
Breaking Deception

Gently, his lips brushed against mine. Taking Trevor by pleasant surprise, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His intoxicating beach scent washed over me. I could feel myself getting wet the more we kissed. All my surroundings disappeared. Only Trevor and his skilled warm lips remained. Trevor groaned and licked at my bottom lip. I opened for him and his tongue invaded me. He explored my mouth, tasting and teasing. Sensations I had never felt before exploded in every fiber of my body. “You’re just as sweet as I’ve fantasized about for so long.” He murmured, still kissing me. “I can’t hold back, I want to ravage all of you.” Something hard rubbed between my legs. I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed his erection against me intimately. I cried out in pleasure. Yes! Mine, he’s my true love. Mine! Mine? No! Trevor took enjoyment in torturing and abusing his women! But how was I supposed to resist this sinful man? Natalie is a half demon recently freed from her tormentor. She was taught her true love enjoyed abusing women with his pretend sister. Once free, she leaves her past behind for a new dimension, safe with her friend. She yearns to live a simple life as a baker. Trevor, an elemental human, was tricked into thinking his true love died. He goes to his sister's dimension to keep an eye on everything. He pretends to love his womanizing ways, but secretly longs for a family. Both are torn by deception. With an assassin attacking the nobility of their new kingdom, will they be able to sort through all the lies and work together? Or will past fabrications keep them strangers. *Warning-Sexual content/ triggers/ dark themes may be present.

AlysiaO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

She'll Be There

**Trevor's POV**

**(Present Time)**

A letter from King Ulrich was resting on my desk alongside all my reports. I had read and re-read the letter for the last hour.

Things were going so well. Training was going well, my lessons for the little baby demon were perfect, and my family was finally happy again. We even got another new member.

How long had it been since I stepped foot into Lutz castle? Four or five years now, I hadn't traveled there since the first two months of being in this dimension. A shame, I really was looking forward to meeting a pretty princess and having her fall for my winning personality. The demon lord's victims would be there too. Finally having a chance to live in peace; thanks to their handsome savior.

I tapped a steady rhythm on the table with my finger. Images of the scared girl we rescued flashed in my mind. Her face was soft with big eyes and sugary lips I was dying to kiss. She had curves in all the right places and I had trouble not staring at her large breasts in her hospital gown. The girl's soft brown hair framed her heart face perfectly too. It didn't matter if it was ratted from sleeping in a hospital bed, or if she was given time to brush it. She had hid under covers when I bent down to run my fingers through the light strands. For some reason she was mute towards me and scared of me.

I wished several times to know why and even investigated a bit. I could find nothing. The girl was a blank slate. So why was she horrified by me simply being in the same room? And why was I so enthralled by her? A man like me should be shared among different women. It was only fair. I had the skill to charm most any girl, so why didn't I feel blessed for it anymore? Flirting with women was one of my favorite hobbies, but for years now, all I cared about was her. I'd barely seen her, or knew her!

After all this time, I really should just take my sister's advice. Aileen had insisted if she was so petrified of me, I needed to stay away. Curse my heart for only warming up to a woman who wouldn't fall for my amazing self. Maybe I should drink tonight. Clearly her beautiful face wasn't leaving my brain like so many other nights in my new home in this dimension.

I shook my head in a poor attempt to get her out of my thoughts. Already I could feel my cock hardening in my trousers. *Okay think of something unsexy. Kill the boner.*

I thought of home.

It really had been years since we came to Aileen and King Ulrich's dimension. My head couldn't wrap around the fact. It feels like just a month ago we were all battling down halls, saving those who wanted freedom, and figuring out what comes next. Like last week I had told my parents about my decision to come here. They were so proud and sad.

There were plenty of days I missed my old dimension. My parents, the DSS, even my Squad Leader Tom, and of course my cell phone. When I found out I was heading to this…medieval-like dimension I made sure to pack my phone and several chargers. Aileen had made fun of me relentlessly when she dug through my bag. I had assumed she was going to steal the chargers; nope she made it seem like I was a genius for thinking ahead. It wasn't until later that night she found me and asked how my phone was doing.

Of course it was almost dead by that point. I smugly and dumbly grabbed my charger and searched the room for an outlet. Eventually, I left to ask a knight where there might be one. As I made my way down the hall, I noticed all the candles lit. No lightbulbs. That's when it hit me. And damn did Aileen lose it. For an entire month I heard her cracking jokes at my expense. She even got the Lord of Vernen involved. They should have more respect for not just my sacrifice to come here, but also for training their son.

Speaking of those two…

I hated to admit it, but my sister and her husband were doing well for this land in a small amount of time. They had taken several ideas from the other dimension. A school had been started for basic math, reading, and writing. Last year Aileen had founded a safe haven for any woman seeking space from an abusive spouse, or situation. Minus a few angry asshole husbands, the people in the city of Vernen loved their new lord, his wife, and my little nephews.

That was where things went wrong; the birth of the Lord's 'second' child.

At least the newest shit to hit the fan wasn't from the other dimension, or a demon lord.

King Ulrich was having issues with his nobles going missing. Recently, some of their bodies had started turning up. Someone was killing them. The King believes an assassin has found their way behind his walls. He remembered how in the DSS his annoying daughter and I had headed many investigations. That was our specialty.

In the letter, King Ulrich had requested me to leave the city of Vernen for Lutz Castle. He knew full well I would have no choice, but to bring his daughter and grandchildren with me. The entire reason I was able to tag along to this dimension was to train and watch her children per DSS orders. I happily accepted the task as I knew everyone would be more comfortable with a familiar face observing and documenting the babies.

The King wasn't stupid, he knew this and that they would have to come with me.

His precious family would be put in possible danger. The situation must have been dire. There were only four people the King showed any affection, or mercy towards; his daughter, two grandchildren, and his wife of four years. I like to think that I've charmed my way into the King's good graces as well.

It would be awkward if he hated me. We were sort of family.

A growing family… Nope, not going there. Next!

I thumbed the letter once more. For some reason in the King's letter to me he had mentioned a princess visiting the kingdom. She must have been at least part of the reason he needed the assassin situation handled quickly.

A princess huh? She would most likely be gorgeous and well taken care of. Unlike a certain pain in my buttox princess I knew here, this princess might be almost as fashionable as me. I was certain she would be elegant, graceful, and pretty. A perfect palate cleanser for that girl! But first, I had to inform my sister and her man about the letter.

I got out of my desk chair. Might as well get this over with. Lord Devon wasn't going to be pleased to lose his wife for a while.

Chances were with how late it was their family had retired by now. Shion and Kalum were probably being tucked in and reading a story. If Shion wasn't read something before bed by one of his parents; the entire room would shake from his ground ability. The toddler had little control over his powers when upset… or when sugared up by his favorite Uncle.

Her children were lucky they were cute. How was I supposed to stop myself from spoiling them? Thinking of that, I should grab those two troublemakers something for a late night snack. If my sister gets mad I'll just give her my irresistible puppy eyes. Even she is no match for them…most of the time.

I grabbed the two of the cookies some maid had baked for me. They tasted great; a shame her lips weren't as sweet. Not like my Cupcake's would be. I knew she would be an absolute treat. If only I could get her pinned under me, so I could ravage her sweet lips. *So much for killing my arousal.*

Before leaving for Lord Devon's chamber, I threw on a long shirt. I made my way through the long dimly lit halls. The mansion was unnervingly quiet at this time of night. Outside a large oval window I could make out some merchants packing up their things. Inside were a few guards protecting various areas. They were unmoving and silent as if they were empty suits of armor. Even when they walked, there was no sound! The only noises were of my footsteps and a few crickets hopping around.

I stole a candle lit lantern from one of the guards. He said nothing and gave me a slight bow. I may have recognized him, had he not been wearing a helmet. I'd personally trained most of the guards, knights, and squires here. To them, that was my official title. None of them were aware I was really here for their Lord's children.

Two guards were stationed outside of Lord Devon's chamber. I waved them off. The bigger bellied guard got a nervous twitch, but reluctantly stepped aside. Their Lord's wife had made it perfectly clear I was allowed to enter whenever I wanted.

Honestly, they didn't need to protect this door at all. Lord Devon was a half demon and demon lord's son. His wife was a former member of the DSS. But they didn't know that and I guess appearances were important. It would be weird if the ruler of Vernen wasn't protected whilst he sleeps.

One of the guards shook his head at me. I rolled my eyes. Sure anyone else interrupting story time was likely to get in serious trouble with the kids, but I was different. My nephews adored me! They could see how truly amazing I was, even if their Mom and Dad didn't. Plus, I had cookies! The kid would cheer my arrival!

I opened the door wide and made my grand entrance. "Hello! How are my adorable little men doing?!"

My jaw dropped to the floor. For once, I should have listened to the guard's unspoken warning. I had been right though. Aileen and Devon had retired for the night… but they weren't reading to their children. Nope.

In front of my now permanently scarred eyes was my sister tied to the bed with clamps squeezing her nipples and her half demon husband humping her vigorously. I dropped the lantern and stomped out the flame. The room still had two candles burning, but it was hard to make out their sweaty bodies anymore. As I backed away from the door I awkwardly muttered, "I'll be waiting outside."

Devon's eyes turned blood red as he glared at me. He grunted while continuing to plow into his wife, "Out!"

I hurried out the door; still hearing my little sister moaning under her true love.

At least my boner was gone. After witnessing a kinky porno starring my sister; I don't think my dick will ever get hard again.