
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 14 Unknown Enemy

"The minibus was clearly about two kilometers away from the town, how could it suddenly attract a large number of zombies?"

As Luke was puzzled, they could already see the minibus from afar.

As Xu Yun had expected, two or three hundred zombies that twisted their bodies had surrounded the minibus.

Li Luoran and Wang Tianxing only had one automatic rifle and a pistol, and their firepower could not stop them at all. Even the minibus had begun to sway under the attack of the zombies, and there was a possibility of overturning at any time.

Seeing the situation was critical, Luke threw the rice bucket to Xu Yun and said, "I'll go save them."

Without waiting for Xu Yun to say anything, Luke had already rushed out with all his strength.

That non-human speed made Xu Yun amazed. He was afraid that even Wu Jin, who was known as the devil instructor in the special forces back then, might not be able to run at such a speed, especially Luke's explosive power, which made Xu Yun shocked.

"Old people and children gather in the middle of the carriage, prevent the minibus from being overturned! Tianxing, you go to the back where there are fewer zombies, I'll take care of the front!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Luke had already heard Li Luoran's anxious voice, and his speed increased again. With just a few leaps, his figure quickly flew over a large area of farmland and reached the asphalt road.

"Hey! Zombies! There is fresh flesh and blood here, come on!"

He shouted loudly at a distance of tens of meters from the minibus, trying to attract the zombies over.

The zombies on the periphery obviously also noticed Luke, and more than a dozen of them threw away the minibus and pounced on him.

Luke clenched his fist in the air, and the next second the pistol in the space warehouse automatically appeared in his hand.

"02-type pistol, a scheme proposed by the Special Police Corps in 2100, designed by the Light Weapons Design Bureau, and officially equipped by the Special Police Force in 2102. It has the characteristics of low recoil, high power, large bullet capacity, and can use special explosive bullets."

As if it was a skill that came with his birth, Luke whispered the information that appeared in his mind.

The zombies didn't care what the human in front of them was shouting and then standing still, they only knew that meat could fill their stomachs, and their claws had already swung at Luke!!

"I know you zombies with no brains can't understand, but I want to say that this pistol has eighteen bullets!"

Luke dodged the zombie's attack, grabbed the zombie's wrist with his left hand, and pressed the pistol against the zombie's chin with his right hand, and pulled the trigger directly!


Close-range shooting, the power of the gunpowder directly blew up the zombie's skull, and the white brain splashed like rain, sprinkling the ground.

The ejected bullet shell fell to the ground, making a crisp metal collision sound.


Luke counted the number with a blank expression, his voice like a cold wind in winter!

The moment the hunter moved from stillness to motion, it usually meant the beginning of killing.

His eyes became sharp and piercing, and all his attention was locked on the target. This kind of high concentration brought a qualitative leap to his reaction speed and accuracy. Time and space seemed to stop in his eyes, and he could predict every small movement of the target.

"Raise your hand, take a step, open your mouth."

Every time Luke said a command, a zombie would do the corresponding action. No, it was not the zombies who cooperated with him, but he had seen through the zombies' movements!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


His breathing became slow and steady, his muscles relaxed, and his gun-holding hand was like a poisonous snake, finding the right angle to blow up the zombie's skull every time.

All his thoughts were emptied, and at this moment there was only him, the bullet and the target, and the dense gunfire sounded.

"Bang bang...bang bang..."

"Twelve, oh? There is also a bullet that penetrated two? I made a profit!"

Luke was like a god of death, and the zombies in front of him became lambs to be slaughtered. He walked leisurely among the zombies, cold, meticulous, and never missed, this was a kind of almost cruel killing momentum.

A minute later, he blew the gunpowder from the muzzle, and his eyes swept over the fields around him sharply. He didn't see any abnormalities before he put the pistol on his waist and walked towards the minibus, and the sound of "thump thump" falling to the ground came from behind him.

After Luke walked away, in the field, a bald man wearing leather clothes and leather pants quickly released his hand. In order not to be discovered by Luke, he covered his mouth and nose and almost suffocated himself.

He crawled carefully on the ground, tiptoed slowly away from Luke and his group, until he pulled a safe distance before he took out the communicator.

"Call the boss, I'm Baldy! I have a major discovery!"

"Zi~zi~zi, hello? Baldy? I told you to lure away the extra zombies, why haven't you come back?"

After a burst of noise, the captain's impatient voice came from the communicator.

"Boss! They have a second-order evolver!"

"Are you sure!?" The captain's voice suddenly rose by eight degrees.

"Definitely not wrong! A first-order evolver is only twice as strong as a normal person, but that guy is obviously much stronger than a first-order, killing zombies like playing."

Sweat wetted Baldy's head, and his bald head shone like a light bulb under the sun.

"You come back first, our primary target is this second-order zombie! Don't worry about them for now."

The captain of this group decisively issued the order to retreat.


"Bang bang bang..."

Luke emptied the last six bullets in his pistol, and the fallen zombies became a slope. He didn't stop, rushed up the slope, stepped on the zombies' shoulders and heads, and drilled into the minibus through the window.


Luke ejected the magazine and reached out to Li Luoran.

But what surprised Luke was that Li Luoran had no intention of giving him bullets. After knocking down two zombies on the ground, she said bluntly, "There are no more bullets for the 02-type pistol."

Luke looked incredulous. If there were no bullets, the pistol in his hand would be worth less than a piece of scrap iron.


Seeing the zombies coming up again, Luke cursed, smashed the pistol on the face of the approaching zombie, pulled out a steel pipe from the minibus, and jumped out of the car window.

He smashed the head of a nearby zombie with the steel pipe.

Luke's strength, which was twice that of a normal person, and this blow was almost exhausting, you can imagine the scene of smashing a watermelon with a baseball bat, the zombie's head burst open.

The black liquid splashed all over Luke, emitting an unbearable stench, but this could not hide his murderous aura, he raised his eyes and glared, and even the zombies subconsciously retreated.

But Luke didn't want to let them go, he posed a stick technique, and the steel pipe flew, and another zombie's neck was broken, and the whole head rolled on the road for a few laps before stopping.

"Bong, it is to use the elasticity of the stick to hit the enemy; Bo, it is to use the stick to bounce off the opponent's weapon; Press, it is to use the stick to press the opponent's weapon or body parts."

"Cover, it is to use the stick to block the opponent's attack or sight; Pick, it is to use the front end of the stick to provoke the opponent's vital parts; Stab, it is to use the front end of the stick to poke the opponent's abdomen or crotch."

Luke recited the stick technique formula in his heart, and the martial arts transmitted to him by Nuwa were quickly integrated into his body.

He swung the steel pipe almost instinctively, and this seemingly chaotic swing was directly and effectively smashing the heads of one zombie after another.

It was only a few minutes, and the zombies who attacked were either smashed by Luke or shot by Li Luoran and Wang Tianxing, leaving a pile of corpses on the ground.

It was not until all the zombies were killed that Xu Yun came panting with the rice bucket.

Luke was not well either. He killed half of the nearly three hundred zombies by himself. He leaned on the bent steel pipe and leaned on the minibus tire.

"Luke, how are you?"

Xu Yun looked at Luke, who had almost become a blood man, and quickly put down the rice bucket and helped him to the seat of the minibus.

The pressure just now was really great, and Li Luoran and Wang Tianxing were pale and bloodless after clearing the zombies. They hadn't eaten for three days, and even their breathing was so weak.

The three old and three young in the car were also scared pale, after all, this was the first time they were attacked by so many zombies along the way.

"Go! Go first!"