
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 13 Zombie Siege

Luke checked all the rooms and confirmed that there was no danger. He called Tang Yanyan and said anxiously, "Is the teleportation function only available once every 24 hours?"

Tang Yanyan stretched and said, "The teleportation function resets at 8 o'clock every morning. As long as it's past 8 o'clock, you can use the teleportation function at any time of the day. It only limits you to use it once a day."

As soon as Tang Yanyan finished explaining, Luke immediately activated the teleportation function.

He had already planned that with the current situation of the town, relying on Xu Yun and his own firepower, they would undoubtedly be sending themselves to death. And he also noticed that someone was watching them in secret.

But he couldn't just watch the people in his team starve to death. The only way was to teleport back to the modern world and bring food from there.

Of course, the premise of this plan was that he could teleport. If he could only teleport every 24 hours, he would have to take the risk of searching for food.

From the dim living room to his own apartment in the modern world, it was just a breath away.

Luke rushed out of the apartment at his fastest speed and ran quickly towards the market.

Fortunately, the market was not too far from here. There was one across the street from his building. At full speed, it took him only a minute and a half to rush into the market.

Luke didn't have time to think. He ran straight into a rice shop, threw down three hundred yuan bills, picked up a 50kg bag of Thai fragrant rice, and grabbed a bunch of dried radishes outside the shop. He ran back to the apartment.

His actions were so swift that the shop owner didn't react for a while. When Luke's figure became farther and farther, the owner finally reacted and said, "Hey, wait a minute."

Luke thought the owner was going to give him change. He didn't look back and shouted, "It's okay, boss. You don't have to give me the change."

"No, the money is not enough!!!"

But Luke's shadow had already disappeared at the end of the road, leaving the rice shop owner in tears.

Luke's behavior was too flamboyant, making the people in the market stare in astonishment. Especially when they saw him carrying a 50kg bag of rice on his shoulder, he still ran very fast. Everyone started to talk.

A middle-aged man said to his wife next to him, "If I were ten years younger, I could run faster than him."

His wife immediately gave him a disgusted look. "You are indeed very fast..."

It took him a minute and a half to get back to the apartment. Luke originally wanted to put the rice in the space warehouse and teleport right away, but he thought of the date on the rice bag.

He had to find a wooden barrel for rice from the kitchen and pour the whole bag of rice into it. He threw the dried radishes and locked the lid.

He waved his hand and put it into the space warehouse.


Luke was in a hurry and it had been five minutes. He came out to the living room and took the rice barrel out of the space warehouse. He carried it on his shoulder and crawled out of the window he had torn open.

Standing on the window, he looked around and saw Xu Yun leading the zombies around a residential building. The zombies had increased from a dozen to about fifty.

Farther away, a large number of zombies began to swarm here. It would only take two or three minutes to block this place.

The 50kg rice was not very heavy for him, but the rice barrel was not convenient to carry. Luke looked at the five-meter-high distance and wanted to find a rope to climb down, but he couldn't find it.

"Luke, hurry up!!"

Seeing that Xu Yun was about to collapse, the automatic rifle could not suppress the zombies that were getting closer and closer.

Luke had a quick idea and tore off two pieces of curtains, tied them together, tied one end to the window's security net, and hung the other end to the ground, which was nearly four meters long.

He held the rice barrel on his shoulder with one hand and grabbed the curtain with the other. He gritted his teeth and slid down along the curtain.

He was 1.8 meters tall, plus the four-meter-long curtain, he easily landed on the ground.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Luke reflexively ran towards the fields outside the town and shouted, "Xu Yun, retreat!"

Xu Yun had already seen Luke appear on the window. He waited until Luke came down from the window, then he breathed a sigh of relief. He smashed the two zombies in front of him with the butt of his gun, turned around and ran, following Luke.

The intense gunfire had already alarmed the zombies. The dense zombie tide that came out had about three thousand zombies. They were only less than 20 meters away from Xu Yun.

The fields outside the town had been neglected for four years. It was summer, and the weeds in the fields were very lush, half a person high.

Luke and Xu Yun didn't care if there were zombies inside. They rushed into the grass.

Until now, Xu Yun really admired Luke.

The other party looked like he had a similar build to himself, no, he looked very thin, like a weak young man.

Xu Yun, who was born in the army, looked down on this kind of spoiled and dependent rich second generation. In this chaotic world, what they relied on to survive was strength.

But now it seems that the saying that you can't judge a book by its cover is really true.

Xu Yun looked at Luke, who was carrying a 50kg rice and still running fast, and felt admiration and confusion. What did this guy eat to grow up? He had been in the army for so many years, and he couldn't keep up with him.

In a moment of distraction, the two of them successfully shook off the zombies. It seemed that the zombies in the fields were all attracted by Xu Yun to the residential area. They didn't encounter any danger on their way.

They ran all the way and came to a dry ditch. They couldn't run anymore. They could only sit down and gasp for breath.

Luke put the rice barrel on his shoulder down and rubbed his two legs with his hands. The run just now made his two legs numb. Now that he relaxed, he felt even more numb.

Large drops of sweat rolled down from his forehead, flowed into his eyes, and he didn't care to wipe them. His T-shirt was soaked with sweat and stuck to his body, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

His calves were burning like fire. He knew this was definitely a serious accumulation of lactic acid. He was now a puddle of mud, and he had no strength. He just wanted to lie in the ditch and rest for at least an hour.

Luke opened the lid of the rice barrel and revealed the white rice.

He ignored Xu Yun's stunned look and dug out a bag of dried radishes from the rice. Immediately, a strong radish aroma filled the air, making Xu Yun's mouth water.

Luke was a bit proud and said, "How about it? Enough for us to eat for a few days."

Xu Yun nodded desperately. He wiped the saliva that flowed down his mouth and cursed, "Damn, I haven't eaten rice for more than two years. This time I have to eat seven or eight bowls, and eat enough at once!"

Luke just smiled and closed the lid of the rice barrel. He said, "I don't know if those zombies will chase out. We'd better hurry back to the minibus and leave this town as soon as possible."

The two of them had just climbed out of the ditch when they heard a crisp gunshot from afar.

Xu Yun frowned and waited until he identified the direction. His face turned pale. "Not good, the gunshot came from the minibus."

Luke didn't need to think to know that it must be Li Luoran and the others who encountered zombies. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a dense gunfire.

They couldn't rest any more. They had to stand up and limp towards the minibus.