
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Ethan vs Henry

Everyone was really hyped now for the fight, as the pressure from them was enough to tell how strong both of them were. Even though Ethan was showing that he was strong but he knew that it's gonna be a hard fight as there was a difference of level. Even though he had won against people with levels higher than him, they had no abilities.

But this fight was different. Henry had an ability, coupled with his talent in fighting, he really was a tough opponent. He already proved himself by defeating Jenny so easily. But Ethan wasn't going to back away from this fight. He had to show these people.

Just as he was thinking all this, Henry disappeared from his place. Many people thought that it would be similar to Jenny but ethan sure was going to disappoint them.

Just as Ethan saw him disappear, he also moved from his place. The speed he moved at was exactly the same as henrys. Soon the crowd heard the sound of kicks and punches. Many people here were not that powerful. They just had strong backing and they were here to enjoy the fights.

They couldnt see anything but hearing the sound of kicks and punches, and seeing the two blurs, they sure got hyped.

Andrea was really surprised. She knew she wouldn't be able to match Henry's speed but she had other cards up her sleeves. But still looking at Ethan going toe to toe with Henry, she felt inferior.

Just as the fight was going on, Ethan started feeling that he was barely equal to him. The crystallization ability was really useful in close combat and Ethan too, was more of a close combatant. But now he really felt the need to have more abilities. At the very least he wanted to have a magic ability.

Henry didn't know what to say. He could tell Ethan was fighting him with his pure strength, nothing else and he sure was having trouble. He was really proud of his strength but now he couldn't help but be jealous. But deep down he was …enjoying.

On the other hand, Ethan was thinking if he should reveal his ability or not. He was sure that no one would be able to tell even if he used it because it was related to speed and he thought that he could just change it later with the system when he had enough mission points.

He knew he was equal to him in speed but his arms were getting kind of numb. He knew he would reach his limit pretty soon. He had to increase his speed to land some blows in. That was the only solution he had in mind.

Just as Henry thought that they were almost equal, Ethan suddenly vanished in front of him and appeared right above his head. Ethan didn't give Henry any time to react and punched him right on his head. Henry wasn't fast enough this time to block the punch and went back flying.

Everyone was truly astonished this time. Jenny was the only one with a lot of trust in ethan. She didn't know why but she felt like trusting him. Andrea and others also couldn't believe it. It was hard enough for them to admit that Henry was strong to them but now Ethan was having better of him.

The big figures sitting in the crowd had already made bets. Some were even thinking of making them part of their family. But first they had to make sure if they were part of some family or not. Because it was really hard for people to make progress without any resources. Cultivation required talent and resources. Even the people with abilities required mana to activate their abilities. Mana was like the driving force for their abilities and bodies had a core to store mana.

But to store more mana required a more spacious core and it could only be achieved by resources. Ethan was different though, his ability came from the system. He didn't require any mana to activate his ability. But these people didn't know this.

Dust flew around where henry fell. Ethan also got time to breathe which he totally didn't mind.

"Just as thought, it really was a good decision to fight you hahah. So you do have an ability. Here I thought your ability is related to increasing strength as the way you were fighting with me without any care of your body."

"But it seems it's related to your speed. Not bad at all. What do you say, would you like to join us?"

Ethan now understood what the system meant when it said that Henry is a genius. Ethan just used his ability once and here he was, being told his ability straight to his face.

"You really are amazing. Observing to such extent even though I only used it once. But i'm not sure what you are asking me to join but i'll pass. I'm not thinking of such things right now, nor do i think i'm strong enough to join anything. Plus i really wanna beat your ass right now so don't even think of anything else."

Just as Ethan finished speaking, he appeared right beside Henry and held his head with both hands and kneed him right on his face. He didn't let go of Henry, and smashed his head right in the ground. After smashing his head down, he didn't stop. He kicked him in his stomach. Though he completely felt that his kick wasn't effective as henry had already crystallized his stomach.

Just as Ethan was going to kick his face again, Henry caught his leg and flung him back.

"You sure are ruthless. Aren't we friends? Show some consideration man." Henry said while getting back on his feet and cleaning the blood around his mouth. He sure felt those hits on his head.

"Oh so now you want me to be considerate? What are you saying? I'm not backing away until I make u bleed more than jenny hahah. TOLD YOU THAT YOU SHOULDN'T PROVOKE THE UNKNOWN!!"
