
Loves Torture

**Natalie POV**

**(10 Years Ago)**

His words broke through the fog my brain was in. New, or not they would be able to sense his aura if they were official members. The demon lord cooed, "take a look around little assassin."

Around us was an old abandoned building near the fairgrounds. The house was covered in weeds and had many broken windows from kids breaking in for fun. I knew this place well. Mom had done some training here with me as well. The tornado had taken me three miles away. Whoever conjured a tornado that quick was an expert in their ability.

So how did he know? How could he possibly have known I talked to anyone? Demons had exceptional sight and strength, but not that good. So how did he see anything?

The slightly shorter man had a blank face. His eyes were very dull, as if he had been recently drained of all the light in his life. No wonder he was brought along. I knew that look. He would be the perfect tool and do exactly what was ordered of him. Mom had saved many girls who wore the same face. They obeyed a command without thinking. That demon standing in the background might as well be a puppet.

The woman didn't seem too promising either. There was blood in her nails and on her porcelain face. My money was on her being the one to beat the living shit out of my Mom.

*Damn it! I should have asked the DSS members if they had seen her. I knew something was off!*

Absentmindedly, I fingered the ripped paper Trevor had given me. If I could pretend to use the restroom, maybe I could shoot him a quick text…No, there was no way they could fight against a demon lord. Besides, I doubted anyone here would fall for such a simple ploy.

The woman demon dropped my Mom. Before I could go to her, the demon stepped on her head. She rubbed my Mom's face in the mud giggling to herself. I could feel myself losing control; something Mom would not approve of. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep the bloodlust from turning my irises red.

I failed.

"Oh look! She's getting all upset. Such scary eyes glaring back at me. And to think, I am going to save her from so much grief, pain, and despair!"

I couldn't stop myself from glancing around. Silently, I was praying Trevor would get some kind of weird feeling telling him to find me.

"I wouldn't count on Trevor coming to rescue you. In fact, he's the one I'm saving you from. You should be very gracious to the great Diana Kitz!" She proudly proclaimed.

Tonight is getting better as it goes on! Everyone knows the Kitz family name. Darren Kitz was one of three oldest demon lords. So this man was most likely Darren. No wonder my Mom fell to him and his entourage.

Diana continued, "I'm okay with you calling him for help, but it'll end up badly for you."

"Because you'll kill my Mom?"

She twirled herself on top of my Mom as if Mom's body were a dance stage. "He beds a lot of women. They never see the light of day after he fucks them. Normally he has that girlfriend of his dispose of their poor used up bodies. You saw her, the one with black hair?"

I gritted out, "that's his sister!"

"Did you sense any blood relation between them?"

Now that she mentioned it, there was no family resemblance in their appearance or aura. They were both attractive, acted, and spoke like siblings though.

"That's their game. Pretend to be siblings, so they can lure new prey. I think the girl gets off on watching her man abuse, fuck, and torture unsuspecting girls."

I faltered, but covered it up outwardly. "Get off my Mom and I'm not falling for this trick!" His smile was genuine and he worked for the DSS. They would never allow someone that messed up in the head in their ranks.

"Why are you defending a monster like him? Is he your true love or something?"

*Don't reveal anything that could be used against you. Hide your aces. Strike only if you have no other choice.*

Diana pulled back on her sleeve. Fire sparked around her, illuminating her skin. Nasty gashes ran up her arms. Burns marked several places on her skin. An eggplant sized bruise wrapped around her neck. "He did this to me after swooning me. His girlfriend held me down while he crisped me up. I can still hear him whispering, 'you liked my big dick stabbing you right? You came so many times around my huge cock baby! Let's try stabbing you with this!' And he stabbed me with a short blade. I only escaped because his squad leader returned. Told me he'd cut my tongue out if I informed them."

Everything in me froze to my bone worse than Trevor's water tidal waves. My true love was a sadistic maniac? It did make sense. Supposedly they were training with their squad leader, yet they spared time for me. The two of them were pretty cheesy too. I thought it was wholesome, but I was blinded by seeing my true love's aura.

The DSS was supposed to be a sanctuary for the weak. Somehow those two acted well enough that their own squad leaders didn't notice them abusing the system. They were the kind of monster's my Mom enjoyed killing. Monsters like them were the entire reason she became an assassin. As soon as my Mom was healed, she would have another mission ready for her.

Those monsters were clever. Working for the DSS was a genius cover.

"Let's make a deal." The demon lord spoke.

Diana spun around again, "oh Demon Lord, I thank you in advance for this reward." Her honeyed voice was already grating on me.

Again, Diana slammed her foot on my Mom's head. Blood was pooling around her.

"Having an assassin with such an innocent appearance as yours would come quite in handy. And handing my old friend's daughter a gift never hurts." He laughed, but I heard no joke.

"I'm not an assassin." I had no desire to be one either. All I craved was for a peaceful life; not one where I would constantly be on edge. The sight of blood made me nauseous too. I was barely able to hold down my lunch with all the gore in front of me.

"Very well, I already gained an assassin today anyway. Your Father will be pleased with me again, that's enough use for this girl."

I was irritated, but held back my words...barely. Mom taught me well and I wasn't anywhere near as physically strong, or elementally. I was outnumbered and had my mom's life at stake to add to the uneven equation.

"He would be happier if you let me carry a child for you, my Lord." The girl grumbled.

She must have been insane. Either that, or completely power hungry.

"No, I have the woman who will carry my heir picked out already. She just needs a few more years on her." The demon lord was targeting a minor. At least he was waiting until she was at a proper age. *Don't make a snide comment…*

The less they knew about me, or how I think the better. I waited in silence for one of the demons to explain the deal.

While Diana and the demon lord spoke about their 'never going to happen' relationship; I focused on the demon in the background.They had mentioned me being a 'reward', so I probably would be living with this demented demon woman. Maybe he and I could be friends. We both were clearly unwilling participants in their schemes.

"Your dear Mother has already agreed to work for me. She does great work, though a bit too noble. That will change, I assure you." The terrifying demon lord started. I was already grinding my teeth together. Mom's soul would be crushed. "As for you, since you do not wish to become an assassin, you'll belong to Diana completely. She will be able to do whatever she pleases with you; like a slave."

I squeezed my leg wound once again, keeping all the fear shaking at my core away from my face. There had to be a work around, or something I could do.

"I will warn you, after escaping that evil Trevor man, she became a bit… cruel." He shrugged.

I didn't utter a single word.

"In return, your Mom will be spared. If you do not agree, I will send her on a suicide mission. She may even get captured and tortured! Some people out there are very evil aren't they?" His cruel gray eyes peered into my very being. My blank slate was useless in his presence.

His fake concern enraged me further.

Slowly, I nodded my head. An evil gleam entered his gray eyes. "You half demons are so Goddamn easy! I wonder if the same trick will work on my little one. What do you think, lapdog?"

"I'm sure my Lord." He muttered obediently.

Satisfied, the demon lord backed and made room for Diana. Her aura almost radiated malicious intent and delight. Mom's words rang in my head about victims of torture. Many victims she had met were either acquiescent, or mirrored their tormentors. Both were in front of me. I looked at the 'lapdog' and my soon to be hell bringer. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of people they were before being abused.

"Are you ready, reward? We have to go home soon. My dad will get upset if I'm much later. I'm sure Demon Lord Shiuku and his bitch over in the corner want to go back to watching that girl right?"

Shiuku! Damn it all! Darren was a puppy compared to him!

Diana finally stepped off my Mom and retrieved her knife. Right, I was going to have to bare her mark. I agreed to the deal; this was all that was left.

My legs started shaking no matter how hard I squeezed on my injury. Still, I held out my hand to receive the blade. Diana made a new shallow cut across my wrist. She repeated the process on her wrist. Blood trickled from her wound into mine.

Pain shot through my entire body. I ripped my shirt by my heart. The throbbing suddenly stabbing from my veins up to my heart caused me to fall to my knees. I could feel my eyes going wide as a coughing fit took over. Spit dribbled from my mouth while the mark finished taking hold of me.

"Stay down there bitch. I like how you look on your knees." Diana giggled. This time she twirled on my back instead of my Mom's head.

Through the small slits I could manage against the pain, I peeked up at the demon of little words. He was thinking no one was watching him and for a split moment, he let his guard down. I could see the hurt and loneliness all over his features. Something was weighing heavy on him; heavier than this tormented demon girl using my body for a round of Dance Dance Revolution.

When she finally got off my broken back I gazed at her gleeful expression. Trevor must have completely caused her to snap. No one should enjoy hurting another so extensively. I know she could hear the bones breaking under her merry dance.

My face was planted in the mud and I had no energy to lift it again. Waves of chills spread throughout my entire body. My wet skin and hair reacted horribly to the cold breezes adding to my agony. Diana bent down to lift my head. I must have looked truly pitiful for her to 'aid' me.

"Kiss my shoes my special reward." She stuck out her glittering stiletto in front of my nose. I wanted to spit on them, but the mark would not allow it. This mark bound me to her and I still had my Mom to worry about.

As my lips kissed the expensive red stiletto, I pictured myself biting her. I may bear her mark, but my thoughts would remain my own. No matter how I was manipulated, or humiliated. I won't let myself break completely. I'll be quiet and hide my powers. My aces will stay hidden. I'll keep my emotions bottled up away from this poor soul destroyed by my true love.

*Trevor, I will make you and that girl pay for destroying Diana's innocence. You'll pay for creating a dangerous monster. I will make you regret everything I'm about to endure.*

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