
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


"He is known for his …"

".... losses"

Ethan was looking at andrea as he was looking at something dumb. He just couldn't believe it.

"That's the truth. If you dont wanna believe then it's up to you. That's what I know about him.", Andrea said while shrugging. Ethan also didn't say anything else and just went back to his seat and started observing the fight with great interest now.

In the arena, Jenny still couldn't do much against Henry, he was just way too fast. She already could tell that she had many blue marks on her body due to the strong impact of the attacks. But she didn't want to surrender. It was just one sided beating now.

Just as henry was going to land another kick on her, her whole body released a black smoke that pushed henry back some steps.

"So you are finally taking me seriously. Hahaha that's what i was waiting for. I wanna face you in your full strength.", Henry was so excited that people outside couldn't even understand if it was a duel or some friends were having training.

Soon Jenny had a scythe in her hands, her whole aura was different now. The ice-ness she was emitting was now completely on a different level. She was holding back before as it wasn't easy for her to use this power.

Once again henry disappeared and just as he was going to get in the proximity of an arm length, he felt a weird sensation in whole body and he suddenly stopped.

"It certainly is potent. I'm not even able to get close to you now. It really might shred me in atoms hahaha", just as everyone thought that this was the extent of Henry's powers, he stretched his arm forward. His arm was still fine. It was complete silence.

Everyone was thinking the same thing, was it this easy to handle her curse? They even knew the answer but they still couldn't believe it.

"Who said I was fighting with my full strength. Now i'm just curious if i can beat you or not." just as he finished his sentence, he disappeared again. This time he was right above her. He was going to punch her on her head. Jenny wasn't slow either and she swung her scythe upward with great force. The force coming from the scythe truly was dangerous. Even the referee looking over the fight felt goosebumps.

But to everyone's surprise, not only did henry didn't dodge it but instead he caught the scythe in his hand. The most shocked was obviously jenny. But Henry didn't give her time to be shocked. As he pulled her towards himself and punched her in the stomach. The force of the punch was so great that she went flying back ten steps and fell.

The scythe was still in Henry's hand. It wasn't pure physical but still he was holding it and he was fine. "So this is the famous cursed scythe, not bad at all haha but still it's not to my taste. I think you can't fight me without the scythe so how about you surrender?", just he said that he appeared beside Jenny and kicked her again, sending her some steps back again.

"Come on surrender, you can't win ..", again as he was saying that he kicked her again. Now he was just playing with her. He totally wasn't letting her surrender. Jenny already coughed a lot of blood due to her severe injuries. She wasn't in any position to surrender but Henry wasn't giving her any time to say anything or to get back on her feet.

In the waiting area, Ethan had already checked his ability with the system and now he really was mad at him for being ruthless. He knew it was totally okay for Henry to do anything he wanted but still Ethan couldn't watch Jenny being kicked around. He rechecked his ability and he was assured that he could beat him. He wasn't thinking of killing Henry but he just couldn't sit still anymore.

Name: Henry

Ability: [crystallization](full body or parts of body can be crystalized)

Level: 46

Just as Henry was plummeting at Jenny, he felt a strong pressure descending on him. He curled his lips upward.

"So you finally couldn't endure it haha, i thought you were heartless like me", henry thought to himself. The pressure descending on him was really unbearable. His body was crystallized except for his head but he still was having a tough time against the pressure.

Of course the pressure was from Ethan's aura. The other fighters also felt it as Ethan wasn't concealing it. The referee turned around to see who was putting pressure even on him. Andrea on the other hand was looking at him with a weird expression. She could tell that Jenny and Ethan were not this close as for him to make a move for her.

"Don't do it. You will be disqualified and you might even be banned from entering here.", Andrea reminded him while gritting her teeth as she thought that he wasn't that bad of a fellow after all.

Ethan looked at her and gave her a cheeky smike, "Fuck Bailey family. Who cares about them. If I can't do what I want then what's the point of me being strength. If I stop in front of strong people, then I can't help but think of myself as a coward and honestly death is better than being a coward", as Ethan finished speaking, his body vanished from the place and he directly appeared inside the arena.

Everyone was looking at the referee as if asking 'is the shield made of paper or something'.. Andrea totally knew Ethan wasn't this strong to just bypass the barrier that easily. Ethan just used his [jumper] ability and went inside the arena. It wasn't difficult for him.

When henry saw Ethan inside the barrier without any hindrance, he too was surprised and the pressure he was feeling now was so much more as compared to before that he was having hard time keeping his ability.the pressure was clearly affecting his ability which made him more wary of Ethan. Now he understood how he got close to Jenny but he still couldn't tell how he got through the shield covering the arena.

"So now that I'm here as you wanted, should we begin?"Ethan's full strength of [43 level] and his 33% aura leaked out that made even the referee stop in his steps as he was going to assert his dominance with rules and regulations.
