person, ethan knew this much but still he was provoked. He had to clear some things. He had to make it clear to everyone here that he wasn't someone to be meddled with.

He was sure that with the help of the system he would be able to reach great heights so he had to do some preparations to not be thought of as someone who was easy to bully. Just as Henry, sure he wanted to fight but this wasn't a way to ask someone for a fight.

"And you shouldn't be provoked this easily. I can say the same thing to you hahah.", Henry looked at Ethan as he adjusted his glasses. "Honestly when i saw you in the first round, I knew it would be fun knowing you. And of course fighting is the best way to get to know each other. Won't you agree with me?", while talking, Henry adjusted his position and stepped away from Jenny who was bleeding from many places. Nothing looked severe but these veteran knew it can't be anything simple.

Ethan didn't reply but just kept walking towards Jenny. She wasn't unconscious but she couldn't get up. "I told you to be careful and here you are, got yourself all roughed up.", Ethan sat beside Jenny and as he was checking her wounds, Henry threw a bottle towards him which was filled with something blue.

[low grade healing potion]

Just as Ethan looked at it, information popped up above the bottle. It was indeed a healing potion as he guessed before. But he didn't take the bottle and just ignored it. Because it was low grade. Its price in store was just 1 mission point which was nothing at all for Ethan.

[Stats window]

Name: Ethan

Level: 43

Mission points: 15

Stat points: 2

Aura: 33%

Strength: 90

Agility: 35

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 12

Just as Ethan looked at his stats, he bought a [high grade healing potion] from the store for just 5 mission points. He wanted to heal her quickly and surely to not leave any inner injury or anything in the future.

Henry didn't think that Ethan would just ignore the healing potion. He was sure that he would accept it as it was what Jenny needed right now. But to his surprise Ethan didn't take the potion instead he saw a purple colored potion in Ethan's hand. Now he was truly shocked!!

[high grade healing potion]!!!

Even the other participants knew what it was. The shocking thing was that this potion was really expensive and normal people without enough backing and links couldn't buy it. Now all the big people also thought that he wasn't as simple as they made him to be.

Ethan didn't know of all this and he just popured the potion in her mouth. As the potion entered, Ethan noticed her wounds being healed visually to eyes. It truly was miraculous.

On the other hand, when Jenny saw the potion she wasn't sure about it but just after a few moments, she knew how precious it was. The way she was healing, she knew it wasn't anything simple.

Is he really just a simple, ignorant person?

That was the question everyone had in mind but no one knew the answer to it. Many people in the crowd had already started their investigations. They were now thinking of recruiting him. If not, they still wanted to see if he's a man of their enemy or something.

Ethan was ignorant of all this. Now that Jenny was healed, he just wanted to kick Henry's ass and leave this place. He just wanted to check this place out and wanted to see other powers. Now he just lost interest.

"So jenny you can go out now. I just wanna see how strong he is. You don't mind do you?"Ethan wasn't actually asking as he was already standing in front of her and totally ready to attack henry. Henry too was standing in a battle stance. He had a cheeky smile on his face and he just signaled him with his hand as if 'you too scared or what?'

Looking at Henry provoking him right in front of him really made his blood boil.

"You finally did it dude. I was thinking of going easy on you but now, don't ask me to stop later."

Just as he stopped talking, his aura bursted out completely without any restraint. Henry too [crystalized] his full body except for his head. His presence also changed. The pressure coming from him was different but not less.

"Be careful.", Jenny didn't say anything else when she saw how hyped he was. She just left after saying this. In the waiting area, everyone was excited as they could tell that they both were strong. At least they were going to enjoy it if nothing else.


In a room right above the seats for the big guys, a man was standing while looking down in the arena.

"Young master, why aren't you stopping them? That Ethan will make a name here and if some oldies found him interesting, won't he just get a good strong backing?"

It was George Bailey with his head bodyguard. His bodyguard was right. But he knew he wasn't able to stop him. If he did, the people down would create a ruckus.

"He's strong. You know this better than me. Even if we want to, we can't do anything to him. We are after all…"

"...just a merchant family."

He had a self mockery in his tone.
