
Boxing match in the murim

"Mocked and overlooked my whole life, but my agony ends here and now! I'm taking up boxing!" While extradimensional beings named “Breakers” scheme in the shadows, protagonist Mo-Han Jin, tired of being the typical chubby high school kid, decides to throw punches like a boxer. He enrolls in a boxing gym nearby, encountering various characters who will generally help him grow as a person, teaching him discipline and kindness along the way.

Ihatefish · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: A ritual to change

It's now the morning of the next day. Mo-Han had slept until 8:00 AM, finding himself alone at home. After a hearty stretch, he headed to Spartan Buddies gym.

"Good morning... it's Mo-Han... with your permission."

He announced loudly upon entering, noticing no one at the reception.

(Strange... no one's here.)

Undeterred, he continued into the gym. However, as soon as he stepped inside, he fell into what seemed like an endless void, surrounded by moving stars until he landed on a platform.

"Oh, you came earlier than expected, Mo-Han! I was about to call you."

Ms. Han Guk said, observing a startled Mo-Han who'd experienced about three heart attacks during the "fall."

"C-couldn't you have told me about that before the whole f-f-fall thing?"

Mo-Han stammered, shaking, before collapsing onto his knees with a forced smile.

"HAHAHA! No need to be so scared! Your brother was way less frightened the first time he descended here."

Gun chuckled, receiving a hit on the back from Ms. Han Guk.

"Pay no attention to this idiot. Get up; we have things to do today."

Ms. Han Guk helped Mo-Han stand, making him look around.

They were in what seemed like the interior of a temple, at the center of it. Behind Mo-Han was a landing platform used for transport. Columns soared to incalculable heights, adorned with beautiful frescoes depicting people fighting monstrous beings and what seemed like deities.

"Mo-Han, welcome to the sacred jade pavilion."

Mo-Han was awestruck, as if enchanted.

"Now, Mo-Han, we'll perform your awakening ritual so you can harness your latent power and begin real training... to change yourself."

Ms. Han Guk said, looking ahead, while Gun, with a smile, observed Mo-Han.

Mo-Han, almost teary-eyed, couldn't believe what he was seeing or hearing.


Ms. Han Guk put Mo-Han inside what seemed like a circle with inscriptions in Chinese and Hindu. Meanwhile, Gun had his hands on Mo-Han's back, seemingly doing nothing.

"Get comfortable; you'll feel some pain at first... but when your Spirit Core fully forms, you'll be an entirely new man."

Ms. Han Guk said, blowing a kiss to Mo-Han, who lowered his head, redirecting the kiss toward Gun.

"You stupid rascal! I'm gonna beat you up real good next time!"

Gun said, slapping Mo-Han on the head.

"Ouch… Alright… I'm ready for the ritual!"

Mo-Han said, closing his eyes.

(In a few, he was ready for the Soul Awakening Ritual... I have to give him credit for his determination.)

Ms. Han Guk thought, activating the magical circle where Mo-Han stood.

Meanwhile, Gun was infusing his energy, assisting Mo-Han's untrained body in forming his Spirit Core.

In the agony of Mo-Han and with the help of Gun and Ms. Han Guk, Mo-Han's Spirit Core fully formed, leaving him drained of any energy... even to stay awake.

An hour later, Mo-Han woke up in the same place as before, but now shirtless. He saw Ms. Han Guk behind him with a smile, chuckling.

"Huh... what is she doing above m- OUCH!"

Without letting him finish, Ms. Han Guk removed three needles from his back that had been connected to specific points on his body... points he didn't yet know the purpose of.

"Well, boy... now your training begins."

Ms. Han Guk said, with a more unsettling smile than usual, as Gun watched from the sidelines while preparing weapons.

(Oh, crap...)

{What is a Spirit Core? How does the Murim work? And in all this, what is Mo-Han's brother's role... at S University?!}

To be continued!