
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
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11 Chs

3: Reunited Joy

Zoniah POV: -

The next day, I woke up and freshened up, excitement dancing in every cell of my body because I would get to meet my best friend.

I went to the dining hall for breakfast and saw everyone sitting and eating. Shanawar was the first one to meet my gaze. Oh, I forgot about the guests. Thank God I was looking presentable now. Avoiding his amused eyes, I sat next to my father and joined in the chat, meanwhile mentally preparing to ask permission to meet Irha.

"Dad, I need your permission to go meet Irha," I asked, feeling a bit hesitant.

"Irha, I see... hmm. So where are you guys planning to meet? Are you going to Toronto?" Dad asked in his always serious tone.

"No, Dad. Irha came to Ontario to visit her uncle for a few days," I told my father, fidgeting with my fingers, trying to hide my excitement.

"Go on. You're going to meet her after a long time. I know you're excited," Dad replied, turning all his attention back to breakfast.

"Of course, I am excited," I grinned and took a bite of my bread.

"Go safely and enjoy your day," Dad patted my head.

"Thank you, Dad. I'll be safe," I kissed my father on the cheek and returned to my seat to continue the eating session.

"At what time will you be leaving?" Dad inquired.

"After breakfast, Dad."

Dad smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

Other family members were watching the affectionate moment between my father and me, while Shanawar was constantly smiling, showing off his cute dimples.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Shanawar, with a fair complexion, could truly snatch away all the attention easily. He has dense, black, shiny hair with a faux hawk cut. With almond-like bluish-green eyes, he met my gaze with equal curiosity. He has flawless skin, like a marble floor—no cuts, no marks. Any girl would be envious of his perfect skin. He gets cute and deep dimples when he smiles, which is the most attractive part of Shanawar. He is a complete package of my fantasy.

I was curious about what was going on in Shanawar's mind. As for my brother, he was giving me death glares for catching us in a staring competition.

Despite the love and affection shown by my father towards me,


After finishing breakfast, I left home to meet Irha at "Patria Coffee Roasters," the coffee shop we had chosen as our meeting spot.

"Zoni!" Rayan called out to me. "Are you ready to go?" He stood by his car.

With great enthusiasm, I sprinted towards Rayan and eagerly hopped into the car.

I said, "Brother, please gear up quickly as I am eager to meet my beloved Irha."

Rayan accelerated the car and began to drive towards the coffee shop. As we made our way there, my thoughts were soaring with anticipation, awaiting the moment when I would finally meet Irha.

Patria Coffee Roasters is located in the historic city of Hamilton, surrounded by other small shops and restaurants. Its prime location provides easy access to nearby attractions, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists. The area has a charming, small-town feel with tree-lined streets and beautiful historic architecture.

The coffee shop itself is known for its comfortable and cosy ambience, created by warm lighting, wooden furniture, and rustic decor. Patria Coffee Roasters offers a range of luxurious amenities, such as comfortable seating, a relaxed atmosphere, and a wide selection of coffee and tea beverages to choose from.

Additionally, the shop boasts an impressive coffee roasting process that is visible to customers. The aroma of freshly roasted coffee fills the air, adding to the overall sensory experience. The knowledgeable and friendly staff make the experience even more enjoyable, providing expert recommendations and exceptional service.

Overall, Patria Coffee Roasters is a must-visit destination for coffee enthusiasts, offering a unique and memorable experience that combines both aesthetic beauty and delicious coffee.

My eagerness to see 'Irha' intensified with every passing moment as we approached the coffee shop. As soon as we arrived, I frantically scanned the shop like a lost child in a crowded festival. Finally, my eyes locked onto her sleek and tender body, with her locks waving like a flag in the breeze.

"Irhaaaaaa!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking with excitement as I caught sight of my long-lost bestie.

It had been ages since we last saw each other, and I couldn't believe she was finally here, standing right in front of me at Patria Coffee Roasters. My heart was racing, and I couldn't help but feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Look at you, all grown up and fancy!" I teased, taking in her stylish outfit and perfectly coiffed hair.

Irha rolled her eyes and playfully punched my arm, saying, "Oh please, don't act like you're not impressed," with a smirk.

We hugged each other tightly, laughing and catching up on all the things we had missed in each other's lives. The warmth of her hug and the scent of her perfume brought back a flood of happy memories.

As we settled into our seats with our coffee, we continued to reminisce and joke around, enjoying the cosy atmosphere of the coffee shop. It felt like no time had passed at all, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected reunion.

After settling into our seats and starting our conversation, I noticed a guy staring at us from across the coffee shop. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was Irha's brother, Owzan.

Owzan was a tall, handsome guy with a sculpted body and an ivory skin tone. He had a rough and tough look that made him seem almost intimidating, but I knew from Irha that he was a softie at heart.

As it turned out, Owzan, Shanawar, and Rayan were all the same age and had been childhood best friends. It was no wonder that they all had such a close bond.

I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by Owzan's strong presence.

"Shoot, where is my brother Rayan?"

I started to look around the coffee shop but couldn't spot him anywhere. Meanwhile, Owzan took a seat next to Irha and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hey there, pretty lady. How have you been?" Owzan asked.

"I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?" I replied while looking around for my brother Rayan.

Owzan: "I'm doing great, thank you for asking. I'm hot and sexy as always," he added with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Oh please, stop being overweening," irha said and rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, I feel that you may sometimes feel envious of my appearance." Owzan teased his sister playfully.

"Envious? Haha, please stop cracking jokes, brother. I possess my unique beauty that surpasses yours," Irha replied and smirked.

I was watching their playful banter and couldn't help but smile. Even though they were arguing, it was clear that they had a close bond as siblings. It was great to see them teasing each other like old times.

As their conversation continued, I felt grateful to be surrounded by such a fun and supportive group of friends. The cosy atmosphere of Patria Coffee Roasters only added to the warmth of our reunion.

"Now cut it. You guys are behaving like toddlers." While I was saying this, I saw a familiar figure nearing my table and shouted,


It was Rayan who had been engrossed in phone calls, but now he was back alive. I pointed to Owzan.

"Your friend is here, go spend time with him instead of irritating Irha."

Owzan and Rayan greeted each other with a buddy hug and started their conversation.

After seeing Rayan, Irha was a bit taken aback and whispered to me,

"If you feel uncomfortable with Rayan's presence, we can move to the 2nd floor."

I nodded, and we moved to the second floor of the coffee shop.

Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, I began to reflect on my thoughts. I realized how lucky I am to have Irha in my life - a true friend and a loving sister. Her unwavering support, care, and empathy for me never cease to amaze me. She always knows how to make me feel better, even when things seem tough. I acknowledged that Irha was the best sister I could ever ask for.

Irha is aware of how rude Rayan behaves with me sometimes. Whenever he gets a chance, he bullies me indirectly, insults me, and teases me, making things unnecessarily difficult for me.

Despite several years passing by, Rayan has never wished me a happy birthday or shown any sibling love and care. Even during the years when I'm sick, Rayan did not bother to call me once to ask about my health or well-being. This lack of concern makes me doubt whether we are truly blood siblings. Irha is not happy when she sees Rayan because of how he treats me and has made me suffer all this time. I could sense her hesitation while I was lost in my thoughts.

Irha shook me and asked, "Where are you zoning out? Whose thoughts were you lost in? Are you finally in love, dear?"

"Irha, you're speaking whatever is coming to your mind. Haha, you're crazy."I replied

Irha asked, "Zonish, do you have any fresh news to share? How did your medical entrance exam go? Is everything alright at home?"

I hesitated and replied faintly, "I don't think I will pass the medical entrance exam. It was out of my league. I put in a lot of effort, but I don't think I made it." I paused and continued, "Irha, you have no idea how much I'm suffering these days. Whenever I face my dad, I feel a fear inside me that's killing me. I'm afraid of my dad's reaction once my results are out. It's like I'm having a heart attack whenever I think about the exam results. I worked incredibly hard to fulfil my dad's dreams, but because of his aspirations, I never cared about my dreams or what I wanted. I never mentioned these things in front of them, not even once, and they also never bothered to ask me. It's quite ironic, isn't it?"

Tears were flowing from my eyes to my chin, dripping onto the table like a little fountain.

Irha wiped my tears and held me in her hands to comfort me. She said, "Oh, my girl, don't worry. It's okay if you don't pass the medical entrance exam. It's not a big deal unless you have no other options. The world does not end here if you don't get admission to a medical university. I know you're worried about your father."

"Don't worry, Zoni. Everything will be alright," Irha reassured me as she wiped my tears again.

I took a tissue and wiped my tears and face. I wore a little smile and softly called out, "Irha, I secretly filled out an application for admission at FI University in case I don't get into a medical university. I haven't told anyone, not even Mom. You're the first person I'm disclosing this to, but I will tell everyone after the medical university results are announced."

"Zonish really? Wow, hahaha, you have guts too. Anyway, let me tell you some good news. I also got admitted to FI University in the Interior and Fashion Designing department. By the way, which department did you apply to?" Irha surprised me with her news.

My eyes sparkled with joy. "Wow, really? I applied for the same departments. We'll be together! Yeahhhhhh, yippeeeeeee!" Laughter and giggles surrounded the atmosphere.

Irha informed me that she would be returning to Toronto with Owzan. She ordered me in a firm tone to update her about my activities, and she assured me not to worry, no matter what.

"I'll be there for you," Irha gave my hand a tight squeeze.

I giggled and nodded to her.

Irha said, "By the way, Zoni, Aunt has invited you to join us for lunch. Let's go and fill our tummies with delicious food."

Zonish exclaimed, "It has been so long since I've had her handmade dumplings. Shoopoo's cooking is exceptionally delicious. She inherited a unique talent for cooking, honestly speaking!"

As Irha and I made our way to Aunt's house, we suddenly remembered our brothers and realized that we had forgotten about them. We both looked at each other with concern and quickly sent them a text to apologize for leaving them behind.

Both of our phones blinked at the same time with a response from our brothers, Rayan and Owzan, assuring us that they had seen us take the cab and would meet us at Aunt's house soon. I felt relieved and relaxed, but Irha couldn't stop giggling.

"Why are you laughing?" I found myself laughing along with her. Guess we don't need a reason to laugh.

We reached Aunt Noor's house safely. When we entered the house, we were surprised to see three handsome young men lounging in front of the TV, engrossed in a video game. They were Rayan, Owzan, and Shanawer. Irhaa and I exchanged confused looks, wondering how they had gotten there before us and how Shanawer ended up there.

As we were both puzzled, the voices of Irhaa's little cousins interrupted us. They were happily enjoying the company of their elder cousin and his friends, giggling and having a great time.

We found Aunt Noor, who was busy in the kitchen. Uncle Zaki was assisting her in the culinary activities. As we moved towards the kitchen, the three boys averted their gazes and looked in our direction before returning their focus to the game.

The aroma of the delicious food being prepared in the kitchen filled the house, and we could hardly wait to dig in. Aunt Noor greeted us warmly and hugged us tightly. We exchanged pleasantries and caught up on each other's lives.

During our conversation, we couldn't help but notice the comfort and familiarity the three boys had with Aunt Noor and Uncle Zaki. They seemed to have a great bond and were like family.

Aunt Noor pointed at me and said, "How adorable she is, resembling a youthful version of her mother." Then, she directed her attention to me and inquired, "How have you been, dear? How are your parents faring?"

"They are doing well. And how are you both, Uncle and Aunt? I have missed you dearly, especially Aunt's delectable home-cooked meals. No matter where I travel, I always savour the taste of your food." I gave her a grateful smile.

"Oh, dear, you flatter me. Your uncle and I are both doing well."

I nodded with a warm smile.

After a while, we all sat down to enjoy the sumptuous feast that Aunt Noor and Uncle Zaki had prepared. We talked, laughed, and made memories that we would cherish forever. It was a warm and welcoming environment.

Suddenly, Irhaa's phone buzzed, and she went to the balcony to answer it. She was on the call for a long time, and I playfully approached her and poked her side, making her laugh. After she finished her call, we continued chatting and giggling until we felt a sudden break in our mirth.

To our surprise, Shanawer appeared out of nowhere and said, "Zonish, your brother truly cares for you, although he may not show it. And you know what, he's aware of the attention I've been giving to his 'little angle' and the feelings I hold for you. He even warned me about the consequences if I continued to gaze at you. Furthermore, Irhaa, you are the object of his affection, and both of you hold a special place in his heart. Please do not harbour any negative feelings towards him. Instead, try to communicate with him and clear up all your misunderstandings."

As Shanawer spoke, his face was flustered, and a few drops of sweat glistened on his forehead. Irhaa and I were surprised by what Shanawer had said and looked at each other with a mix of confusion and amusement.

Before leaving at jet speed, Shanawer disclosed that he had feelings for me, which made Irhaa and me blush and hide from each other while putting sly smiles on our faces.

At that moment, Rayan entered the balcony, and we all fell silent. He said, "Hey, Zoni, let's go!" and gave Irhaa a lingering look before saying, "Take care."

Irhaa blushed, and a faint red tint appeared on her cheeks as she nervously whispered, "Goodbye."

I hugged Irhaa tightly before saying our goodbyes. I picked up my bag and followed Rayan out of the house.

Rayan asked, "Hey Shan, where are you heading to?"

"I had some business to attend to with Owzan, so you guys head back home first," Shanawer replied while gazing my way.

He threw me a discreet wink as I walked towards where Rayan and him were standing near the car. I noticed Irhaa's gaze on me and invited her to join us. She blushed and shut the door, which made me burst into boisterous laughter.

Rayan asked, "What was wrong with Irha, and why did you start laughing?"

"Nothing, let's go. By the way, instead of going home, let's go to the ice cream parlour I have to talk to you about something," I replied.

"Okay, let's go," Rayan said while opening the front door of the car. "Take the front seat," he said to me.

I accepted his offer like a princess and sat in the car, ready to start a conversation.
