
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Ethan vs Henry II

Even though he was saying big words but Ethan knew it still wasn't enough to defeat henry. Even though he was getting his blows in but he wasn't dealing much damage because of henry's ability. Henry was also getting used to his [jumper] ability.

At the end of day it was just an ability related to speed. This was good against weak opponents but against people like henry, it wasn't good enough. People like Henry with strong bodies were really hard to deal with. Henry was still relatively easy to deal with because his level was still low.

But Ethan was here to get experience so he wasn't going to back out just because he wasn't sure of victory.

"System, is there any way to make his ability lose its effectiveness for some time?", as Ethan couldn't think of anything else, he asked the system. As the system was in some sense, his ability.


"The most plausible solution for the host is to increase aura as it contains the power of your bloodline and system which will really affect the ability of the opponent."

Hearing the system mentioning his bloodline again made Ethan sure that his bloodline wasn't something simple. But this solution was not possible right now. But he understood one thing, if he wanted to make Henry's ability lose its effectiveness, the solution was related to his aura.

Henry was also thinking of solutions to cope with his speed but he wasn't that worried as his ability was enough to save him from most of the blows.

"If that was the last trump card you have, then i will have to say i'm disappointed. I was expecting a lot more from you.", Henry shook his head as he said this.

"Don't you worry in the least. Because whatever happens, i'm not gonna let you walk away from here. At least not on your feet.", just as Ethan finished saying, he appeared right beside Henry.

"Again with this move, just to tell you, i won't fall for the same move twice." Henry turned to his left where Ethan appeared and met his punch with his own punch. But suddenly Henry felt his hand as if it was broken, he felt so much pain that he couldn't even process what happened as he flew back ten steps.

Just as he was getting up, he felt a gust of wind from the front. He tried to defend the coming punch by crossing his arms right in front of his chest but yet again he felt as if his arms were breaking, and suddenly he was flung back again.

"Hahaha i hope you are not disappointed anymore Mr. Henry."

It wasn't just Henry who was surprised but even the other participants were shocked. To them, both were fighting on equal footing, ethan just having more speed but now it was completely different. Henry's arms were almost cripleled! This sure was getting interesting.

"Interesting. He can use aura in his punches. What a talented boy. Here I thought he didn't know anything about aura and was just wasting it by releasing it without any direction but now hahaha interesting indeed.", in the audience, said a lady with purplish hair, who looked to be in her mid 30s, wearing an elegant black colored neoprene dress with a slit in it, which was showing her long graceful legs perfectly.

Her beauty was different from that of Emma. Emma was more of an ice queen and this lady was more of a seductive succubus. Even though she was in her thirties, her mature charm, different from young beauties, was no less attractive.

"Did you find anything about him?", the lady's name was kayla. She asked a girl who was standing behind her. Her voice had a unique demeanor that made a person not look straight at her subconsciously.

"Yes we did find some information. Should I report it right now?", her name was Daisy and she was her student, around the age similar to Ethan, with looks above average, said in a respected tune. She was wearing a formal office kind of suit in black. The suit perfectly highlighted her curves.

Daisy wasn't sure why her teacher was paying so much attention to this man. Coming here wasn't unusual for them as her teacher wanted her to know people and see the duels to gain insight. Even Daisy herself had duels here multiple times and she never saw her teacher interested in a boy before, at least not in a boy that was younger than her.

Seeing her teacher nod at her, Daisy started telling her the information she got from different sources. It was really amazing for her to get any information as Ethan was not known at all. To say he wasn't part of this society for a long time.

"His name is ethan. Age 20. Working as a bodyguard for the Macloy family. Other than that there is nothing important about him. He had a simple life. No shady deals, no other unique characteristic. And i'm not too sure where he got trained from or if he's part of any big clan."

"So the only important information is him being related to the Macloy family. Do you know if he has joined them or if he's just working there?"

"I'm not too sure about that either. Nobody knows him. But teacher, why are you so interested in him. I mean sure he's a bit talented but henry is strong too and he's well known too. But I just don't understand why you--", just as Daisy was about to continue speaking, her teacher looked at her.

Daisy didn't dare to speak anymore.. She was the most dotted student of her teacher but she still knew when to stop.

"I know Henry is more talented. Do you think your teacher can't see? But still if I have to choose, I'll pick ethan. You will understand shortly why. Forget that just tell me, who do you think will win?", while saying this, Kayla had a mischievous smile on her face.

She didn't have any strict or teacher-like appearance. It was a smile just like of a child who found something amusing.

Daisy also couldn't help but sigh at her teacher's childlike attitude.
