
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 Return to Town

"Beauty captain, squat... down...."

Luke's physical abilities were twice that of an ordinary person, he could react, but the bullet path was blocked by Li Luoran, he couldn't shoot.

"Luke, why are you talking so slowly? Is this a hallucination before death?"

It seemed that even blinking became slow, she could even feel her eyelids, slowly closing.

Xu Yun and Wang Tianxing beside her could hit, but they couldn't react at all, their roars and shouts slowly entered Li Luoran's ears, but she couldn't hear what they said!

"No! I don't want to die! I haven't reached the base in Tianbei Province!!!"

Adrenaline was rapidly accelerating secretion, she suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes jumping with angry flames, her body did not know where the strength came from, she backhanded a gun butt smashed in the mutant dog's face, the violent force directly smashed the mutant dog out.

Perhaps it was the reason why the automatic rifle was smashed, the jammed bullet actually recovered, Li Luoran followed the intuition in her heart, casually shot in the air, the last bullet in the magazine accurately hit the target.

The caliber of the automatic rifle was quite large, the powerful bullet instantly took away half of the head of the black dog.

The black dog that lost its head fell from the air and hit the road, blinked and was thrown out by the minibus.

"Luoran, how are you?"

"Captain, are you okay?"

Xu Yun and Wang Tianxing's inquiries came one after another, Li Luoran skillfully changed the magazine, without lifting her head, said:

"Fuck! Of course I'm fine, it's too early to want me to die, full fire! Kill the remaining one!"

It's hard to imagine that this vulgar language came from the gentle and kind captain's mouth, everyone looked at each other for a moment, even Luke wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Fuck! Watch out for that dog!"

Li Luoran popped out another swear word from her mouth.

Only to see another mutant dog in the moment when everyone's fire power paused, took the opportunity to jump up, with the experience of the previous dog, it actually learned to be smart, did not jump so high.

But the whole body hung on the rear of the car, its sharp claws, even tore the iron skin behind the minibus.

It pulled its powerful front legs, the whole body jumped up again, opened its mouth and bit towards Wang Tianxing on the roof of the car.

"Go to your mother beast! You also perform a double jump?"

A meter-long machete appeared in the air, the sharp blade flashed a silver light, directly cut off the head of the black dog in mid-air.

Like turning on the shower switch, a large amount of black blood sprayed from the dog's neck, spraying Wang Tianxing all over.

The person who made the knife was Xu Yun, who was exhausted, his right arm hung softly on his shoulder, as if there was no bone.

But he still quickly kicked the dog's head that fell in the car, still opening and closing its mouth, out of the car.

After doing these things, he sat down on the debris, gasping heavily.

Wang Tianxing returned to the car with a dull face, just when everyone wondered if he was scared silly, he suddenly showed a miserable smile with his bloody face:

"FFFFuck! Xu my brother, you are awesome!"

Everyone was speechless, only Li Luoran threw him a rag, and said:

"Hurry up and wipe it, you are full of blood, don't eat it in your mouth and get infected."

It was not until they cleared the two mutant black dogs that followed them that they were safe, and the minibus drove out of the village without looking back, watching the zombies that could no longer catch up, everyone's nerves that had been tense finally relaxed.

The battle just now was extremely dangerous, the whole battle from start to finish lasted less than five minutes.

If they had a little hesitation, they would be surrounded by zombies.

Especially the mutant dogs that came out later, if it weren't for Li Luoran, Xu Yun, and Wang Tianxing's desperate efforts, they might have already jumped on the car.

Although everyone did their best, the butt of the minibus was still torn apart by the mutant black dog, and the car was almost scrapped before reaching the town.

The only good news is that after leaving the village, there are empty fields on both sides of the road, with only one or two wandering zombies, but they pose no threat to the minibus.

For the whistling minibus, they have no chance of catching up, occasionally some blocking in the middle of the road, Luke stepped on the accelerator, directly hit them flying.

No one spoke along the way, everyone was trying to rest, but without supplies, how much physical strength could they recover?


Far away, the outline of the building appeared, and the minibus soon arrived near the town.


The rusty brake pads locked the brake disc, making a toothy high-frequency noise, the minibus trembled and slowly stopped, the half zombie head hanging on the front bumper fell to the ground, making a "pop" sound.


With the sound of the hydraulic rod exhaust, the door slowly opened, Luke walked down the minibus, looked at the familiar big pit on the side of the road, turned his head and said to everyone in the car:

"The town is ahead, the terrain here is relatively open, and it is some distance away from where the zombies gather, as long as you guard against it, there should be no problem."

Li Luoran thought for a while, Luke was now acting with everyone, he should not design any traps.

She checked carefully again, and indeed did not see any zombies around, so she decided to get off the bus here.

The only ones in the team who had combat power were Li Luoran, Xu Yun, Wang Tianxing and Luke.

After getting off the bus, Li Luoran called them all together: "We have been out of food for three days, and the old and young in the team are hungry and dizzy, and if we can't find food, we can only starve to death."

"The town ahead is our only hope, we must find food no matter what!"

Li Luoran paused, looked at the sun that had begun to fall, and continued:

"We don't have much time left, except for Wang Tianxing who has a leg injury and stays behind the minibus, the rest will follow me to find food in the town, and try to come back before dark!"

For Li Luoran's decision, Xu Yun and Wang Tianxing had no opinion, but Luke disagreed.

He ran into a few zombies here yesterday, those strong peasant zombies, although he didn't know where they wandered, but Luke could definitely say that they should still be nearby, because there was another big pit on the side of the road!

Now there are two big pits, it should be that they smelled the residual smell of Luke's reappearance, but they couldn't find anyone, so they dug another pit, trying to find Luke, zombies have little brains, but they are very strong.

With Wang Tianxing's strength alone, I'm afraid it would be hard to take care of everything.

Once a lot of noise is made, it is more likely to attract more zombies, so you need enough firepower to solve them in a short time.

Luke's worry also made sense, Li Luoran hesitated for a while and said: "In that case, Xu Yun stays with Wang Tianxing and guards the minibus, I and Luke go to the town to find food together."

Xu Yun shook his head and said: "Luoran, you should stay and guard the minibus, there must be a lot of zombies in the town, you haven't eaten anything for three days, your physical strength must be insufficient, it's easy to die in the hands of zombies."

Li Luoran argued: "But Xu Yun, you haven't eaten anything for three days either..."

Xu Yun waved his hand, interrupting Li Luoran's words, showing a confident smile, he patted his sturdy chest: "Don't worry, when I was in the army, I trained in cross-country, three days without eating or drinking, still alive and kicking."

"Captain, don't worry, we will definitely find food, you just wait here with peace of mind!"

Luke echoed Xu Yun, he stayed in the town for a night yesterday, knowing that the danger level of the town is far more than the village just now, in case they really alarmed a large number of zombies, Xu Yun obviously could provide more help.

Speaking of this, Luke joked: "It's best to boil water with a pot, we'll come back and wash the rice directly."

Li Luoran smiled slightly, she wanted to hand the automatic rifle to Luke, but was rejected by Luke.

Luke raised his pistol: "I have this enough, there are too many zombies in the town, giving me the rifle is a waste, you keep it, and provide some firepower for the minibus."

In fact, Luke's space warehouse still had several packs of instant noodles, but the space warehouse was a secret that he absolutely couldn't tell anyone, he took it out directly, and he would definitely be suspected by them.

And more importantly, the instant noodles in his space warehouse had outer packaging, and the production date on it could not be discovered by anyone.

The best way was for Luke to separate from Xu Yun after entering the town, and then take out the food, which would also make it easier to explain.