
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
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11 Chs

2: Tangled Emotions

As Zonish disappeared from their eyesight, Mrs Baloch set eyes on her husband sceptically.

"Did something happen on your way?" Mrs Baloch asked her hubby finding her daughter's behaviour weird.

"Nothing happened Love." Mr Baloch answered, his wife peering at her only to find concern etched in her eyes. "Why would you ask that?"

"I'm worried about Zonish." Mrs Baloch said.

"Don't stress yourself out. She just came back from an exam. She must be tired." He said while caging her in his arms, catching her off guard.,

"Yes, she must have work- oh don't do that, someone will see us ." She tried to pry his arms off but her attempts were futile as Mr Baloch tightens his arms, ignoring her efforts to be free. Pink hue kissed her cheeks as she huffs and give in.

"Dear, she is fine. She is tired from her exam preparation. Let her take some rest and sleep. She will be alright once her tiredness wears off." Mr Baloch said politely.

Mrs Baloch said, "I hope she's alright."

"Stop your dramatic thoughts. It's time for lunch. Where is Rayan?" Mr Baloch's personality changed from being lovey-dovey to strict in the blink of an eye and sets her free while sitting at the dining table.

Mrs Baloch didn't even bat an eye at his bipolar outburst. Upon seeing the maid entering the dining room she said. "Call Rayan for lunch."

Rayan POV: -

As soon as the blonde maid left I hurried to greet my parents. My mom has undergone so much change in appearance and my father has developed greys, I kissed my mom's cheeks and engulfed her in a bear hug and my dad too, before sitting down at the luxurious dining table,

I aimlessly stare at the details of the dining room it was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with its intricate designs and glossy finish. It was made of rich, dark wood that glinted under the light of the chandelier overhead. The chairs were cushioned and comfortable, and I sank more into my chair with a satisfied sigh. The plates were made of fine china and the silverware was polished to a high shine. Everything was laid out perfectly, with each dish in its designated spot. My mom had outdone herself this time, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the effort my mom had put into our meal.

I took a deep breath and smiled contentedly at the spread before me. My mom had prepared my favourite dish - chicken biryani with raita - and the aroma wafting from the pot was making my mouth water. My dad had already started eating and was engrossed in a conversation with my mom about the latest news in town. I listened in with interest, occasionally chiming in with my thoughts. The three of us sat together in comfortable silence, enjoying our meal and each other's company.

"How is everything going at work these days?" Dad turned his attention towards me.

"It's going well, Dad. We just finished a big project and the team is feeling pretty good about it. But right now I'm on vacation for a few days so I flew here to spend time with family. It's family time, Dad." I answered him.

"That sounds great Rayan and I'm glad you came back to spend your vacation with us. Eat more." Dad pointed towards my almost empty plate.

I nodded and smiled, taking another helping of the delicious food that my mom had prepared. I felt grateful to be surrounded by their love and warmth, and I knew that these moments with my family were precious and fleeting. As I savoured each bite, I made a mental note to cherish every moment of my time with them.

Mom looked at me with concern etched on her face and ask me "Rayan, you haven't asked about your sister. Is everything okay?"

I paused, realizing that I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I had forgotten to ask about my sister. "Sorry Mom, I was just caught up in my thoughts. Is Zonish okay?"

Mom sighed and looked down at her plate. "She's been feeling a bit stressed lately with all her exam preparations. She's been studying non-stop and hasn't been sleeping well. I just hope she takes care of herself."

I nodded, understanding the pressure my sister was under. "I'll talk to her after lunch and see if I can help in any way."

Mom smiled proudly at me, looking relieved that I was willing to help my sister. As they continued to eat, the conversation turned to lighter topics, and I felt content in the warmth of the family's love.

"What about her health?" I asked Mom because I know she used to get sick whenever she was stressed out.

"She is fine, but today she is feeling a bit down. She has a headache, and today was her entrance exam for medical university"

"Or maybe she's just afraid of the needles she'll have to deal with in medical school!" I joked to lighten the mood of my mother and it worked as we both chuckle.

"Rayan, be serious! Your sister's future is at stake here." Dad glares at me, reminding me of his displeasure at taking her career lightly.

"But it's always good to have a sense of humour, even in tough situations." Mom said.

"Exactly, Dad! Laughter is the best medicine, even for entrance exam stress." I agreed with Mom.

"Whatever it takes, I want to see her secure her place in the medical university."

"But Dad If she doesn't get admission, then what?" I asked the negative question that has been nagging me a lot.

"Let's not discuss this topic for now. We can see what happens after the results will out. Let's enjoy our meal. By the way, Mr and Mrs Qureshi are coming to visit us in Ontario with their son for a few days. They moved back to Canada last month and settled in Toronto. They will be staying with us."

"What? really!" I exclaimed. I'm happy that I would meet Shanwer after a long time. A smile stretched on my face but I try to suppress it to look mature but who can hide excitement, I can't.

"It's great news." Mom mirrored my expression as we both stare at Father with twinkling stars in our eyes.

Dad shook his head at me. "You are just like your mother. Giddy and excited always." A ghost of a smile appeared on his face while I and Mom grinned ear to ear.

Third-Person POV: -

Mr Qureshi, Mr Shah (Irha and Owzan's dad), and Mr Baloch were childhood friends who had formed a strong bond, considering themselves as one big family. Due to work obligations, Mr Qureshi relocated to America, while Mr Baloch and Mr Shah stayed in their hometown. after some time Mr Baloch shifted to Ontario because of his job, Shanawer, Mr Qureshi's only son, was the same age as Rayan, owzan and Shanawer had become close childhood buddies. They, along with Owzan, had studied together at the same university. After completing their studies, Owzan and Rayan returned to Toronto, Canada, while Shanawer remained in America with his parents.

Rayan use to be rude to Zonish sometimes and bully her. After lunch, with the same intention he knocked on her room door, there was no response while he was smirking evilly and he keep on knocking to irritate her but there was no response. He wonder what she is doing and he came across the thought that she may fall asleep because of her headache. He retreated to his room.

Zonish POV: -

I was in a sound sleep, lulled into a deep slumber by a rhythmic lullaby. Abruptly, my phone rang, jolting me awake. Slowly, I opened my eyes and heard music playing in the distance, realizing it was my phone. In my half-asleep state, I answered the phone with a groggy haze.

When I heard the voice on the other side of the phone, my eyes widened and my mind flew with joy. It turned out to be my childhood bestie Irha.

"Yo girl! Is Princess still having her beauty sleep?" She inquired playfully.

"Kind of. But a white witch dared to disturb it.'' I grinned. Talking to her is medicine for my worries.

"That's because I have all the rights to do it," she said from the other side.

"Of course Love you can." I cooed her.

"I came to Ontario for a few days and stayed with my uncle and aunt." My eyes widened and I screamed in excitement. "OMG! Let's make a plan for hangout.''

Irha and I were talking non-stop for over two hours, reminiscing about old times and making plans to meet up.

After 2.5 hours of conversation with Irha, I refreshed myself and came down to the kitchen to have some snacks.

While in the kitchen, I noticed there were guests in the living room - a man who seemed to be my father's age, a beautiful woman, sitting gracefully, and a handsome guy who I can only assume to be their son. Did I mention he is handsome? As I peeked at the guests, my mom pulled me out to greet them.

"This is my daughter Zonish." Mom introduced to me them

"Hello." I greeted them meekly because I felt underdressed.

"Hello. " The couple replied in unison, while their son only nod.

Everyone was looking straight out of a magazine cover while I looked like someone you would want to give your charity to. Damn! Why didn't anyone inform me beforehand?

Dad asked me after holding my hand gently. "How are you feeling honey?"

"I'm much better Dad". I told him with a smile.

My father introduced his friend's family to me and upon seeing me after many years, Mr Qureshi exclaimed, "Oh my, she has grown remarkably beautiful, WALLAH!' It's a pity that I wasn't there all this time."

I felt warmth seeping into my cheeks, colouring me a shade of pink at the compliment. I was at a loss for words so I simply smiled in response, feeling a mix of gratitude and shyness. The unexpected praise had caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily speechless. Nevertheless, I was touched by Mr Qureshi's kind words and felt a surge of appreciation for the warmth and hospitality shown by my father's friend and his family.

The lingering smell of snacks and drinks reminded me why I descended the stairs in the first place. I excused myself and went back to the kitchen to hunt food.

Rayan POV: -

I noticed Zonish from a distance and realized that she was no longer the little girl whom I used to tease and bully. I wondered what kind of special food mother was feeding her that she had grown so quickly, it felt like it was just yesterday when I had pulled her ponytail. I felt a sudden urge to protect her from all evil eyes, especially men. While I was lost in thought about how to protect her, I suddenly noticed Shanawer.

As much as I appreciate the arrival of Shanawer I didn't like the way he was watching my sister without blinking or taking his eyes off😑.

Why the hell is he looking at her?

I was struggling with the fact that my sister was attracting the attention of Shanawer, which was difficult for me to digest.

I follow Zonish into the kitchen and stood behind her to block Shanawer's view, like a protective older brother.

Zonish POV: -

I spun around as I felt a presence behind me and it was my brother. I am not that close to my brother cuz of his neglectful ways. It always displeased me that he was the only one to bully me but when he went away from home for further studies, I missed him dearly so I called him and texts him multiple times which ended up with him ignoring me. Now I don't look forward to the warming hug anymore.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a monotone.

"To meet you." He replied with a thick underline of anger.

I wonder who triggered him today.

"Hi!" I greeted my brother with an awkward smile and asked him. "How have been bro?"

I was genuinely interested in catching up with him after such a long time and hoped that everything was going well for him.

Rayan replied with a sharp smile, "I'm good, fit, and fine as always."

I noticed his tone and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his response than what he had let on. I decided to dig deeper and asked him about any updates in his life, hoping to understand what might be bothering him.

I keep on probing my brother,

How is your employment endeavour progressing? What is the state of the atmosphere in your workplace? Is everything satisfactory to you in your office?

I kept bombarding him with incessant questions about his job.

"Everything is fine," Rayan replied to me with an irritated expression.

I replied "Oh! alright then."

I was a bit hurt because of my brother's rude answer. He could have been a little polite to me.

After filling my stomach with desired food and changing into a decent outfit. I got back in the living room and tried to sit as gracefully as possible beside my mother.

"I must say, the Baloch family truly has a charm and beauty that is simply unmatched," Mrs Qureshi appreciated.

Mrs Qureshi continued, her eyes sparkling with admiration. And look at me and said, "She has inherited her mother's beauty and elegance."

"Oh, Thanks a lot. You are being kind." My mom blushed and give me a proud look. And their conversation went on about past events.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at Mrs Qureshi's compliments towards my family. It was nice to see someone appreciate the beauty and grace that my mother possessed. However, my thoughts soon drifted back to my earlier conversation with my brother, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of hurt and confusion.

I was feeling a little uncomfortable around all these people, except for Shanawer who had an exceptionally handsome appearance. I wonder why God had given him such a perfect and handsome face.

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle as I murmured to myself, "Come on God, why did you have to give him all the good looks? What am I, chopped liver?" Of course, I knew it was silly to compare myself to Shanawer, but sometimes my jealousy just got the best of me. Maybe one day I'll wake up with that perfect face too... or maybe I'll just have to settle for being my charming and witty self!😅

I whispered to my mother, "I am retiring to my room now as I have to focus on my studies."

My mother whispered, "Zoni, why have you been acting this way since you returned from your exam? How was your exam?"

"It was satisfactory, Mom." I hesitantly replied to my mother.

My mother asked, "Are you avoiding us again? Stay and have dinner with us. What impression will they have if you suddenly go back to your room?"

"Mom, as you know, I am not a talkative person. Furthermore, being in the presence of a large number of people makes me feel uneasy." I responded to my mother.

Rayan was secretly eavesdropping on the conversation between me and Mom. He decided to intervene and suggested to Mother to let me go and she did. Rayan visibly sighed as he looked kind of getting relief after a stressful day and smiled triumphantly which I haven't seen since his arrival. Oh, God. He is so happy to get rid of me from the drawing room. Such a jerk.

I retired to my room and sat on my bed, taking a sip of my uncapped Coca-Cola and snacking on chips and enjoying my own company.

What if I don't get admission to a medical university? What would I do? What are my dreams?

I began to ponder my strengths and interests, considering which fields I was proficient in and which ones I would enjoy pursuing. It was an overwhelming feeling, but I reminded myself that it's okay not to have everything figured out at once. I took a deep breath and allowed myself to explore my thoughts and emotions, contemplating different career paths that aligned with my passions.

As I sipped my Coke, I reflected on my journey and reminded myself that setbacks are a part of life. I knew that even if I faced rejection, it wouldn't be the end of the world. I resolved to keep working hard towards my goals, remaining optimistic and determined in the face of uncertainty.

In the end, I realized that the most important thing was to believe in myself and my abilities, to trust the journey, and to never give up on my dreams.



Realization dawned on me as I reflected on my strengths and interests.

Oh yes, I have a talent for home décor.

My phone is full of home decorating games, and I have a knack for designing beautiful dresses. I find it incredibly fulfilling to create unique and beautiful spaces, whether it's a cosy living room or a luxurious bedroom. And designing dresses allows me to bring my creative vision to life in a completely different way. It's amazing how a simple piece of fabric can be transformed into a stunning garment with the right design and attention to detail."

I stood up on my bed and began to sway my hips in excitement.

"I understand now, yes! Oh, yeah! I've got it!" I chuckled loudly, feeling exhilarated.

I pulled out my laptop and started browsing for universities that offered courses in interior and fashion design. After some browsing, I stumbled upon FI University, a prestigious institution located in my birth city of Toronto.

Overcome with excitement at the prospect of returning to my roots and reuniting with my old friends, especially my bestie Irha, I quickly filled out the university's admission form after browsing through its online forum. Luckily, I had already prepared extra copies of my documents for my medical university applications, so I used them to complete the necessary paperwork and submitted my application to FI University.
