
Breaking Deception

Gently, his lips brushed against mine. Taking Trevor by pleasant surprise, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His intoxicating beach scent washed over me. I could feel myself getting wet the more we kissed. All my surroundings disappeared. Only Trevor and his skilled warm lips remained. Trevor groaned and licked at my bottom lip. I opened for him and his tongue invaded me. He explored my mouth, tasting and teasing. Sensations I had never felt before exploded in every fiber of my body. “You’re just as sweet as I’ve fantasized about for so long.” He murmured, still kissing me. “I can’t hold back, I want to ravage all of you.” Something hard rubbed between my legs. I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed his erection against me intimately. I cried out in pleasure. Yes! Mine, he’s my true love. Mine! Mine? No! Trevor took enjoyment in torturing and abusing his women! But how was I supposed to resist this sinful man? Natalie is a half demon recently freed from her tormentor. She was taught her true love enjoyed abusing women with his pretend sister. Once free, she leaves her past behind for a new dimension, safe with her friend. She yearns to live a simple life as a baker. Trevor, an elemental human, was tricked into thinking his true love died. He goes to his sister's dimension to keep an eye on everything. He pretends to love his womanizing ways, but secretly longs for a family. Both are torn by deception. With an assassin attacking the nobility of their new kingdom, will they be able to sort through all the lies and work together? Or will past fabrications keep them strangers. *Warning-Sexual content/ triggers/ dark themes may be present.

AlysiaO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Protect Them

**Trevor POV**

My leg pounded on the stone floor in the dark. They saw me and knew I was waiting out here; so hurry up! Why weren't they reading to their little demons?! Aileen didn't trust anyone outside of family to watch her children, so they must have been in their adjoining room.

Maybe I should go back in with a jug of water and pour it on them. I could walk in with my ears plugged and start making random cow noises or something.

Heavily I banged my head against the stone wall. The supposed to be silent guards were snickering at my misery. Our next training session was going to be hell for them and their comrades. See if they chuckle at their captain again!

I was lost in my plan of revenge when I felt a tiny tug at my hip. I looked down to see four pairs of eyes. My nephews both started shoving each other to get closer to me; or more exactly, the cookies peeking out of my hand.

"What are you two doing out so late? Your parents will have a heart attack." I whispered, making my voice sound as angry as possible. In truth, I was happy they were here. An evil idea popped into my head.

"They were spending time with their grandma." Out of the shadows was the King's true love Queen Sekai. The citizens of Lutz were happy to have a Queen again. Aileen's Mother, Queen Anina, had died well over a decade ago. The 'Dark King' was said to sleep around, but never keep an official concubine, or mistress. Lutz had a massive celebration the day of their King's wedding.

Sekai also was from the other dimension; along with Devon and I. Just like so many others, she was tortured and forced to do things against her will under Demon Lord Shiuku's command. Sekai was the head of the torture wing. Her abusive boyfriend headed 'experiments' and reported back to the Demon Lord Shiuku. Aileen and I are still sorting all the documents we found. We were no closer after three years to figuring out what the demon lord was trying to accomplish.

The kids stole my cookies before running back to Sekai. Both of them clung to her flowing skirts.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be making heirs with the King?"

She held a finger to my lips. "Hush boy. It's the dead of night."

"Doesn't answer my question." I grumbled.

"He has been stressed and been a total ass. I can only take his cold attitude for so long." She grinned. "I know he'll miss me and my exceptional skills soon."

And I was back to plugging my ears. Even the old people in this country were getting laid more than me. Back home I had a different girl every night. Now I was the one with a sad dick that would possibly never 'rise up' again.

I wish I could blame all my bedtime issues on Devon and Aileen, but this was the first time I'd caught them in the disgusting act. Normally I just had to endure their constant kisses and embraces. No one could deny the love those two shared with each other. They worked hard to help one another pass their trauma. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for my sister. She finally was able to fight back all those evil voices from her childhood, but I would be a liar to say I wasn't jealous.

Several times when the three of us finished training together, I would watch as they ran back inside. They'd race straight to where their children sat playing with other babies. It was cute. I loved how everything worked out for them, but I was lonely. I wanted someone to give my heart to. Clearly, I was unable to continue with my playboy ways any longer, all thanks to my true love and that mesmerizing girl.

Ever since my true love was killed by the traitor Jacob, I had a hole in my chest. I'm glad he did, the girl was evil as hell and straight out said to my face I would come second to the demon lord she was sleeping with. Trevor comes in second to no other man. I told her this and she tried to kill me. Jacob stepped in and finished the fight. The same day, less than an hour later, I met the girl who haunted me every night! So sweet and I needed to make her mine.

Strangely, I didn't miss my true love, but my body did crave my Cupcake girl. Had she not been terrified of me, I may have believed I fell for the same trap as Aileen did. Damn elementals for being able to see aura, but still blind to our true loves! Alas, my Cupcake was a demon, so she would have known if I was hers.

Something really fucked with my brain the day Jacob murdered my psycho true love and then met the source of my sweet nightly torment. If I was seducing a pretty maid, I couldn't get excited. Picturing my shy cupcake was the only way to harden my giant sized rod. Any attempt at bedding a cute woman; I would feel like I was betraying Cupcake and couldn't even manage a lousy kiss. The idea of any other woman touching me stung like acid poured into my very veins.

I'm trying to move on. Truly, I am. Cupcake doesn't want me and I should let her be. I'd certainly never chased another woman before, but she consumes me. Never would I have guessed a perfect specimen of masculinity like myself would go what again? Five years? Five freaking years of blue balls, or my hand.

And now to top my hell off, I had the torture of Aileen and Devon humping each other as a horrifying mental picture. And by God it better not become like a revolving horror scenes screensaver. I'll jump out the nearest window! Brains need a delete key! This all better freaking change when I meet this new princess.

"Don't you agree?"

I smiled at the Queen getting myself back on track. "I'm sure he will. You've really matured since coming here. Never would I have expected the crude unruly demon Sekai to be elegant."

"Naturally, Sexy Daddy is the only one who gets to see my wild side." The Queen said very lowly in my ear.

Yup, my friend is never coming up again. I'm pretty sure my balls were one comment away from falling off.

Resting my eyes back on my nephews, I decided to go through with my plan. The almost four year old was Shion and he was a little delinquent. Kalum copied, or tried to, everything his older brother did.

"My Queen," I bowed deeply, "it would be an honor to escort your step-grandbabies to their room."

"Yes! Yes Uncle please!" Kalum held his arms out for me to pick him up.

Shion demanded, "Read us a story! No singing."

Alas, he wasn't being mean telling me not to sing. God had gifted me with an amazing mind, irresistible smile, giant dick, and perfect muscular body. I guess he couldn't make a completely perfect being, so he chose to give me no sense of pitch.

"I will, but first I want you two to knock real loud on this door and scream, 'Mommy, Daddy, we missed you! We coming in!' then count down from ten. You can do that right Shion? Kalum copy your big bro."

Sekai slugged my arm. Aileen wasn't only her step-daughter, but they had become friends. Still, she made no move to stop my ingenious plan. Afterall, the best friends are your worst enemies; at least when it comes to stuff like this.

Hyped on sugar, both her toddlers started hammering on the door. Their knocks were loud and both of them screamed 'let us in! Mommy DADDY!!!" Shion flung open the door to his parent's room and stormed inside. In the candlelight I noticed both of them hastily putting on robes.

Shion hopped on top of his Daddy. "Trevor said he'd read to us and you would sing to us!"

The little shit.

Devon patted the bed beside him and curled his index finger at me. Aileen grabbed both her children and went to their adjoining room. I heard small voices complain about wanting a story from Uncle Trevor. My sister hushed them and recited a story from a children's book she had mesmerized while pregnant.

"What do you want Trevor? That was twice you interrupted us when I was right at the peak. You better have a damn good reason. I thought we were friends now. I haven't broken the promise I swore to you."

I sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to be near where their sweaty bodies connected. "Actually, you did make her cry. She was in terrible pain a few years ago."

"She was pregnant, asshat."

I gave a toothy grin, "and thanks to your incredible brother-in-law; not only have I forgiven you for aiding a psycho in kidnapping my sister, I also just saved you from producing another child!"

Devon countered, leaning back in the bed, "I never had a family before her. Maybe I want half a dozen kids."

"Tell Aileen that please? I won't ever have to worry about walking in on the dirty deed again."

"What do you want Trevor? I'm already cranky."

"You love me."

He barked, "Reason!"

The Lord of Vernen was taking too many pointers from the King of Lutz. One word commands were really Aileen's Father's thing. Devon was more of a considerate and caring ruler. Maybe he was stressed about something as well. Shion was having more consistent nightmares lately. And we all only had another year and a half until we would return to the other dimension. We all had to be prepared for our final fight against Demon Lord Shiuku and Darren. I had a suspicion Shiuku would target Devon and Kalum first.

A mental clock was ticking in my brain. I had to get stronger too.

"I have been summoned by King Ulrich to track down an assassin. Some important princess is coming soon too. Can't let something happen to her. The assassin is killing nobles, those of high status and the wealthy. Pretty much, if you have any command, or money; you could be the next victim." I sliced my finger across my throat. "And we all know I'm the best investigator the DSS had ever seen, so the King made a smart call for my services."

Lord Devon glanced to his children's door. He saw his wife; he couldn't be missing her already could he? Was that what true love was like?

"You're going to take my wife from me… For how long?" The great Lord of Vernen had a sad stolen from me, puppy dog pout. I almost wanted to pet his head as a taunt.

Instead, I nodded. "Just until I find this assassin. It's not really Aileen I have to keep an eye on. You can keep my sister here, if you-"

"She would never agree to be away from our kids for longer than a day; even with family. I'll get a few things under control here and visit as soon as possible." Shadows licked across his face and his eyes were bright red again. His face was identical to the devil in a horror film. "Don't let any harm come to my kids or wife Trevor."

"I failed to protect her once already. I won't let it happen again."

He gave a bitter laugh. "We both failed her. I did get the world's best step-son out of it."

"I had my doubts, but you did a great job. I never questioned your love for either of those kids." I could acknowledge how wrong I had been about Devon. For months I had hated his guts. Now he was a close friend and family.

He smiled, "they are both my sons, blood or not. I love them equally."

We listened to Aileen telling her kids the story about always loving her children for always.

"Can I offer a word of advice?" Devon asked.

I snorted, "asking me permission? You're the lord of this place."

"Aileen told me about your…obsession. That girl is there and probably still terrified of you."

"So take a step back right. Well that worked great for you. Your true love got knocked up by some evil demon lord stealing your aura." I regretted my words before they finished spilling from my lips. "Sorry, I'm just… anyway, I do plan to move forward. Just be glad your true love is still alive. You had the chance to make things right."

"It's weird seeing the great Trevor down in the dumps. Go get laid man; and don't tell your sister I gave you that advice. I can't handle her withholding sex from me when we reunite in a few weeks."

I made myself as confident sounding as I could. "No girl can keep my spirits down. So one out of like a thousand doesn't like me. I'll let her be."

Devon stood up to join in his wife and kids in the other chamber. I watched them in the flickering candlelight.

If only it were that simple to forget about her and let the sweet girl go. I'll try per my sister and Devon's request… only if she rejects me again. Then I'll give my full attention to the wealthy princess in need of seducing. One more shot to be with the woman of my dreams.

Let's try this one last time. No one compares to that girl; not even my deceased crazy true love Diana.

Be ready my sweet Cupcake.