
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 The Danger

Luke left in a hurry yesterday, and he didn't have much impression of the town in his memory. Today, as he walked through the familiar streets again, he felt differently.

The whole town was filled with a gloomy and lonely atmosphere. On both sides of the road, there were scattered old houses that were broken and dilapidated. The walls were peeling off, and the doors and windows were tightly closed.

"Is this the world after humans disappeared?"

Luke seemed to sense someone watching him in his heart. He looked at the abandoned commercial buildings in the center of the town, but only saw dead silence.

Only the wind was sobbing among the ruins. It seemed that this place had been forgotten by the world, and it was gradually fading away in this wasteland.

"The collapse of civilization." Luke was a little depressed. He suddenly noticed the sprouts under his feet, and after a moment of silence, he finally smiled: "And the new life on the ruins!"

Xu Yun was a bit serious, his cold face was full of killing intent. He held his automatic rifle tightly and watched the surroundings vigilantly. He said in a low voice: "Finding food is the primary goal, but if we have a chance, we should try to find some vehicles that can still start."

Luke nodded: "It shouldn't be hard to find a car. There are so many on the road. There must be some that can start."

"These cars won't work." Xu Yun sighed: "These vehicles are all powered by electricity. On the one hand, it's hard for us to get a lot of electricity."

"On the other hand, these cars are also limited to the city. We need to cross the mountains and rivers. It's better to look for fuel cars. The fuel is easy to store and carry, and the electronic parts are less, which is easy to repair."

Luke suddenly realized: "Then where are there more fuel cars?"

"Car recycling station! Our minibus was picked up from there. Now, except for some special vehicles, only the old cars from decades ago are still using fuel."

Luke could only spread his hands helplessly: "Well, it seems that finding a car is also a hassle."


On the roof of the commercial building in the center of the town, a short man quietly shrank back behind the cover. He wore a leather vest on his upper body, and his dry chest muscles were violently ups and downs, showing his uneasy heart.

"What's wrong with that guy? How could he find me from such a distance? Could he be..."

He put down his binoculars and hesitated for a moment before taking out his communicator.

"Calling the captain, this is Vulture. I found a foreign team in Yu Huai Town. Calling the captain..."

There was no echo in the communicator for a long time, only the noise caused by the current. Just when the vest man was getting anxious, the communicator finally came with a calm man's voice. He seemed to be busy and was directing his men.

"Baldy, you take those extra ones away. Old Three! How many times have I told you, three people in a group, rotate in groups to maintain fire suppression! Don't you understand, hurry up and deal with it!"

After a while, the man finally freed up some time.

"Hello? Vulture? Outsiders? How many of them are there, and how strong are they?"

Vulture quickly reported what he saw to the captain: "They have a minibus outside the town. It's too far to see how many people are on the car. There are two men in the town looking for supplies. They should be their main combat personnel. They should not have more than ten people in total."

The captain's voice suddenly became cold: "You can't handle ten people?"

Vulture's heart trembled. He knew that the captain was going to get angry. If he couldn't give a reasonable explanation, he would probably have no good end.

"Captain, listen to me, one of those men seems to be an evolver!"

"You exposed yourself?"

The captain's tone eased slightly and continued to ask. Vulture quickly assured him anxiously:

"Absolutely not. I hid on the roof of the commercial building in the center of the town. It was very far away, but the man seemed to feel my peeping. He glanced at my position."

After a moment of silence, the captain's voice continued: "Interesting. It sounds like a weak team, but there is an evolver. Vulture, you continue to observe their movements."

Then the captain seemed to move the communicator away, and Vulture could only hear a few words vaguely.

"Baldy, you take those extra ones over and give them a welcome gift."


Although the zombies were less active during the day, they could still encounter one or two zombies wandering around. Luke and Xu Yun tried to avoid them as much as possible, so their speed was very slow.

But they found that there were more and more zombies in the town.

They could also see a few zombies fighting each other from time to time. The loser was quickly torn apart by the winner, and several or even dozens of zombies swallowed its rotten flesh with big mouths.

Luke remembered that this street was the street he ran away from yesterday. He had attracted thousands of zombies when he ran. This road was impossible to pass.

He gestured to Xu Yun, and the two slowly bypassed the intersection.

Luke lowered his voice and said, "Most of the zombies in the town were attracted by me yesterday. This way, there should be fewer zombies in other places."

Xu Yun nodded and said, "The zombies have a very sensitive sense of smell and hearing. We only have seven minutes of safe activity time. If we exceed that, we will soon be surrounded by them."

The two reached the side of the town, which was far away from where the zombies gathered. It was a residential area.

Luke pulled out the map function of his space-time watch and quickly found the map of the town.

He looked at it quietly for a while, forcibly memorized the map of the residential area, and then pointed to one of the residential buildings and said to Xu Yun:

"There are too many zombies in the town, and the risk is too high. The residential buildings here are relatively safe, and there is a high probability of food. I think we have to try it."

Xu Yun hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Isn't this too dangerous? The disaster broke out too suddenly. There must be a lot of zombies in the building. And the terrain in the residential area is complex. It's not easy for us to retreat."

Luke licked his lips and said confidently: "I checked the supermarket in the town yesterday. Almost everything that could be moved was taken away by people. Even if we rush into the supermarket, we will get nothing, but we will alarm a large number of zombies. You will lure the zombies downstairs away later, and I will go in and look for food."

Xu Yun was not a drag either. He said: "Okay, you have to be as fast as possible. I can only hold them for five or six minutes at most. When the noise starts, it will definitely attract more zombies."

Luke gave Xu Yun an ok gesture, and Xu Yun rushed out like an arrow, casually shooting at the dozen or so zombies wandering around.

A zombie was directly shot in the head and fell down, and the others pounced on Xu Yun.

He ran and shot, and circled to the other side. After successfully attracting the attention of these zombies, Luke, who had been ready to go, rushed towards the residential building in front of him.

The residential building was five meters high on each floor. If it were before, Luke would never be able to climb up.

But now that his physical fitness had been enhanced, the impossible became easy.

Luke sprinted and jumped, and without much effort, he jumped more than three meters high, allowing him to successfully grab the air conditioner outside.

His movements were like a monkey, light and agile. He almost used the inertia of the bounce, and Luke jumped to the second floor from the windowsill.

The windows on the second floor had iron pipes welded into anti-theft nets, but they couldn't stop him. He put his pistol back into the space library, wiped the sweat from his hands, and grabbed the iron pipes on the anti-theft net with both hands. He pulled hard and twisted the iron pipes open.


The distorted metal made a sharp and piercing scream, and finally tore a big hole.

Luke shook his arm, relieved the soreness, and although he had increased his strength by two times, tearing the steel anti-theft net was still a bit difficult.

He carefully pushed open the glass window behind the anti-theft net, took out his pistol, and listened carefully. After confirming that there was no movement of zombies, he jumped in from the opening and quickly disappeared under the curtain.

This was a large living room. The living room was in a mess. The original neat carpet was trampled by the footsteps, leaving traces of chaos.

The vase and photo frame on the coffee table were crooked, and one of the vases had fallen to the ground, and the fragments were scattered everywhere.

Only on the white wall, there was a portrait of a family of four.

Luke glanced at it. The photo was of a couple in their fifties, and standing in front of them were a son and a daughter, probably in their twenties.

Looking at their happy smiles on their faces, they must have been a very happy family before the Blood Moon Disaster broke out.