
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 The Mutant Black Dog

"Bang! Bang bang!"

The gunfire never stopped, as Xu Yun, who was at the front of the car, kept pulling the trigger of his automatic rifle. The hot bullets spun out of the barrel, piercing through the skin, skull, and brain of one zombie after another.

The zombies that were close to the car twitched and fell to the ground, their lives taken away by the headshots. After their nervous system was destroyed, they would never be able to move again.

Maybe after some time, nature would turn them into fertilizer, and let them return to the natural cycle. Compared to their miserable existence when they were alive, this might be a kind of relief.

But Luke didn't have the leisure to care about them. There were more zombies gathering in front of him. He gritted his teeth, and drove the minibus over the zombies without slowing down.

"Kaz, kaz..."

Amid the noise of the car engine, Xu Yun's roar, the bullets' rain, and the zombies' howl, Luke suddenly heard a strange sound.

He soon realized that it was the sound of bones being crushed by the tires. This made him feel terrified, his hair standing on end, and his speed also slowed down a bit.

Luke was a modern person, who had never experienced such a thrilling thing. Moreover, the zombies still retained most of their human appearance. Not many normal people could adapt to this right away.

Maybe Xu Yun sensed Luke's hesitation. He shot two zombies while slapping Luke's shoulder hard. He yelled angrily at Luke:

"I know you were a rich kid, spoiled and pampered, but now! Show some courage! Be a man! Every time you hesitate, you bring us closer to hell!"

"Fuck! I know that!"

Luke knew that it was either them or the zombies. But he didn't want to die, so he had to choose to send the zombies away. At worst, he would kill them and then burn some paper money for them, to make them live better in the underworld.

He shook off Xu Yun's hand, and turned the steering wheel sharply, finding a gap where the zombies were sparse and drove through. He stepped on the gas pedal so hard that he almost broke it. He was not satisfied with this, and took out his pistol from his waist, shooting a zombie that was approaching from the side.

Xu Yun was stunned by Luke's action of shaking off his hand and talking back to him. But when he saw Luke's bravery, he curled his lips and showed a smile. Then he turned his head and continued to suppress the zombies.

The zombies were strange creatures. They looked rotten and slow, but they had more strength and physical defense than ordinary people. If they didn't cause fatal injuries, bullets were useless against them.

But their heads were their weakness. Once their nervous system was damaged, their tireless bodies and tough limbs would become extremely fragile.

Luke didn't doubt that the zombies that were run over by the minibus had turned into a puddle of flattened flesh.

When the minibus entered the village, hundreds of zombies had emerged from both sides. Fortunately, they had no intelligence, and didn't know how to wait until there were more zombies to form a real encirclement. Instead, they formed small groups of zombies according to their speed.

The situation was not too serious, but Luke and his companions didn't have much time left.

Xu Yun, Li Luoran, and Wang Tianxing never stopped shooting. Occasionally, Luke also fired two shots. One by one, the zombies were killed by them. The flames from the automatic rifles kept harvesting the lives of these zombies.

Because there were more and more zombies, Xu Yun and his companions didn't bother to aim for the head anymore. They just sprayed a burst of bullets, trying to stop their steps.

"Damn! These brainless things!"

Luke suddenly cursed, as he saw the road ahead was completely blocked by twenty slow zombies. The congestion was so bad that even the zombies themselves were stuck and couldn't move.

If they couldn't break through them before more zombies came, their chances of survival would become slim.

Xu Yun also saw the situation ahead. He decisively said: "Hit them!"

Luke gave a bitter smile. What other way was there besides this?

The front bumper of the old minibus was already shaky after the continuous collisions, but under Luke's driving, it still maintained the same speed and rushed over.


There was a loud noise, and the front of the minibus was hit hard. The metal was dented, and the zombies were not much better. The ones on the outside were directly knocked away, and the black and stinky blood fell from the sky like rain.

Luke turned on the wiper in time to keep the vision clear. He was fine with half a windshield, but Xu Yun was miserable. Without the windshield to protect him, the blood of the zombies turned him into a bloody man with a foul smell.

Xu Yun seemed to be used to it, and wiped the blood off his face without caring. Then he continued to shoot the zombies that tried to pounce on him.

The zombies that were knocked away fell heavily on the road, and then were run over by the minibus. They wouldn't die unless their nervous system was destroyed.

A zombie that had its lower body crushed by the minibus still opened its mouth, and crawled on the road with its two hands, trying to catch up with the speeding minibus.

Xu Yun's rifle never stopped. He changed the magazine very quickly. It took him less than three seconds to change a magazine. The empty magazines were handed to the old people and children in the car to reload.

He didn't even blink his eyes when facing the splashing blood. His rifle accurately killed the zombies that attempted to jump on him.

The zombies were ferocious, but in front of the minibus that was running at more than 70 kilometers per hour, their fate was only to be knocked away or run over by the minibus.

The pile of zombies in front of them was cleared in a blink of an eye.

This battered minibus was like a road roller at this moment, and no zombie that approached it could escape from being crushed under its chassis. It miraculously pressed out a bloody road in the zombie pile!

Xu Yun and his companions didn't change their expressions, but Luke was shocked. His heart was beating fast. What he was experiencing now was much more exciting than the movies.

He was about to drive out of the village, and he calmed down a bit. Suddenly, two shadows sprang out from the side of the road. They were very fast, and in a blink of an eye, they caught up with the minibus.

Through the rearview mirror, Luke could clearly see that two big black dogs were chasing the minibus. They were very fast, and almost bit the tail of the car.

Wang Tianxing, who had been staying at the rear of the car, had already hidden in the car, leaving only his upper body out of the roof for shooting.

As soon as the two mutated black dogs jumped out, he shot frantically, trying to kill them. But these mutated creatures had much better qualities than ordinary zombies.

They dodged most of Wang Tianxing's bullets with their agile speed and slender body. Even if some bullets hit their bodies, they only slowed them down a bit.

Compared to zombies, they were more difficult to deal with. They had amazing flexibility, and it was hard to hit their heads.

If any of the mutated dogs jumped into the car, everyone on the car would become their food. No one could escape, including Xu Qiang!

Li Luoran, who had been guarding the side of the minibus, also became anxious. Her soft voice became hoarse:

"Luke, speed up!"

She didn't care about defending the side anymore. The three of them rushed to the rear of the car and shot at the black dogs behind them, trying their best to stop them. The gunfire was dense.

"This is the fastest!"

Luke was speechless. He stood up, trying to keep the car from hitting any obstacles and overturning, while also shooting at the zombies that attacked the gap left by Li Luoran. He was really having a hard time.

The black dogs were very fast. One of them felt that the distance was close enough, and lowered its body, then leaped towards Li Luoran. In the air, it opened its mouth wide, and its whole head split in half from the top.

At this critical moment, Li Luoran's automatic rifle jammed!

She seemed to have encountered this situation for the first time, and she was stunned on the spot. The mutated dog came with a gust of wind, and Li Luoran could smell the rotten stench from its mouth. She felt that time was slowed down.